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Kuno LORENZ (Lorenz Kuno)

( German philosopher.)

Comments for Kuno LORENZ (Lorenz Kuno)
Biography Kuno LORENZ (Lorenz Kuno)
(p. 1932)
Born September 17, 1932 in Vahdorfe. He studied mathematics and physics at the University of Kiel, in 1961 under the leadership of Paul Lorenzen doctorate in philosophy. Her pieces were later published in the dialogical logic (Dialogische Logik, 1978), written jointly with P. Lorenzen. Gabilitatsionny work of the critical elements of language (Elemente der Sprachritik) defended in 1969 (publ. 1970). In 1970-1974 - Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hamburg, from 1974 to 1988 - Professor Saarlandskogo University in Saarbrц?cken.
Lorenz - the representative of the first generation of Erlangen school, whose base is connected with the book and Lorenzen Kamlaha Logical propedeutics (1967). On the one hand, . Lorenz, . Like other representatives of this school, . puts forward a program of building a constructive philosophy and theory of science based on the critically reconstructed language; methodological principle is that advocated a gradual, . does not succumb to the vicious circle of introduction to the theoretical discourse of language aids,
. On the other hand, this program follows the dialogical principle that our speech and our action is rooted in elementary dialogical situations. The way the two sides approach Erlangen school linked, defined the notion of the essence of philosophical constructivism, in the initial period of the school was given a presentation of this philosophy of Kant. In the course of further work under the influence of Lorentz 'linguistic turn', . improved analytical philosophy, . evolved toward pragmatism, . insisting on the rootedness of philosophical activity in the life-world (as, . however, . Husserl insisted that already),
. The thesis of the primacy of the dialogical principle has led to the development of the Lorentz dialogical constructivism, which claims a common origin of the dialog, and utterances (speech). Lorenz also displays two important consequences arising from both the philosophical historicism (Dilthey), as well as from philosophical pragmatism (Pierce). Historicism stresses the passive side of the action (as experience), and pragmatism - his side of the active (act as activity-being, being-in-action). Lorenz binds together the role of 'you' in the structure of the (allocated Dilthey) and the role of 'I' in this structure (stress Pierce). The one-sidedness of both approaches is related, . according to the Lorentz, . so, . that pragmatism takes landmark action for the activity as such, . and historicism (according to which every action is an action in connection with the signs) understands the work as language, . ie,
. reduces it to the sign of. True, . followers of Dilthey (eg, . Buber) and Pierce (in particular, . Wittgenstein) have attempted to supplement their teachers: Buber put forward a requirement of mutual recognition of I and Thou in meaningful utterance and focused on comprehension of the meaning of hearing, . as Wittgenstein argued, . that language games are dialogical model as an expression, . and actions,
. However, they still could not overcome one-sidedness of historicism and pragmatism. Truly, said Lorenz, to avoid the reduction of theory to practice, taking place in Wittgenstein's attention and practice to theory, characteristic of Buber, allows only dialogical constructivism. This problem is solved by the simultaneous implementation of the 'naturalization of language' (language, . the extent, . in which it is assimilated, . also have activities) and 'spiritualizing world' (treatment of objects can act as a sign - it is enough to distance itself from the subject of, . as, . example, . mime),
. Philosophy, according to Lorentz, is carried out in dialogic interaction of assimilation and distancing. Dialogical constructivist ideas were elaborated in a so-called. 'dialogical logic', . which Lorenz, . Building on Lorenzen, . shows, . that the semantics of the logical calculus in pragmatic terms can be constructed in terms of language games, . involving the interrelated statements in the dialogical game so, . that the truth of statements is determined by the success of the strategy, . a falsehood - the inadequacy of this strategy,
. Key provisions 'dialogical logic' Lorenz develops in the introduction to the philosophical anthropology (Einfhrung in die philosophische Antropologie, 1990), as well as books by Indian thinkers (Indische Denker, 1998).

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Kuno LORENZ (Lorenz Kuno), photo, biography
Kuno LORENZ (Lorenz Kuno), photo, biography Kuno LORENZ (Lorenz Kuno)  German philosopher., photo, biography
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