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Herodas (Herond)

( Greek poet)

Comments for Herodas (Herond)
Biography Herodas (Herond)
Herodas or Gerod; Herond (Herod), III in. BC. e., Greek poet. Author of literary mimes, called mimiyambami written lame pentameter. Eight of his mimes and some fragments were discovered in 1890. as a result of findings of papyrus scrolls. This short, no more than 100 poems dialogues or even monologues from the lives of urban residents (Alexandria or braid), often obscene. They are grouped in pairs, related general content or mood. Effects of memes I, II and III (and possibly IV) takes place on the Spit. In mime I Summary (Prokyklis e Mastropos) old nurse-bawd Gillis Metrihu visits a young woman whose husband had long gone from home. Gillis persuades Metrihu that she took the love of rich young. Young wife in disgust, rejected the proposal, but the old woman persuades her potchuya fine wine homemade. Mim II Svodnik (Pornoboskos) - a monologue brothel owner, read out in court indictment. The accused, a Phoenician merchant who broke into the house of pimps and kidnapped one of the girls.

Both these memes are the living illustration of the seething life of the port of Kos and there prevailing social relations (in mime II shows the position of the stranger among indigenous people). In mime III Teacher (Didaskalos) naughty boy's mother asked the teacher about the appointment of a sentence, because she can not cope with her son. Most of the works is a monologue mother, listing the faults guy. The penalty imposed on the teacher, it does not satisfy. This work is often cited as a review of educational methods of the ancients, although it is only the case, as always, G., and colors are exaggerated. In mime IV Women in the temple of Asclepius (Asklepio anatitheisai kai thysiazusai) two women in the famous temple of Aesculapius at Kos, where they have come to sacrifice, what he saw there admiring paintings and carvings. This mime contains an interesting (characteristic of Alexandrian poetry) description of works of art, among which the lost image of the great artist of Appeals. Memes V-VII are played, probably in Alexandria. Mim Zavistnitsa V and VI Girlfriends are very pungent examples of immoral behavior of women. In V cruel mistress ordered to punish his slave for treason, . what, . but not executed by the intervention of a young slave; VI - call friends, . which, . aside the ambiguity of its content, . is an excellent, . relevance today parodic description of Babi gossip,
. Mim VII Shoemaker (Skyteus) - scene of the visit the two ladies to the cobbler.

Shoemaker, as befits a merchant, and praises the product complained of difficulties with the purchase of material and personnel, ladies criticized product in the end everything comes to a partial agreement. Mim Song VIII (Enypion), the text of which severely damaged, differs in nature from other memes. This is an autobiographical monologue allegorical peasant-poet, who says his dream and explains its importance. Song describes the dedication G. in the poets of his predecessors, the public attitude to his poetry. The main model for T. was Gipponaks. He r. took over the formal signs - mimiyambov Ionian dialect, vocabulary, and perhaps a way to disclose the topic - naturalism and even vulgarity. As to the content he had other designs, above all, he used the product mimografov classical era (mostly Sophron), examples of various comic directions and creativity of contemporary Alexandrian poets. U r. much in common with Theocritus, who did some time before it. Mimiyamby G. were not designed for production on stage, but they are literary adaptations anonymous stage mimes, one of whom called Unfaithful Wife preserved on papyrus in the II. n. e. and he reveals a distinct similarity with the V mime Herodes.

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Herodas (Herond), photo, biography Herodas (Herond)  Greek poet, photo, biography
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