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Prokopovich Sergey

( Scientific)

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Biography Prokopovich Sergey
Born in 1871. in Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg Province. Father Nikolai (?), An officer, was promoted to major general, a nobleman. Mother Alexandra, the owner of the estate, participant of "going to the people."

His education P. started in Smolensk real school, after which went to Peter the Agricultural Academy. However, graduated from the academy he was unable to because of the participation in student riots.

Since 1894. by 1898. P. studied at the University of Brussels (Belgium). Here he joined a Masonic lodge, and even considered to remain in teaching raobte (his ability to notice and appreciate), but by common meditation, in 1899. returned to Russia.

Political views of P. in those years did not differ constancy. He consistently sympathized with the Populists and Social Democrats (with the cordon even included in the section of the Russian socialists), but two of his books to the Critique of Marx "and" The labor movement in the West. The experience of critical studies "strongly placed himself outside Marxist circles. Revisionism P. consisted in the destruction of a vision of socialism, not to mention his unequivocal rejection of the revolutionary path (in favor of evolution) to the establishment of the socio-economic structure. As a result, P. fakkticheski said to belong to the extreme right wing of the so-called "economism".

After returning from abroad, specializing in statistics, economics,
industrial production of Russia, etc., has worked in several organizations: the Russian Technical Society, the Free Economic Society, the Society of. CHUPROVA, cooperative institutions. He taught at the clubs, Sunday schools, and from 1908. , in a People's University Shanyavsky A..

In 1904. P. entered the liberal Alliance of Liberation ", and in 1905 became a member of the temporary
The Central Committee of the Party of the People's Freedom ". But to stay in the cadet guide for disagreement with some of his views on political economy, did not want. Published, together with his wife, ED Sod and historian VY Bugucharskim, socio-political magazine "Untitled" (1906), was a member of the editorial boards of newspapers, "Comrade" and "New Life" (1907).

As a scholar, who considers himself a "non-factional socialist", P. received in 1913. Ph.D., University of Bern. His growing prestige allowed him from 1914 to 1917. With a great public benefit in time of war, to actively work in the Moscow Regional Military Industry Committee.

Events of February 1917. have P. the list of its creators and ideologues. He was elected to the Board Committee of NGOs, became chairman of the Economic Committee, deputy chairman of the Economic Council of the Provisional Government ... Finally, 24 July 1917. was appointed Minister of Trade and Industry of the Provisional Government, and from 25 September the Minister of Food.

The October Revolution P. recognized the forcible and illegal, as a former minister and member of the elected Constituent Assembly, he chaired until November 16, 1917. underground Provisional Government.

In the next few years, becoming a supporter of a strong state with a centralized economy, P. open an offshore taught in some schools (Cooperative Institute for managed even in 1918), but behind the scenes - collaborated with anti-Soviet organizations. But a clear and united in one secretly, when the PA, in 1921, organized and led, together with ED Sod, EP Peshkova and others, the Committee for Famine Relief Povolzhya (Pomgol ").

September 22, 1921, Mr.. P. was arrested by the KGB on charges of spying for foreign
States. He managed to avoid the death penalty only through the intercession of Fridtjof Nansen and E. Hoover (U.S. President).

In 1922, exiled from Soviet Russia, L. settled in Berlin, where, in the same year, established the Economic Cabinet.

History of the Economic Cabinet, Germany experienced in financial and other difficulties, and because pereehavshaego in 1924. Prague (supported him morally and materially, the Czech Government), is a large number of tasks performed on the collection, compilation, review and critique of economic and socio-political life of the USSR. This work P. managed to attract famous emigrant professionals: economists, P. Struve, M. Biernacki, CHUPROVA, B. Brutskus ... historian A. Kiesewetter, E. Shmurlo, BN Nikol'skii ... jurists N. Timasheff, L. Petrazhitsky ... publicist B. Rosenberg ... With the participation of these powerful forces of the Economic Cabinet issued: "The Economic Journal" (Berlin; Issue 13), . "Russian economic Collection" (Prague, book 112), . "Bulletin" (Prague, number 1134), . "Quartely Bulletins of Soviet Russian Economics" (Geneva; Room 110),
Scientific, educational and publishing activities P. in the Czech Republic ended in 19381939 years. The tragic events in the country and the world led him again into exile, first in Switzerland and then in the U.S. (1939). The end of 1941 P. yet to publish its "Quartely Bulletins ..." (the latter, the October number was banned by the Swiss authorities), and then, the war, he, as the saying is, "he wrote in the table.

"Music of the facts" (E. Yuryevsky) to include a set of statistical laws, rules and methods to be appreciated in the West. This is evident, for example, the collaborative P. with the Carnegie Foundation. All of the scientific method is striking: using official Soviet statistics, it accurately and impartially analyze the Soviet economy and came to conclusions which, incidentally, became apparent only after the collapse of the USSR. Two-volume book P. "The economy of the USSR (New York, 1952) fundamental work referred to nature, has become, unfortunately, his last major work. "This does not mean, . wrote in the preface to her Timashev, . referring to a future reader, . that the future Russia will be obliged to bow before the facts, . created by the Bolshevik violence, . but to reckon with them, . recognize their, . like any other for granted, . she would have.,

. In addition to research in their field, P
. interested in the situation in the world in connection with the nuclear threat, the protection of human rights, national relations and t. n. Some of the work P. was published only after his death. Died April 4, 1955, Mr.. Geneva.

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