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( Scientific)

Comments for PETROVSKY Ivan G.
Biography PETROVSKY Ivan G.
[5 (18). I.1901 * 15.I.1973]
Rector from 1951. by 1973

Born in g. Sevsk Orel province in a family of merchants. Urban real school and graduated in 1917. with excellent marks in all subjects, except two: mathematics and drawing. But (the paradoxes of pedagogy!) He liked to draw, . love of art, . painting (Rembrandt, . Serov, . Nesterov) will in the future an integral part of a comprehensive development of gifted nature, . and his fundamental works in the field of mathematics in many ways and for a long time, determine the nature of a number of areas of modern science,
. First, Ivan Petrovsky comes to a natural separation of physical and mathematical faculty of Moscow University, but soon left him and returned to the family moved to this time in Yelisavetgrad. Here he learns in the Mechanical Engineering Institute, where he showed his interest in mathematics under the influence of the book Zhukovsky on theoretical mechanics. Returning to the university in 1922, he determined the Mathematics Department of Physics and Mathematics.

In 1927, Mr.. V student of the course, Ivan Petrovski took part in the first All-Russia Congress of Mathematicians, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of youth physical-mathematical faculty of Moscow State University.

Great influence on the young professor had Petrovsky. DF Egorov, a graduate student whom he was in 1927-1930.

. In the thirties, Ivan Georgievich obtained fundamental results in various areas of mathematics: in algebraic geometry, . probability theory, . theory of ordinary differential equations, . mathematical physics, . theory of partial differential equations,
. Experts note, . that "despite the" purely mathematical "character of the major works of Petrovsky, . they essentially reflected his view of mathematics as an integral part of natural, . on which we base the conclusion and understanding of quantitative and qualitative patterns, . constituting the content of the natural sciences.,

. Since 1933
. Ivan G. Professor of Moscow University. In 1935. approved without defending a thesis Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In 1940. became dean of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University. During the war he was made a deep and meaningful work on the gaps and diffusion of waves. In 1943, Mr.. Peter was elected a corresponding member, and in 1946. active member of the USSR, in 1949-1951. served as the academician-secretary of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, since 1953, Mr.. was a member of the Presidium of the Academy. Winner of two USSR State Prizes (1946, 1952), Hero of Socialist Labor (1969).

Since 1951, Mr.. headed the Department of Differential Equations, Moscow State University. Peter was a talented teacher: "His scientific seminars have always been lively centers of scientific thought", and their members have become leaders of mathematical schools and directions in his textbooks, students are taught many generations.

. Ivan G. ..
. began his tenure as Chancellor, when the building of Moscow State University on Lenin Hills was in full swing and about another three years left before moving to new buildings. One construction by the soaring, required a huge and sustained attention. Personnel ... demanded were placed in the order of the day. And all this against the background of current educational and scientific life, which was supposed to go smoothly and that one is able to download the Rector completely.

. Drawing attention to the problem of pre-university education, Peter was one of the initiators of the organization of refresher courses for teachers of secondary schools, institutions of mathematical correspondence schools and boarding schools at MSU.

. Annals of the Moscow University Petrovsky times consecutively recorded pulse lead institution of the country: the first finds of birch-bark letters of the Novgorod archaeological expedition, . allocation from the University of Physical-Technical Faculty and the creation on its basis of the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, . creation of the School of Journalism, . organization of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens, . organization in Mechanics and Mathematics Department of the Research Institute of Mechanics, . organization in g,
. Dubna at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, a branch of Moscow State University, . the election of deans of faculties, . beginning of the Faculty of Psychology, . opening of the Museum of Geosciences, . establishment of the Institute of Oriental Languages at Moscow State University, . The first contingents of students harvesting a crop of virgin land in Kazakhstan, . entry of the Moscow University of International Association of Universities for UNESCO, . opening a student of the university theater, . establishment of faculty training university professors and more,

For 22 years in Petrovsky headed the first university of the country (the longest term of principalship in the history of Moscow University), his work profoundly affected the life many thousands of. It was organized more than 70 departments and 200 laboratories for cutting-edge areas. With high scientific authority, Rector was able to attract the greatest scientists in the university of the country (including over a hundred members of the USSR). , Activities focus on basic research in the departments. University came in first place in the number of graduate. Faculties and institutes have the latest experimental equipment. Much has been made Petrovsky for expansion of contacts with major research and educational centers of the world.

Ivan Georgievich colleagues at the university pointed out "one of the most attractive features of his character and the availability of interest to the world around. He had no specific office hours, because he was always where was granted a free moment, trying to help anyone who approached him for help, whether public or personal request. This is well known, students, researchers, staff ...".

. MP (1962-1973) and member of the Presidium (1966-1973) of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

. Ivan G. Petrovski died unexpectedly, among the everyday concerns and new ideas, and was buried in Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

. The rapidly increasing temporal distance allows us to better understand the scope of personality Petrovsky, to evaluate its strategy in the course fundamentalization university education, its democracy, the depth of pedagogical thinking
. His great personal library, containing more than 30 thousand. books in all major areas of knowledge and culture, continues to serve the university as part of the Open in 1976. Memorial Cabinet and. G. Petrovsky in the old building of Moscow State University on Moss Street. In 1987. published by "Science" came out two volumes of selected works and. G. Petrovsky. In 1996. They were republished in London in English by "Gordon and Breach Publishers".

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