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Milanovskii Evgeny

( Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1953), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1965). Professor (1967). Head of the Department of Historical and Regional Geology, Geologi)

Comments for Milanovskii Evgeny
Biography Milanovskii Evgeny
Born July 31, 1923. G. Moscow. Member of the Great Patriotic War. He graduated from the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University with honors (1949).

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1953), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1965). Professor (1967). Head of the Department of Historical and Regional Geology, Geological Faculty (1972).

Member of the Academy of Sciences (1992, corresponding member of USSR Academy of Sciences since 1976), full member of RANS (1991), a member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1994). Honorary member of the IAS HS (1994). Member (1950), Vice-President (1990) and Chairman of the geological section (1982) MOIP. Foreign Member of the Geological Society of Serbia. Chairman of the geological section of the Scientific Council of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (1973-1983), member of the expert committee and the expert council WAC (1967-1979). Member of the Bureau of the National Committee of Geologists, member of the Bureau of Rossiyskogo tectonic Committee. Member of the International Commission on History of Geology (1980). Member of the Scientific Council of the geological department. Chairman of the Board Club of MSU scientists. Chairman of the specialized council on the geology and tectonics at Moscow State University (1982). Member of the editorial boards of journals Geotectonics, Bulletin of Moscow University. Series of Geology, Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists, Department of Geology, Geological annals of the Balkan Peninsula. Supervisor of the Caucasus and Kazakhstan expeditions the geological department.

. The Order of 2 degrees (1945, 1985), Red Star (1945), Labor Red Banner (1983), 12 medals and a diploma of the Presidium of the RSFSR Sun (1980)
. Award MOIP (1970), Prize. AP Karpinsky (USSR, 1985), Prize. Lomonosov II degree (MSU, 1988), Prize. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University for educational activities (MSU, 1992). He was awarded an honorary diploma of the Russian Geographic Society (1981). He was awarded an Honorary scout bowels of the USSR (1983), Distinguished Professor of Moscow State University (1996).

. Research Interests: Regional Geology, Geotectonics, neotectonics, Quaternary geology, geomorphology, paleoglyatsiologiya, volcanology and paleovulkanologiya, comparative planetary science, history of geology
. The first scientific studies conducted in the Southern Urals in 1947-1948. under the leadership of NP Kheraskov. In 1949-1965 he. studied geology and neotectonics of areas of Greater and Lesser Caucasus and Transcaucasian Ciscaucasia depression in 1962-1964. - Carpathians and Dinarid. In 1967-1976 he. participated in the expeditions of the USSR in the rift zones of East Africa, in Bolivia and Iceland. In later years pursued a shuttle study in various regions of European Russia, Urals, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia and Western Europe, South and East Asia, Australia and North America. As a result of research materials compiled by neotectonics and orogenic volcanism of the Caucasus, the Mediterranean mobile belt and the Andes. The examples Tyrnyauz-Pshekishskoy and Kahetino-Lechkhumi zones Caucasus introduced the concept of suture zones, the example of Labin-Malkinsky zone - the boundary arrays. However VYKhain substantiate the selection of the Chief Transcaucasian transverse uplift revealed his role in the structure and evolution of the Caucasus region and the restriction to the northern end of the Afro-Arabian rift zone. Developed methodology for analysis of neotectonic mountain countries, compiled the first detailed map of recent tectonics of the Caucasus and gave a comprehensive description of neotectonics in the region. Developed a system of representations about the content of orogenic stage, . completes a series of geotectonic development of geosynclinal belt, . its phasic, . types of orogenic structures and their combinations, . the nature of orogenic volcanism, . its relationship with late tectonic deformations, . confines most of its habitat to areas stretching of the lithosphere and the rise of the heated deep material (mantle diapirs),
. Developed the theory of continental rifting and its evolution in Earth's history - from early pre-Cambrian to the Present. He suggested acclaimed typing rift zones and systems based on the features of the deep structure of the crust. Explore the issue of relations rifting and geosynclinal process at different stages of geological history, . established the periodicity in the manifestations riftoobrazovaniya in time and the alternation of phases of increasing tension with the phases of increasing strain compression globally, . the bound alleged pulsations of the Earth on a background of moderate, . uneven expansion,
. Introduced the concept of metaplatformah areas as an intermediate position between the ancient and the nature of the platforms and mobile belts, and avlakogeosinklinalnyh areas as critical elements of the structure metaplatform. Based on these concepts has developed a new scheme of tectonic zoning of Northern Eurasia. Topic of Ph.D. thesis: Building-tion and history of the formation of the Sevan basin. Subject doctoral dissertation: The latest (pozdneorogennaya) stage of development of the Caucasus (Neotectonics, recent volcanism, glaciation).

. Currently reading lectures Geology of Russia and neighboring countries (Eurasia, Geology), Geology of the oceans and seas
. During work on the geological faculty read the following lecture courses: Structural Geology and geokartirovanie, Geology of the USSR, Historical Geology, Quaternary geology. Supervised teaching practice in the Crimea. Gave lecture series at universities in Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Western Europe, China, Japan and America.

By more than 20 candidates.

He has published over 600 scientific papers, t.ch. more than 20 monographs, several textbooks.

Major works:

- Geological structure of the Caucasus (al. VE Khain, 1963),
- Newest tectonics of the Caucasus (1968),
- Orogenic volcanism and tectonics of the Alpine belt of Eurasia (co-author. NV Koronovskii, 1973),
- Rifting history of the Earth. Rifting on ancient platforms (1983),
- Rifting history of the Earth. Rifting in the mobile belts (1987),
- 3-volume edition manual Geology of the USSR (1987-1991),
- Textbook Geochemistry Russia and CIS (1995).

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Milanovskii Evgeny, photo, biography
Milanovskii Evgeny, photo, biography Milanovskii Evgeny  Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1953), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1965). Professor (1967). Head of the Department of Historical and Regional Geology, Geologi, photo, biography
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