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Peter de Wint

( Artist)

Comments for Peter de Wint
Biography Peter de Wint
Peter De Wint (1784-1849). The name of the English watercolor painter De Wint's little to say art lovers. Publications about him are scarce, and any serious research on his work, almost no. A systematic study of art De Wint refers only to 1979, . when it was organized a large exhibition of drawings and watercolors of the artist in the halls of the museum Fitz William (Cambridge), . brought together a broad audience with one of the most elegiac of the English landscape painters.,
. De Wint was born in Stone, Stefordshir, in the family physician of Dutch origin
. Drawing attracted him since childhood. In 1802 he went to London and enters

apprenticed to an engraver John Raphael Smith, who not so long ago, young friends of Turner and Girtin painted engravings. Over the years the teachings of De Wint became friends with William Hilton - later known historical painter. In 1810, De Wint married his sister, and his hometown Hilton-Lincoln, its surroundings and the simple artless landscapes of the central counties of England, have become a favorite subject of art of the artist.

. Individual style distinguishes the De Wint's love for juicy, deep color
. In the studio Smith De Wint was busy oil painting, and then paint in oils, but his paintings are not a success. Most fully manifested in the ability of the artist's watercolors.

When life De Wint was a regular participant in various exhibitions and enjoyed some success. First known to us the artist's involvement in the exhibition refers to 1807. The following year, De Wint exhibits in the gallery of the Association aquarellist four watercolors, including the work of the 'Westminster'. Old Palace of Westminster is represented by the bridge, through the light haze appear the jagged towers of the abbey, to the horizon majestically rolls its waters Thames. Some images do not interfere topografichnost feel subtly convey the atmosphere of tranquility and beauty of a summer day. One of the modern artist the critics, calling these works first-class, wrote that they 'accurate observation of nature, beautiful form of ownership, a great truth and simplicity of colors characterize the style of the artist'.

. Nearly thirty years devoted De Wint book illustration
. The Napoleonic wars caused a general economic crisis that affected the art market, the demand for paintings and watercolors fell. De Wint, like his contemporaries (Turner Kotman, Cox), he turned to book illustration as one of the possible forms of earnings. De Wint illustrated books and albums, mainly related to the history and geography: 'picturesque description of the south coast of England' and 'Views of the Thames' Cook 'History of Cheshire' George Ormeroda; 'Album of Scottish landscapes' Tillot-son and others.

. However, the most constant source of livelihood was his teaching activities
. Studio De Wint was in vogue. His boys and girls so accurately perceived style of his teacher, that today, researchers can not always be confidently atribuirovat of De Wint.

. With its numerous disciples, he usually worked during the spring and early summer, the rest of the summer and fall were devoted to travel (mainly in the areas of Lincoln and central counties), the winter also has been given its own work, drawing and painting
. That is the simple rhythm of almost all his life. In 1828 De Wint made his only trip to the continent, in Normandy. Northern France has not made much impression on the artist, a few pictures of Rouen, Dieppe Fekampa and the only result of travel. Much more fruitful was his trip to North Wales, majestic and wild scenery of the neighborhood for many years inspired the art of the artist.

Watercolors De Wint's very diverse. Some works are executed in a wide easy manner with superbly convey the atmosphere and mood of the landscape, . other-scrupulous and meticulous, . as, . example, . Watercolor 'Cathedral in Lincoln, . where with great care shown the Cathedral, . building foreground, . urban area with a green bazaar, . van, . a horse, . townspeople, . released shopping, . shopkeeper, . standing in the doorway of his shop, . and t,
. d. Actually curly sketches or portraits there is little in his art. Preserved only a pencil self-portrait of the artist, but he occasionally introduced into his landscapes varied genre scenes of rural and urban life. De Wint had a particular fondness for the river landscape with a view of the detailed, they only had an appreciable influence XVn century Dutch painting, in particular F. Koninck, Ryuisdalya, whose work he could see and copy in the homes of their students. Of interest in the art of De Wint its 'negligent' sketches from nature, made just for yourself or as a 'reminder' for the winter, which he can use for something more fundamental. These watercolors poet John Clare called 'drawings in the margins, . filled with sunshine and a refreshing breath of fresh air, . when the harmony of the earth, . air and sky forming a happy union of gray and green colors, . through which a flat piece of paper a few inches is filled with limitless space. ",

. In its outline and watercolors De Wint was able to perfectly convey the changing mood of the English countryside, becoming one of the most lyrical and poetic landscape painters of the first half of the XIX century
. And although he did not reach those heights, which stayed his great contemporaries, Constable and Turner, but in his best works he not much inferior to them in their understanding of the harmony of nature. 'I love painting, the artist has often said, "I am happier than when watching nature. I have a great profession. "

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