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Valadar Rostislavich

( From the genus Peremyshl'skii and Galician prince)

Comments for Valadar Rostislavich
Biography Valadar Rostislavich
Of the genus Peremyshl'skii and Prince Galitsky. Son of Rostislav Vladimirovich and Hungarian princess. Kn. Peremyshl'skii in 1092-1124 he.

+ 19 March 1124, Mr..

* * *

In 1081 Volodar with David Igorevich conquered Tmutarakan and drove Vsevolodova mayor Ratibor. In 1083 they themselves drove out Oleg Svyatoslavich. In the same year Volodar and his brothers drove from Vladimir Volhynia Yaropolk Izyaslavich. In 1085, Vladimir Monomakh took their Vladimir, Vsevolod I of Kiev and gave in return Przemysl and Terebovlya. Sovereign Congress in 1097 cemented his Valadar Przemysl. After the Congress in the same year Davyd I. treacherously captured and blinded his brother Vasilko, and in spring 1098 he went to take his parish Terebovlya. Volodar besieged him in Buzhske, forced to accept and give him Vasilko. A little later, besieged Rostislavich Davyd in Vladimir, and Davyd gave them his headphones, his words against Vasilko. Execute them Rostislavich reconciled with Davyd definitely continue to act as allies. In 1099 Svyatopolk Izyaslavich drove Davyd from Vladimir, and they conspired to Rostislav. Volodar and Vasilko smashed his squad to Rozhnov and drove it to their borders, but did not go further, saying: "We should be at its boundary line to become". Sviatopolk appealed for help to the Hungarians. King Kaloman with a large army besieged Przemysl. Volodar successfully defended. And soon came up with Davyd I. Polovtsy and inflicted a crushing defeat on the Hungarians.

At the congress in Viticheve in 1100 the princes tried Davyd Igorevich. Sviatopolk demanded punishment for Rostislav. The princes sent Valadar say: "Take your brother Vasilko to yourself, and let it be you one parish - Przemysl, but if not, then let Vasilko to us, we'll feed '. But Rostislavich not listen, and each of them stayed in their city. The princes wanted to go to them and force compelled to agree to a common solution, but Monomakh not want to disrupt the oath given to Lyubech Congress, and everything remained as it is.

In 1121 Polish King Boleslaw the Bold, has concluded against Monomove Union Volyn prince Yaroslav Svyatopolchichem, who sent his trusted to Valadar Peter Vlasta. Authorities came to Valadar with a small retinue, posed as an exile, a sworn enemy of Boleslaw, and managed to get the full confidence Volodar. Once they both went to the hunt, the prince chasing a beast, he withdrew from the city of his squad scattered through the woods, next to him was left with only the authorities, they seized the moment, seized him and drove away in Poland. Vasilko Rostislavich to redeem his brother, gave all his Boleslav and bratnyuyu treasury. The Poles, in addition, concluded with Rostislavich Union. In 1123, when Yaroslav Svyatopolchich with the Hungarians and Poles besieged in Vladimir Monomakhovo son Andrew, both Rostisla-vich were in his army.

Buried in the church of Przemysl. John.

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Valadar Rostislavich, photo, biography
Valadar Rostislavich, photo, biography Valadar Rostislavich  From the genus Peremyshl'skii and Galician prince, photo, biography
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