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Rurik (knee I)

( Prince of Novgorod)

Comments for Rurik (knee I)
Biography Rurik (knee I)
Parents: Godoslav (808h), Prince Obotrites; Umila
. There chronicle news, suggesting that the mother was the grandson of Rurik of Novgorod, Prince Gostomysla;

. Children: Efanda, beloved wife, daughter of Prince urmanskogo, a kind of Norwegian kings =>

. Igor (877-946h) (cm
. genealogical table)

. Key moments
. Prince of Novgorod (862-879);

. Along with the legend of "vocation Varangian" Russian chronicles have preserved some of the particulars of Rurik, giving an account of the events in Novgorod, which form the real basis of the legend
. In Ipatyevskaya record contains evidence that Rurik to Novgorod was sitting in his city-built castle in Ladoga. This certificate, supported by the Scandinavian sources, as well as archaeological finds of objects of Scandinavian origin in the area of Lake Ladoga, undermines the very foundation of the legend of "vocation Normans" from overseas

. By thinking Kluchevsky, . Rurik came to Novgorod from Ladoga, . located from Novgorod only two hundred kilometers downstream r.Volhov, . As the leader of the Varangian guards hired, . invited there Novgorod elders during the internal strife,
. These feuds and helped him seize power in Novgorod.
The transformation of the Rurik marshal hired guards in the Novgorod prince helped stop quarrels and strengthen the role of Novgorod as the political center of the northern alliance of Slavic tribes.

This allowed Rurik's successor Oleg organize a march to the south, culminating in the conquest of Oleg of Kiev and shifting the center of the joint state in Kiev. This event is attributable to the chronicle of the year 882, traditionally considered the date of formation of Ancient Rus.

In fact the founder of the dynasty was a Russian prince Igor (877-946h). And only in the XII century chronicler Nestor in "The Tale of Bygone Years" in an effort to strengthen the ideological unity of the Russian land, created his legendary pedigree, which reigned in Novgorod Rurik becomes a "father" of Igor, Prince of Kiev

. Material from the site



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. Rurik (knee I)

. Legendary Varangian, designed to rule clovenami, Kriviches, chudyu and vesyu
. Progenitor Rurik. Kn. Vezelay in 862-879 years. + 879 g.

"Tale of Bygone Years" describes both of Rurik: In 859 Vikings of Frozen took tribute from the Tschudi, and with the word, and Krivichy, and villages, as a tribute to the Khazars were taken from the field, northerners and Vyatichi. In 862 the Varangian drove over the sea and did not give them the tribute, but they started themselves possess. And there was amongst them the truth, and got kind of family, and they have been strife, and began fighting with themselves, and they said, 'to myself: "let's look a prince who would be owned by us and judged by the Law". And they went over the sea to Varangians to olic. Those were called Vikings, Rus, just as others were called Sway (Swedes), and others - the Normans and English, and still other gotlandtsy, so-so and these were called. They said the Chud Rus, the Slavs, Krivichi and all: "Our land is great and rich, but no order in it. Come and reign over us ". And elected three brothers with their birth, and took with them all the Rus and came to the Slavs. I sat senior Rurik in Ladoga, and the other - Sineus - in Byelozero, and the third Truvor - in Izborsk. And from those Varygs nicknamed the Russian land.

In 864, when the dead Truvor and Sineus, commanded Rurik cut down on Ilmen city - Novgogod, and settled there. And he became one Rurik to rule the whole earth, and began handing the men of his city - to Polotsk, this - Rostov, another - Beloozero.

In 879, the Rurik died, passing the reign of his relatives Oleg, u gave him to her son Igor, because he was still very small.

All the monarchs of the world. Russia. 600 brief biographies. Konstantin Ryzhov. Moscow, 1999

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. Rurik (IX cent.) - The leader of the Varangian guards, . chronicle of legends, . Visiting Novgorod to stop infighting and arrived with his brothers Truvor and Sineus (some scholars believe, . that they do not exist and they appeared as a result of incorrect reading the chronicler of a foreign source: "Rurik came to the land of the Slavs from their home -" sinehus and loyal retinue - "true-thief"),
. Rurik prince of Novgorod, or at Ladoga. It is considered the founder of the dynasty Rurik. Who was Rurik, the legendary figure, or a real figure, whence he came, the role played in the development of Russian. state - issues that remain controversial to this day.

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Rurik (knee I), photo, biography Rurik (knee I)  Prince of Novgorod, photo, biography
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