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( Byzantine Emperor)

Comments for Leo VI PHILOSOPHY
Leo VI the Philosopher - Byzantine emperor of the Macedonian dynasty, who ruled in 870-912 years. The son of Basil I. Genus. Sep 19. 866 g. + 11 May 912 g.

The official considered the father of Leo Basil I. However, much gave reason to suspect that Evdokia Ingerina, mother of Leo, gave birth to him from his lover, the Emperor Michael III. Maybe that is why Basil life belonged to Leo is very restrained (Dashkov: 'Leo the Philosopher'). Using the suspicion of the emperor, a man Santavarin, even tried to specify to him the Lion. Santavarin reported that he concealed in his shoe and dagger plotting patricide. In fact, once the hunt Basil pretended to be looking for the dagger. Son, suspecting nothing, pulled out his father and handed. Seeing that the informer's words are true, the emperor ordered the Lion to grab and detain. In anger he almost blinded her son and not deprived of his rights to the throne. But, softened requests advisers, finally released from prison (Successor of Theophanes: 5; 100-101). Approximately 882 g. Basil married son of Theophanes, a beautiful girl and very pious. Leo himself later admitted that he had married her against their will, and fear of his father, and felt about this great disappointment ( 'Psamafiyskaya news'; 7). According to all sources, piety Theophanu knew no bounds: her whole life was serving God. Her bed was covered with zlatotkanymi carpets, and for the sake of her family in the evenings pretended that falls on it. But as night falls, they get off the bed and lay on a straw mattress and a hair shirt, spread on the floor. From time to time she got up, stretched his arms to heaven, Paying praise the Lord and asking for the salvation of the soul ( 'Life Theophanu'). As seen later, Leo for family life needed was a completely different woman. Soon after the wedding, he has surrounded himself with Zoe, the daughter of one of the courtiers, Stelian Zauttsy. When news of this connection became known Feofan, she complained to the father -. Basil, indignant at least it had treated her son as usual cool. Leo himself later recalled: 'When he came to the blessed my father, she has erected to slander me, if I am in contact with Zoe, daughter Zauttsy. Not listening to my excuses and requests, he immediately tore out my hair and threw on the ground, beaten and trampled on, while I did not shed blood. Zoya against the will ordered to marry '(' Psamafiyskaya news', 7).

His reign began with the new emperor reburial of the remains of Michael III - removed from his tomb and solemnly carried to the temple of the Holy Apostles. Then the emperor deposed his father delivered the patriarch Photius and elevated to the patriarchal throne of his brother Stephen. More difficult was to destroy the family shackles imposed on him father: Leo had to live with unloved wife of ten years. In November, 895 (or 896) d. Theophanu died and was canonized saints (Successor of Theophanes: 6, 1, 1-2, 12). A little later he died, and Fyodor Gutsuniat, the husband of Zoe Zauttsa. There was a rumor that it was she who was to blame for the death of the empress and her husband. Clergy was very set against Zoe, but the Emperor, in spite of that, intended to marry her ( "Psamafiyskaya news'; 7-8). In 898 g. Leo married to Zoya and her koronrval. Blessed her palace priest Sinap was removed. Reigned only one year and eight months, the new empress died. In 900 g. Leo married a third time - on Evdokiya of the theme of Opsiky. In 901 g. she bore him a boy, but soon she and the child died. The emperor took his fourth wife - Zoe Karbonopsinu and lived with her unmarried, since the laws - and the church, and civil - has prohibited the fourth marriage. In May, 905 g. Zoe gave birth to the long-awaited heir to the emperor - Constantine. Patriarch Nicholas after a long delay agreed to baptize him in January, only 906 g. In April the same year the court against the will of the priest Thomas patriarch finally married the emperor with his wife. For this sin Nicholas banned Leo to join the church, why he had not now listen to the service in the temple, and in mitatorii and come to Sofia from the side (Successor of Theophanes: 6, 1, 13, 17, 20, 23). The Emperor, though with many tears, humbly endured the punishment until Christmas, since that day, Patriarch promised to remove his penance. But shortly before the holiday, the patriarch was told that the Emperor ready note of him from the throne, and the case postponed only until the day when the lion will be re-admitted into the temple. Consequently, Nick has collected the most influential metropolitans and persuaded them not to recognize the fourth marriage of Leo. On the day of the Nativity Dec. 25 906 g. Caesar came to Sofia together with all sinklitom, expecting to be admitted into the temple, but the patriarch met him at the door and told him as usual to go to mitatory. Leo burst into tears, went to the temple from the side, and during the whole service to the congregation could hear his mournful sobs. Many wept and mourned with him. While thus apparently obedience, Leo secretly kept in wait at the Patriarch. February 1 907 g. he invited Nicholas to his feast, and asked for a long time to recognize the fourth marriage, and since not been able to persuade, then straight from the feast commanded to put him in a little boat and sent to Galakrin. By Nicholas deposed patriarch was erected abbot of the monastery Psamafiyskogo Euthymios. Collected the new patriarch of the Church Council finally acknowledged the marriage of Leo and Zoya legitimate ( 'Psamafiyskaya news'; 12-13). In 911 g. Leo crowned his son, and shortly thereafter, to grasp severe gastric illness, died, turned the kingdom to his brother Alexander (Successor of Theophanes: 6, 1, 29, 32).

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Leo VI PHILOSOPHY, photo, biography Leo VI PHILOSOPHY  Byzantine Emperor, photo, biography
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