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Anastasia Stotskaya

( Singer)

Photo Gallery Anastasia Stotskaya (11)
Comments for Anastasia Stotskaya
Biography Anastasia Stotskaya
Russia's famous singer. Anastasia Stotskaya was born in Kiev, October 1, 1982. For four years, mother took Nastya in the vocal-choreographic ensemble and a music school. When the future winner of Jurmala was 10 years old, with her family, she moved to Moscow. There has been a dance studio in the Theater of the Moon. In 1994, the first time in a small role appeared on the stage in the play 'Fanta-Infanta'. In 1999, after graduating from school, was admitted to the RATA for the Drama department (course Sergei Prokhanov and Maxim Dunayevsky).
The year 2002 was for Anastasia truly stellar. It has successfully withstood the competition for leading roles at once in three musicals - 'Lips' (Magda), Alexander Zhurbin in the Theater of the Moon, Notre Dame de Paris (Fleur de Lys) at the Operetta Theater, and 'Chicago' (Roxie Hart) at the Theater of Variety. Incidentally, in the same year and became famous for her older brother Paul Maikov, who played a major role in the television series 'Brigade'.
More luck also turned away from Nastia. After RATI - Diploma performance was 'Chicago'. And then she became the winner at the festival in Jurmala, 'New Wave'. She starred in the film Igor Apasyana 'Days Angel'.

Anhtu http://smeha.net/

Photos of Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Anastasia Stotskaya

Photos of Anastasia Stotskaya
Anastasia StotskayaAnastasia StotskayaAnastasia StotskayaAnastasia Stotskaya

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  • stot_sv for Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Hi dear Anastasia Stotskaya. My name is Svetlana.Mne 13 years. I am very pleased with you poznokomitsya. Nastya know what I write is very strange, maybe even silly. NASTYA I very strongly love you. I dream to meet you, make friends, see you. When I saw the world as if you turned. Then I realized that I had found a man who did not have. Since that day I'll Polybius. You have become like my close friend, maybe even cornets. When I heard about you, I began to search for your danye.Ya found your Elektronical pchtu.Ya wrote you but you do not pisala.Cherez nicheg me some time I broke my leg and looking prekratilis.Pozzhe I was released from balnitsy and again I prodozhila poisk.I as You see, I am writing to you opyat.NASTENKA I want to say one thing I love you, . uvozhayu, . appreciate and not when I will not leave in the lurch, . all what I can ï¡ï?ï?ï¯ï°ÿ?ï?ï?ÿ?ï¥ï¡ pomogu.NASTYa I dream with you pdruzhitsya become your friend, . and you moim.Kotoramu I could say all that and to whom I feel that novenkava in Maya life sluchilas.Ty probably thinking that I was the easiest fanatka.Net is not so, . I wrote you I was sestroy.NASTYa I really beg you to write me if you can then dial me, . and when you come to Chisinau can uvidemsya.Ya ÿ?ï°ÿ?ÿ? again experience the happiness as Toda when I saw you when the world seemed turned upside when I love you. "Chesney When I wrote plakala.Ya I thought what if you do not want to know me or not read the letter What will I do without tebya.Eto country but yaochen lot about you as you dumayu.Dumayu Dila, . what are you doing, . where are you suddenly in Chisinau, . I can not znayu.ANASTASITYa what I ask stupid but I do this ÿ?ï°ÿ?ÿ?,
    . I just do not know how to tell, . but I very much want to see you, . become tvaim drugom.Neznayu can I tell you care about me but you do not and never nebudesh and what would you nezdelala I will always love. NASTYA you most ï?ÿˆï°ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ÿ?, . most desire, . most intelligent, . most talented, . prsto super, . class, . the most charming and most importantly you give the audience teplo.Znaesh when I wrote my all came from the heart of ddushi.Ya wrote all that in my heart I wrote all that I wrote to you chuvstvuyu.Ya lyubioy (sister), . Katori girl does not go out maego heart and not when I do not think I'm probably vydet.Ty sumashetshay, . stupid, . strannoy.Neznayu might well but what to do with my feelings takava zhizn.Hotya I hope if we became friends you did paymesh I am really confident I'll ponravlyus.Ya hope you love me like I love you. ANASTASIA I do not know what to write More Had I ponila you could write a whole knigu.NASTYa I WILL TELL YOU THAT I love you very, . VERY, . VERY MUCH LOVE, . YOU NEED ME. Nastenka NAPESHI please I'm really looking forward OR PAZVANI I'm really looking forward. I tell you JUST YET. I love you, . whole, . tightly obnimayu.LYuBLYu ! ! ! ! ! !. until my sister. SVETLANA FROM WITH LOVE ONLY Anastasia Stotskaya (my sister) I love you very,
    . VERY, . VERY, . VERY, . VERY, . VERY, . VERY, . VERY, . VERY, . MUCH LOVE ! ! ! ! ! !. MY DATA MY MOBILE PHONE -069056880 MY HOME PHONE -455272 MY e-MAIL-stot_sv@mail.ru MY HOME ADDRESS-MOLDOVA, . CHISINAU-Stä?uceni, . STREET Miorita, . HOUSE 37. BIOGRAPHY BOGDAN Svetlana. Her name is Svetlana Bogdan,
    . She lives with her mother, father and elder brother. Sveta 13 years. She is studying in sixth grade. Light in the school horoshistka. Our World-a very good devchka. She loves justice, and catfish is fair. Sveta graduated from the school TAEKWADO, and is currently studying at a music school. The piano is already 3 years. I do not know how she plays, . but the singing just super! And the main thing she love you and hochit your friend. LYUBIMOYA CLOTHES-short skirts, . kurtachki, . jeans and a cap. LYUBIMOYA TOY-large soft MEDWET. FAVORITE COLOR-oranzhevy, . blue. FAVORITE NUMBER-7 Hobby-dancing, . sings, . draws, . odyhaet with friends. BE DREAMING-dancer, . ACTRESS and asobenno tvoym a friend and say something that she loves you. FAVORITE ARTISTS-Anastasia Stotskaya, . Filipp Kirkorov. FAVORITE SONGS-Anastasia Stotskaya. IF BYLABY PRIZIDENTOM POVYSELA SALARY TO MOTHER AND DADDY, . ORISTOVALABY all criminals. FAVORITE JUICE-opelsinovy, . tomato. FAVORITE ITEMS-MATIMATIKA, . DRAWING, . MUSIC. ö?ö?ö¢ I never know what EIDE WRITE VERY LIGHT ï ï?ï?ï?ï?ï?ï?, . ï?ï?ï?ï ï·ï?ï?ï?ï?ï?, ,
  • Anastasia for Anastasia Stotskaya
  • When a new disk poyatsya Kirkorov and Stotskaya, and a clip for your song "Love-carrot"
  • Anastasia for Anastasia Stotskaya
  • When a new disk poyatsya Kirkorov and Stotskaya, and a clip for your song "Love-carrot"
  • Nicholas for Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Hello Anastasia! My name is Nick and I am a big fan of your talent. But it you like and just how much beauty! I would like (if possible) to correspond with you by e-mail to get your bare and related photos (with bound hands and feet, or in handcuffs and chains). With great and sincere respect for you! With best wishes! Nicholas
  • John for Anastasia Stotskaya
  • Stop the juvinile messages to Anastasia, and appreciate her for what she is. I am sure she has no interest in getting together with a 13 year old kid. When you grow up, you will learn to respect people for who they are, and not instantly want them to love you. You are in a dream world. Get a girlfriend and leave the starts alone. Nick, you are a sick puppy. Learn some manners and be respectful. I guess you have not learned that yet from anyone locally. Must you resort to writing to famous people, thinking they will answer you? Again, in a fantasy world, please keep your thoughts to yourself.
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    Anastasia Stotskaya, photo, biography Anastasia Stotskaya  Singer, photo, biography
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