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VOROBJOV Konstantin

( Writer)

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Biography VOROBJOV Konstantin
Vorobyov, Konstantin (1919-1975), Russian writer. Born September 24, 1919 in a. Lower Reutets Medvenskogo district of the Kursk Region. in a large peasant family. He graduated from rural school-seven years, courses projectionist. In 1935 became a literary advisor to the local paper, Mr.. Medvenka, where the age of 14 published essays and poems. As a literary consultant worked for a short time: for the poem "On the death of Kirov was expelled from the Komsomol and was soon dismissed. The occasion served as found in his book about the Patriotic War of 1812, which found evidence of party ideologues 'reverence for the king's generals'.

In 1937 he moved to Moscow, he graduated from night school and became a member of the newspaper plant. Being on the compulsory military service (1938-1940), worked in the army newspaper. Upon returning from the army for some time worked at the newspaper Military Academy. Frunze, then was sent to study at the Higher School of Infantry. In 1941, Vorobyev, along with other cadets defended Moscow Kremlin. Bowl was captured and was in a Nazi concentration camp in Lithuania. In 1943, escaped from the camp, and organized a guerrilla group, which then became part of a large partisan connections. In the same year, while in the rear of the fascist, Vorobiev wrote his first novel "The Road to the fold" (publ. in 1986 entitled "It's us, O Lord!"). The story describes the terrible events that had to endure the author: Nazi torture chamber, concentration camp, shooting comrades.

After liberation by the Soviet Army Siauliai Vorobiev was appointed in this city chief of staff air defense. Discharged in 1947 and until 1956 worked in the trade organizations in Vilnius, wrote prose. His first story "Lenka" (1951) was published in the newspaper police. In the stories of the late 1940's - early 1950's and in the novel "One breath" (1948) mainly dealt with the everyday life of the Lithuanian village

. Following the release of the first collection of short stories "Snowdrop" (1956) Vorobyov became a professional writer, but soon for material reasons, was forced to find work - until 1961 headed the department of literature and art of the newspaper "Soviet Lithuania '

In the early 1960's were published novel, which brought fame Vorobyov: The Legend of my same age "(dp. name of Alexei, son of Alexis, 1960), "were killed near Moscow" (1963), "The Scream" (1962). The action of the novel "The Tale of the same age as my" happened in 1920-1930-ies in the Russian countryside. The main characters - Grandpa Mitrich and Alyosha-matrosenok - witnessing the tragic break up of peasant life.

The story "were killed near Moscow became the first product from the discharge Vorobiova those who were called by critics 'prose lieutenant'. Vorobyov told about the 'incredible waking War, which he witnessed during the battles near Moscow, winter 1941.

The tragedy of the hero story "The Scream" - death from the explosion of his favorite girls - became a symbol of the tragedy of a generation whose adolescence coincided with the war. The manner in which it was written, and followed her lead Vorobyov, critics called 'sentimental naturalism'.

In the works of the mid 1960's wanted to tell Vorobyov 'the truth about the death of a Russian village'. This is embodied in the story "How much in Rokitne Joy" (1964) and "My friend Momich" (1965). Because of the discrepancy official ideological assumptions novel "My friend Momich" in the author's life is not fully published, abridged version was published under the title "Auntie Egoriha" (1967). The hero of "How much of Rokitne joy" life blamed himself for what he wrote, boy-village correspondents, newspaper article was the reason for the arrest of his own uncle. Many years later, the uncle and nephew met in Stalin's camps, in which the former village correspondent came after the fascist captivity. Vorobiev spent important for him thought that the tragedy of the village, war and captivity have common roots: the destruction of moral and social foundations of life under Stalin. Heroes 'lieutenant' and 'village' stories Vorobyov, and his stories ( "The German felt boots, 1966," soup without salt, 1968, etc.) after the terrible trials has been able to rise to the spiritual, through the heartache to come to catharsis

. Vorobiev sought to, . that the capacity for spiritual takeoff retained in himself and the heroes of those whose works, . which takes place in contemporary reality, . - Stories "Here come the giant ..." (1971) and "And all thy family" (1974, . incomplete),
. The writer realized that the heroes of these stories live in a time when 'no more personality, individuality', and this complicates their moral challenge.

Shortly before his death he worked on his novel "The Scream", which was supposed to be a continuation of the story by. Defining his subject, he wrote that it is 'just life, just love and devotion to the Russian people in their own land, his courage, patience and faith'.

He died in Vilnius Vorobyov March 2, 1975. He was posthumously awarded Alexander Solzhenitsyn (2000).

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VOROBJOV Konstantin, photo, biography VOROBJOV Konstantin  Writer, photo, biography
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