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Imre Kertö?sz

( Hungarian writer)

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Biography Imre Kertö?sz
Kertö?sz, Imre (Kertesz, Imre) (r.1929) - Hungarian writer, author of short stories, novels and essays on the topic of the Holocaust, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2002.

Born in Budapest on Nov. 9, 1929 into a Jewish family. During the Second World War, Hitler's ally Horthy in Hungary conducted a policy of ethnic cleansing. As a result, Imre Kertö?sz in 1944 at the age of fifteen in Germany was among the first Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz (Auschwitz), and then Buchenwald, and was released on Allied forces in 1945.

Returning to Hungary, Kertö?sz left school. He worked in a metropolitan newspaper 'Vilagossag' from 1948 po1951, when the newspaper had taken a course on the party ideology, he was dismissed. Then he served in the Army, worked at the factory. In 1953, finally decided to devote himself to literary work: translations from German of Freud, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Schnitzler, Rota, Hofmanshtalya, Canetti. To this period belong his first independent literary experience.

In 1975 a limited edition was released first novel by Kertö?sz, Fateless "(Sorstalansag). It earned him a reputation - anti-fascist orientation of the work under socialism promoted. But Kertö?sz this topic did not wear a narrow ideological or custom character. Prisoner's own experience was for him 'the ultimate truth about human degradation in modern existence', a point which was focused in itself all the pain and tragedy of the modern world.

Understanding experienced in Nazi concentration camps continued in subsequent works. Written in the style of autobiographical prose, having expressed the author's personal tone, they, nevertheless, are not autobiographical in the strict sense of the word. Kertö?sz - The author of "Pathfinder" (A nyomkereso, 1977), "English flag" (Az angol labogo, 1991). Novels "fiasco" (A kudarc, 1988) and "Kaddish for the unborn child" (Kaddis a meg nem szuletetett gyermekert, 1990) together with the first novel of a trilogy made up - they force a hero. "Kaddish for the unborn child (say Kaddish - the Jewish prayer for the dead) - represents a kind of appeal to the child, . not born because of, . the world, . in which he would have to enter, . still allows the existence of Auschwitz, . as well as the reasons, . they generate,

In the 1990 book Kertö?sz became actively published in the West - a translation in English, German, Swedish. At this time, he turns to for a new literary genre diary and essay. In 1992 was published "Galerny Diary" (Galyanaplo), describing the period from 1961 to 1991. Later comes "I - Another: chronicle of metamorphoses" (Valaki mas: a valtozas kronikaja, 1997) - an internal monologue in the form of notes made in 1991-1995. The collection of lectures and essays, "The Holocaust as kultura2 (A holocaust mint kultura, 1993)," When a hit squad reloads rifle "(A gondolatnyi csend, amog kivegzoroztag ujratolt, 1998), 2Yazyk in exile" (A szamuzott nyelv, 2001).

Almost unknown in the former Soviet Union, became the founder of Cortes 'camp theme' in Western European countries. He said: 'While I am officially recognized in Hungary, all that I have done in the literature, the home remains largely abandoned in the void, and left no trace of the words. In Germany and other countries, I take better-known than at home. Moreover, the Holocaust is perceived here in the West quite differently than in Hungary '. In general, the citizens of socialist countries more sensitive to the concentration camps, erected their own totalitarian governments for their citizens, than any form of violence from external enemies.

Historically, in Western countries, the problem of the concentration camps most actively raised precisely former Jewish prisoners, trapped in the Nazi camps for the most part, not as prisoners of war, as a result of ethnic cleansing. About the Holocaust in the late 1990's was filmed a lot of popular western films - "Schindler's List, The Pianist," "Life is Beautiful", which indicates the relevance of the topic.

Kertö?sz - winner of the Hungarian and international literary prizes, including the Brandenburg Prize for Literature in 1995, Grand Prix at the Leipzig Book Fair 1997 and the literary prize WELT 2000.

In 2002 Imre Kertö?sz became a laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature. In view of the Nobel Committee noted, . that she was given a 'description of the fragile experience of the struggle of the individual against the barbaric despotism of history: In his works of Imre Kertö?sz is looking for an answer to the question of, . how to maintain their individuality while, . when a society begins to increasingly dominate her personality ',

Recently living in Germany. In Russia in 2002, published by 'text' reached three stories under the general heading of "English flag"

. His creativity Kertö?sz warned that any nation, forcibly imposing their values on others, and justify these massacres and the physical elimination of opponents, inevitably risks being as punitive, like Nazi
. Theme of the victims of mass repression relevant today, for example, Serbian, Croatian or Kurdish people suffered from massive ethnic cleansing in the crucible of modern ethnic conflicts

. The tragedies of the Holocaust forced again and again to make sense of such phenomena within the framework of humanistic values, . because in the modern world, . despite the demands of political correctness, . retained the violence of some groups over others, . in whatever form - physical or moral pressure - it may be submitted.,

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Imre Kertö?sz, photo, biography
Imre Kertö?sz, photo, biography Imre Kertö?sz  Hungarian writer, photo, biography
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