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Kun Stanislav Yurievich

( Russian poet, literary critic)

Comments for Kun Stanislav Yurievich
Biography Kun Stanislav Yurievich
Kun, Stanislav YURIEVICH (p. 1932), Russian poet, literary critic. Born November 27, 1932 in Kaluga, came from a family of hereditary servants to the military and civilian (officials, district doctor) arenas. He graduated from the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University (1952-1957). Printed poems in 1956, the first collection of poetry "explorers" (1960), released in Kaluga, brought Kunyaevu a famous (in t.ch. Good poem should be with fists). In 1961, publishes a series of "Kazakhstan Notebook" in spirit and style of the then Komsomol youth advocacy lyrical telling of the young men and women enthusiastically mastered the new lands. Numerous subsequent books of poetry Kunyaeva ( "Link", . 1962, "eternal companion", . 1973; "Scroll", . 1976; 'manuscript, . 1977; 'Deep Day ", . 1978, "free element", . 1979, "Lens Flare", . "Solar Night, . both 1981; "The Way", . 1982 Lake unnamed ", . 1983, "Space and Time", . 1985; 'Fire, . shimmering in the vessel ", . 1986; "mother earth", . 1988, . etc.) is characterized by their author as a poet-essayist, . in Soviet times with a clear taste of 'officialdom', . Perestroika in Russia - an uncompromising, opposition,
. Declared itself, in addition to NM Rubtsov, YP Kuznetsov, AK Peredreevym and others, as the successor 'pochvennicheskoy' tradition of Russian poetry in the second half. 20 at., . Kuniaev, . one hand, . satisfies the images of their art space, . planetary reflections and global generalizations, . on the other - has found a paucity, . 'zashtampovannost' poetic language, . often combined with the banality of thought (the poet - 'a witness of heaven and earth, . / Witness rain and full moon ... ', . which 'can never be or do not want to live a settled life', . in his soul struggling 'thirst for wandering' and 'thirst for peace'; in nature - 'and the homeland, . and death, . / And the life, . and eternity - together '),

. Russia validity of the 1990's gave new impetus politicized poetry Kunyaeva, . permeated her accusatory pathos hater 'unpopular' reforms (collections of "Russian Dreams", . 1990; 'Major will: Poems troubled times. " 1988-1992, . 1992; "Through the tears in his eyes", . 1996, . where the main topic is scourged the enemies of the Russian nation: 'The unfortunate age! Unhappy Russia! / All the same demons crawled into the light! " - Poem "petrified faces Deputies ...";''Spoili us! '..,
. 'Rot us!' ... 'Corrupted us!''- "Three Voices). Anticipation, not without secret threat that the 'Russian roads ... / By Paul Kulikov lead ( "All the soul as much heartfelt ...") and 'sinful Minin iron palm / Decrees only way, . / By which the ashes of the pretender / was plucked out of the vents in the space '(Leslie demons in the Kremlin wall ..."), . poet at the same time, fears of civil strife, and hoped to 'the supreme will of the' Creator, . on Orthodoxy, . tribute to revive Russia - not without help, . however, . Russian soldiers, . in the form of 'granite monuments' migrated to Russia from not so long ago liberated from fascism, . and now glumyascheysya over the birthplace of Europe ( "The Last Parade"),

Since the fall of 1989 Kuniaev - Editor in Chief 'novopochvennicheskogo' magazine 'Our Contemporary'. Has published several collections of literary-critical articles on a so-called. peasant poet, prose writer,'derevenschikam ', the general state of contemporary literature. Author of ten belletrizovannyh biographies in the series 'ZHZL' ( 'Life of Famous People'), numerous translations from the Ukrainian, Georgian, Abkhaz (in t.ch. L. Mushni, D. Gulia), Kyrgyz (in t.ch. Toktogul), Buryat, Lithuanian (in t.ch. E. Mezhelaytis) poetry (also translated from the Latin original "Songs of the bison" N. Gussovskogo - the first epic poem about Belarusians).

Winner of State Prize of the RSFSR. Gorky. Some works Kunyaeva translated into Bulgarian, Czech and Slovak languages.

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Kun Stanislav Yurievich, photo, biography
Kun Stanislav Yurievich, photo, biography Kun Stanislav Yurievich  Russian poet, literary critic, photo, biography
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