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Boris I. Tarakanov

( Author of the novel 'Ring time', the leading free sheet music Archives, conducted by the Academic Choir of Mendeleev University, an employee of the Central Bank of Russia)

Comments for Boris I. Tarakanov
Biography Boris I. Tarakanov
Boris I. Tarakanov
. (06.02.1968 years [Vladivostok])

. Is it possible to combine in this century: the craving for modern technology, . great music and to write novels? Yes, . as it turns out it is not so difficult, . or not so simple? These and other questions we will answer Boris Tarakanov, . author of the novel 'ring time', . Lead free sheet music Archives, . conductor of the Academic Choir Mendeleev University of, . and an employee of the Central Bank of Russia.,

. -When and where were you born?

. Born on February 6 1968
. G. Vladivostok. In the 3 years was "kontrabadno" evacuated to Moscow grandmother (parents moved later), so I felt on the Muscovites.

-Your memories from childhood?

There are many. They are colorful and very different. Vague recollection of Vladivostok, from which I was taken in early childhood ... High mountain. On her climb colored Gondola cabins. Since then, this strange traffic sometimes I dream. But, somehow, in a mode much more distance ...

I was six years old ... Hot summer. In a large grocery store near home refrigerators thawed and put in the back yard with a huge box ... real snow. How could one not use such a chance? Now, with a clear conscience I can say that snowball hot July afternoon. I remember this episode as a small real miracle ...

. -Who would you like to be in childhood?

. For a start, it was posited to boys of that period, an astronaut (and, preferably, bypassing the pilot stage, because the planes I was seasick all the time)
. After a period of a doctor (with a specialization I was not identified, although it was clear that it will not be a dentist - I have them still scared!), A theater and film (it was all over school amateur), and finally, the programmer. The latest iteration of the partially implemented - the four developed systems of two even managed to sell ...

. - If no secret what?

. It is no secret - a local search engine science and technology information (account cards theses and reports on R & D) and the database "Orthodox churches in Moscow."

. -What do you do in the Central?

. I work in the Department of Information Systems
. Dealing with standartalogii and standardization. I get great pleasure from both work and from communicating with wonderful people "inhabiting" the Department.

. Story-book fantastic adventure, where is he?

. Once I was fascinated by the history of the train disappeared in Italy in 1911
. Within two years I have collected materials on the subject (including in Italy). Just be very interesting to do this. I decided to translate all that I have found, or in a script, or a fantasy novel. Stopped at the last. Invaluable assistance in the creation of this novel I had Sergei Galihin.

-Being the conductor of the academic chorus - this is difficult?

Conducting general not a simple matter. We have to control the number of "information channels" simultaneously: work with people, with the score, with the audience, the complex psycho-emotional sphere ... If you find between all of these "golden point of balance", can be learned from conducting an enormous pleasure.

-What problems do you meet during rehearsals?

All kinds. They have to overcome. Problems can be organizational, disciplinary, the imbalance in the level of training of the various actors of the chorus, "difficult days" for the singing of work, his own bad health ... The main thing in such cases - odnaznachnaya self-adjustment of success: "Everything will be fine. Just obligation! With the help of God ... ". It is involuntarily transferred to the team (chorus, orchestra, ensemble ...) with whom you work.

. -Is it true that the disappearance of two votes, as in advertising Twix, or does not affect the sound?

. In a large and powerful chorus that can not really influence, although this is clearly unacceptable
. During the performance of the choir is not only "sound", but also a kind of "energy" monolith. Any imbalance within the team can affect the force of the impact on the listener. However, on this subject I can talk a long time - because it is the topic of my thesis "Problems of Economics and Management of Choral Art, where the actual horovedeniyu given a greater part.

. -Still not so I can link information technology on the one hand, conducting with the other, and writing a book with a third
. It is very difficult?

I do not know ... Probably no more difficult than life itself. But life as multifaceted as the Universe. The main thing to "the brink of Life" to give pleasure and joy to yourself and your neighbors.

-Are you married? Have children?

Yes, I have two children. Elder, BorisBorisovichu already 6,5 years. Younger, Xenia, February 19 will be 3 years. Wife is also a conductor.

-What you want from this life?

Perhaps the happiness in the definition of my favorite writer and a great friend - Vladislav Krapivina. "Happiness - is happy when those you love."

-Your future plans?

To go further and not lose heart. This generally. Well, in particular (from the nearest, so to speak):

. - Expand free music notation file;

. - To finish, finally, the continuation of the "Ring of Time" (with writer-composer Anton Fyodorov, a friend of mine) - the novel is called "The Wheel in the deserted park and will reflect the adventures of the same characters, but after 10 years ...

. - To finish repairs and, after all, to enter the apartment for three months dedicate "a prey to" repair teams;

. - Once again go to Italy (no matter for what reason);

. - To invent a perpetual motion machine, Elixir of Happiness and write an oratorio based on poems by Vladislav Krapivina for chorus and full symphony orchestra! I'm joking
. Music from me no.

- Good luck to you

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Boris I. Tarakanov, photo, biography
Boris I. Tarakanov, photo, biography Boris I. Tarakanov  Author of the novel 'Ring time', the leading free sheet music Archives, conducted by the Academic Choir of Mendeleev University, an employee of the Central Bank of Russia, photo, biography
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