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Starygin Igor

( Honored Artist of Russia (1992))

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Biography Starygin Igor

Very often actors are identified with their kinogeroyami. That's talking about Igor Starygin and want to start - he was born in a family of nobles: However, as they say, there is no 'blue blood' in his pedigree is not. Parents Igor - most ordinary people, hailing from the province of Ryazan. My father was a civil pilot, my mother worked at various jobs, one of which - the cashier box office. Igor was born in Moscow, and spent his childhood in a communal apartment.

Important role in the upbringing of Igor played his grandmother and grandfather. Although my grandmother and was semi-literate, could not properly sign, but she was exceptionally intelligent and able to convey these qualities grandson. Igor's grandfather was a member of the NKVD. It tells the actor himself: 'In his house all a little afraid, but I wanted to be like him'. Since his childhood dream to become possessed boy scout. 'I knew where the house lies grandfathers gun and secretly played with him. Loved detectives. Seriously preparing to enter the security service, inquiring about everything grandfather ', - confessed Igor Starygin.

Since the fifth grade, Igor began to attend drama school. However, he noted there soon so as to kill their free time, rather than the pull of high art. 'I can not say that for me it was really not interested. Maybe not the process of play-acting, pictures of yourself for someone on the scene, but more in the process of preparing me still attracted. Girls sewed costumes, we youngsters were making scenery - work with your hands, I turned out correctly, in general, we had a pleasant, as they say, ц?цЁц?цўц?ц?ц? ', - he recalls.

. Another reason for visiting the studio had a secret love for one girl Igor
. But to confess his feelings, he did not dare. Igor general was very shy boy, and in relations with girls and even more so remained timid and nenastoychiv. But the girls themselves could not ignore the beautiful and intelligent boy. In recognition Starygin, in the upper grades they assigned him to interview:
Select profession

As already mentioned, Igor and his childhood dream was to become a spy. Gradually, this dream was transformed into a more realistic. After leaving school, he decided to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University.

However, the exams at MSU was in July, while all the drama college - in May. Many of his friends, Igor, having left school, decided to try his hand at acting profession. For a company with them and he went.

Then word itself Starygin: 'Actually, I'm not prepared, because it was going to do in the Legal, and on examination was not even combed. Went to the admissions committee and read the 'Basil Terkina', which I taught in fifth grade to the school holidays. Imagine, this is my something 'soup mix' with the person reading Casanova heroic Tvardovsky. Commission flipped, and the chairman asked: 'Do you have anything else?' - 'No,' - replied indifferently. 'Well, you insolent boy! ", - Concluded the chairman selection committee and immediately transferred me to the third round'.

As a result, none of his friends, Igor did not pass, but it took GITIS, enrolled in a course Vasily Orlov. 'All that I can, I am indebted to him', - admits the actor.
The first movie roles

In the second year Igor Starygin first appeared in film. He played a small role in a military aide Rybochkina film Alexander Stolper 'Retribution'. This work was, so to speak, illegal. Students are forbidden to act in films, and played Starygin secretly, during the winter holidays. By the way, the institute did not know about the work of Igor, since the film for political reasons, long 'lay on the shelf'.

But the next picture is already could not go unnoticed. It is a lyrical story of Stanislav Rostotsky 'live till Monday'. Then Igor already studied in the fourth year. Together with other students, he often superintending on the Gorky Film Studio, hoping to get some role. The guys who was always short of money, very much like to earn extra money.

Thus Starygin and attracted the attention of Stanislav Rostotsky. True, the original director refused to Igor and his friends, explaining that his films are oldish. But a month later assistant director Igor invited to read the script, later it was approved for the role of Bones Batishcheva.

. Painting 'live till Monday' has collected many awards and even been declared the best film in 1968 by a poll of the journal "Soviet Screen"
. Igor Starygin she first brought fame and the first fans:
First marriage

By the beginning of filming of 'live till Monday' Igor was married. In the third year he married his classmate. Igor says: It was a very beautiful girl with a beautiful figure. Together, we passed the entrance examinations and were in the same group. But, as often happens, when you meet every day, you do not notice how nice the establishment near you. A long time I took it simply as a fellow student, and once drew attention as a woman. In general, I followed her and not caring, it all happened, as a matter of. I have a principle: if you slept - marry: '

The girl Igor were very affluent parents, who organized a chic wedding. But, as he admits, 'sexual affection - it's not everything that can keep the family', so their marriage did not last long. A year later, they divorced:

After graduating in 1968, the Institute Starygin came to work in TUZ. There he met his future second wife. Mika Ardov, which by the way older than Igor, at the time was married and was preparing to give birth to second daughter. By Igor: 'At first I saw it as just a sweet, charming woman. And once we have encountered in the actor corridor, . I told her jokingly said: 'Mick, . Well look at yourself, . you are grown a paunch? ", . then observed, . she frowned, . and continued: 'Do not be offended, . sun, . They all envy, . you will also be a child! " Then Mike told me, . that those words turned her attitude towards me ... ',

. A year after the birth of his daughter Anna, Mika parted company with her husband and went to live with Igor
. 'Y Miki was a wonderful husband, we had still been friends - recognized Starygin. - I generally get in the way of life, . I have all former wives, . their husbands and other parties to the marriage events remain friendly relations, . I have no one parting from rude, . therefore, . chance meeting after a while, . We kiss, . go to each other's homes, . introduce 'former' with 'current',
. With her husband Mickey, too, we all decided to intelligently, he only said: 'You're going to educate my children? You yourself are a kid! ". I said: 'And why not? "- And he went peacefully ...'

So Igor overnight once and got a wife and two daughters. But in 1978 Igor was born the daughter of Mickey and Nastya. She did not follow in their footsteps, becoming an artist. Since the second wife of Igor Starygin spent twelve years. And now he believes that this was his only real family:

All these years, Mick had to endure the extraordinary popularity of her husband. After graduation, Igor lot appeared in films. In 1969 he took two pictures with his participation. In the detective drama Boris Volchek 'are accused of killing' he played a negative role - one of the thugs responsible for the death of a youth. He also starred in a popular adventure TV movie 'The adjutant of his excellency. "

Then followed by other works, the most notable of which was the role of Norbert de La Mole in the drama 'Red and Black'. It should be noted that Igor is very often going to the negative role. But even these works were added to it viewers love. Actor threw numerous declarations of love, at the exit from the theater he has always waited for the crowd fans, and Igor had to hide from them. It is worth noting that at times he ever received and the message type: 'I hate you. You bad man '. What once again underlines how convincing was the actor in their roles. Yet nation-wide popularity among Starygin was still ahead.

Probably not a man who at least once in my life saw the film George Yungvald-Khil'kevich 'D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers'. After the release of this film is quite well-known film actors, Mikhail Boyarsky, Valentin Smirnitskii, Igor Starygin and Benjamin laughter became superstars. Hundreds of youngsters emulate them, many children's games came down to a game in the Musketeers. Igor Starygin have played in the film role of Aramis.

On the role of Aramis Starygin adopted literally on the move. It seemed he did not have to pretend - he played himself, a silent Jesuit, handsome, cunning, which is always on his mind.

Remembers Benjamin laugh: 'Igor Starygin liked me as an actor in the film' live till Monday '. In life, he seemed fragile intellectual. Last - true, but the fragility I was wrong. All the Sturm und Drang of our 'holiday sportlagerya' Igor endured as a simple and proud: he fell from his horse, or fell under a constant bombardment of humor and satire gentlemen Porthos, D'Artagnan and De Zhyussaka (alias Vladimir Balon) '. However, it is worth noting that Starygin in debt does not remain. No wonder all kinogruppa jokingly nicknamed him 'viper' - for the caustic podkoly.

All the actors were filmed in the movie with great courage. 'We were young, reckless, we had a million women, swords, horses! - Admiringly recalls Mikhail Boyarsky. - They were crazy days of happiness and misunderstanding of what happens: 'The Musketeers bantered each other, competing, kutili and do not notice how we became inseparable. 'All was divided equally - continues Mikhail Boyarsky. - Money - general, food - general, all general. And it was a happy crazy, some kind of friendship is a swinging '. 'We lived the life of the musketeers, and in the frame and outside the frame, - says Igor Starygin. - Sometimes confused where we are: on set or in a hotel room '. Who knows, maybe it was the mood that has prevailed if the shooting, and brought the film such an incredible popularity.

The second wife Mika Igor Starygin parted, having lived almost 12 years. As he himself acknowledges, the cause was one of his novels. They broke up a peaceful, and now continue to maintain friendly relations. All these years, Igor did not lose connection, and with his daughter. 'Nastya - my very dear and beloved man, - he admits. - I am proud of my daughter, and she was proud of me '.

The third wife of Igor was a ballerina, the fourth - producer of Sverdlovsk, which he brought to Moscow. But both of these marriages were short-lived:
80 s. Theater and cinema

Immediately after the 'Musketeers' to screen out the first and second films 'state boundary', where Starygin played the role of a white officer Vladimir Danovich. And played, as always, with his characteristic charm and intelligence, making his character captured the audience.

True, viewers could not see this film. A few days before the premiere of the film was removed from the ether. Helped acquaintance of one of the directors with Galina Brezhnev. He telephoned his daughter and asked Secretary General to help. The film was shown at a reception for diplomats and employees of the Foreign Ministry, where he passed on the 'Hurray! ". Then, Leonid Ilyich gave green light to show 'the State border'.

Years later, Igor Starygin for this role, was awarded the Federal Border Service of Russia 'golden crown border'.

Next actor was less successful. It is a sci-fi tape 'Moon Rainbow' on the novel by Sergei Pavlov. According to Igor, the cause was a weak script, despite the fact that the novel itself is a very good product: Generally, in the 80 years Starygin little appeared in films, and those roles can not be called successful. The only notable work after the 'state boundary' is really what adventure 'Play in the compartments'.

As for the work in the theater, then in TYuZe Starygin worked until 1983. Simultaneously, a time he appeared on stage theater. Moscow City Council, where he called himself the role of Zavadskii Dulchina in 'last sacrifice'. On those years the actor recalls: 'I went on stage with famous actors. For happiness honored to play with Ranevskaya, but feared her terribly! Another thing - Plyatt. We were partners in the 'singing sands', he helped me in everything, I just adored him. "

Since 1983, Igor Starygin went to the theater-studio 'Nikitsky gate' under the leadership of M. Rozovsky.
90 s

In the early 90-ies George Yungvald-Khil'kevich began to shoot the movie 'The Musketeers Twenty Years Later', which invited all the principal participants in the first picture. The shooting took place with great difficulty - in the country began an economic and political crisis, everything was in ruins.

Remembers George Yungvald-Khil'kevich: 'boom took on money laundering thieves. Any fireworker rented movie and felt brilliant filmmaker. Assistants, administrators, operators, too, rushed to the Great Artists. Alas, the money are over - and then finished movie, not only unprofessional, but also professional. Continuation of the 'Musketeers' was the only film in my life, during the filming of which I dreamed that he will soon be over'.

In addition, according to the director: ': my musketeers on' Twenty years later, 'I just got. Good boys become known and unmanageable. Superlyubimtsy people, they looked down on me. Most other people! "

There were disagreements and the plot of the film. In the development of literary material with Khil'kevich participated and Boyarsky. He insisted on a classical tragic finale, when all the musketeers, D'Artagnan, but perished. But Khil'kevich able to convince him that any screening, where they die, suffer at the box office failure. But convince Boyarsky excluded from the picture long monologues he could. As a result, the film received a lengthy and was not as successful as the first picture.

A year later the screen went third film - "Secret of Queen Anna or Musketeers Thirty Years Later '. All that was said about the second film can be reasonably attributed to him.

More in the 90 years Igor Starygin not starred in movies. The reasons here are a bit. First a general breakdown of the national cinema, second health problem - the actor suffered a number of very complex operations.

. These years Igor dedicated theater, where they had played many different roles.
. Today

. In recent years, Igor Starygin after a long hiatus began acting in film
. In the series 'code of honor' he played the banker Mamaev, in the series 'kid in the milk' - Odueva, and in the series 'lost the sun' - Karetnikau.

With regard to personal life, then for several years, Igor Starygin lives with his girlfriend, Nina. It works chief curator of the museum. Bakhrushin. About the actor himself said: 'I do lone wolf, I do not like big companies, hangouts, as they say. It's not for me. I am a person's home: a good book, a dog - this is my spare time '.

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