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Arsen Avakov

( Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration)

Comments for Arsen Avakov
Biography Arsen Avakov
Place of birth, education. Born in Baku in the family of a soldier. Living in Ukraine since 1966. In 1988, he graduated from Kharkov Polytechnic University, specializing in automated control systems "(was qualified as a system engineer").

Career. In the period of study at the institute, in the summer of 1985, A. Avakov worked as master (the commander of the detachment) construction management? 18 Trust "Novourengoygazstroy" in the Tyumen region. In the summer of 1986 - commander of the student stroyotryada BMP-522 PSMO "Tyumendorstoy" trust "Urengoytransstroy.

In 1987-1990. - Engineer of the Kharkov Institute of Water. He was engaged in scientific activities, in particular, issues of mathematical modeling.

. In 1990 he founded one of the first Ukrainian joint stock companies - JSC "Investor", which took over as president.

. In 1992 he established and headed the commercial bank "Basis."

. In 2002, he was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Kharkiv City Council.

. February 4, 2005 decree of President Victor Yushchenko, who actively supported in the 2004 elections, appointed chairman of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration
. On the same day, as indicated in the official biography, resigned as chairman of the supervisory board under the control of business structures - OJSC "Bank" Basis "and JSC" Investor ".

. One of the vice governor of the Kharkiv region - the nephew of the head of state Yaroslav Yushchenko.

. A. Avakov - Member proyuschenkovskoy party People's Union "Our Ukraine" and its Bureau
. Since 2006 - Member of the Kharkiv Regional Council of "Our Ukraine" member of the committee on the budget.

Among the long-standing political opponents A. Avakov - the Party of Regions. To especially implacable foe governor include "regionals" Mikhail Dobkin, the mayor of Kharkiv, Gennady Kernes, Secretary of Kharkiv City Council, Basil Salygin, head of the Regional Council.

Status and assets. In February 2008 the magazine "Focus" in the list of 130 richest Ukrainians put Avakov 67 th. The experts assessed the state governor's edition of Kharkiv in $ 385 million. It was noted that a year ago it was $ 300 million

JSCB "Basis" was registered by National Bank of Ukraine in 1992. Has branches in Dnepropetrovsk and Kiev. In May 1995 he joined the first in a former branch of the Kharkiv investment commercial bank for the development of light industry "Interstroybank"

. Among the partners of the bank - JSC "Investor", . AO Turboatom, . JSC "Cogeneration-3", . Regional Municipal Enterprise "Kharkov heating", . SOE Kharkiv Heating Networks ", . OAO UTsEBOTneftegaz ", . JSC "Bakery Saltovskiy", . LLC "Ukrainian tea factory" AhmadTI ", . Dublyansky distillery, . Novopokrovsky State Flour Mill.,

. "Basis" is part of the financial-industrial group "Investor"
. Founder and majority shareholder (50.55% of the share capital of the bank) - AS "Investor," main "controller" who is called Avakov.

According to "Focus" FIG "Investor" coordinates the activities of some 40 companies raznootraslevyh. In t.ch. energy, manufacturing and sale in Ukraine, a popular brand of tea "Ahmad".

Regalia. Honored Economist of Ukraine. Author of 12 scientific publications and one monograph.

Family. The politician is married and has a son.

Charity. A. Avakov as an individual co-founder benefactor of several structures

. Fund im.Marianny Avakov assists orphanages, boarding schools, orphans.

. The charitable organization "Star Bridge" is engaged in an annual international festival of fantasy, publishing literary fiction, social and educational activities in the orphanages, schools and universities.

. Charitable Foundation "Renaissance" is engaged in carrying out charitable activities, concerts, auctions, restoration and revival of historical and architectural monuments, grant support of young scientists, academic programs, children's art.

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  • nazi, fashist
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    Arsen Avakov, photo, biography
    Arsen Avakov, photo, biography Arsen Avakov  Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, photo, biography
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