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Podberyozkin Alexey

( President 'RAU-Corporation')

Comments for Podberyozkin Alexey
Biography Podberyozkin Alexey
Date of birth: 07 February 1953 пЁпЎпЄп°
1968-1971 he. - A mechanic-electrician, Fitter Experimental Factory of the Academy of utilities im.Pamfilova (Moscow). Work at the plant went into 15 years of age, graduated from an eight-year.
1971-1973,. - Served in the Armed Forces.
Of 1973-1974. - Rezalschik printing "Soyuzpoligrafproekt" (Moscow). Simultaneously, he studied at night school.
1974-1979 gg. - Student of the preparatory department, a student at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).
From 1979-1981. - Researcher, Associate Researcher, Laboratory of Systems Analysis MGIMO.
1981-1985,. - Referent, the head of the group of scientific advisers to the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR.
1985-1989 gg. - Senior researcher, senior researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) USSR.
1989-1990,. - Senior Researcher Research Division of the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR.
Until 1990. - Member of the CPSU.
1990-1992,. - The initiator of the establishment, the president of Russo-American University (RAU).
Since 1992, Mr.. - President "RAU-Corporation" (RAU-Corporation).
"RAU-Corporation - Scientific and Analytical Center of the opposition, provided information support for the Communist Party, PPAR, and other parties and movements.
External Adviser to the Vice-President of Russia Alexander Rutskoi (since July 1991. October 1993).
1994-1996,. - Assistant Deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation of Vladimir Kozhemyakina (PRES).
Since 1992, Mr.. publishes a monthly analytical journal (originally - newspaper) "Observer".
Since May 1995. - Chairman of the Central Council of nationwide political movement "Spiritual Heritage". Created in spring 1995. on "RAU-Corporation and the fund" Spiritual Heritage "(established in 1994). In the leadership initially included several members of the Communist Party, including Gennadi Zyuganov, and Gennady Seleznev.
Spring 1996. - Deputy Chief of Staff of the election campaign of the candidate for president of Russia Gennady Zyuganov.
Since August 1996. until 1999. - Member of the Coordinating Board, Co People's Patriotic Union of Russia (PPAR).
Considered the ideologist and "gray cardinal" of the CPRF and PPAR.
Since December 1995. December 1999. - Member of the State Duma of the second convocation.
Elected to the block list of the CPRF (N10 in the list). At the same time among the other 18 candidates ran for the Central District of N202 (Moscow), but lost the election (fourth place) Nikolai Gonchar.
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma committee on international affairs, oversaw the work of the subcommittee on foreign intelligence. Until August 1999. - Member of the Communist Party faction. Excluded from the faction for supporting the movement "Fatherland", Yuri Luzhkov. Tried to create a parliamentary group of "Spiritual Heritage" (September 1999). In October-December 1999. - Member of an unregistered group "People's Deputy".
In May 1999,. voted for the impeachment of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin on all counts.
In December 1999,. ran for the State Duma of the third convocation, headed the list of motion "Spiritual Heritage" (Podberyozkin, Peter Proskurin, Vladimir collar). Passed signature, but has not made a pledge. Block does not overcome the 5% barrier (0.1%).
At the same time lost the election for the Central District of N 202 (fifth place out of ten possible).
In January 2000, Mr.. Podberyozkin expressed a desire to run for president of Russia. While in September 1999. stated that there are so many contenders for the post, that his wife would laugh if he would join them. February 9 registered as a candidate for president of Russia.
Born in a working class family.
Married for the second.
The first wife died.
Second wife - Olga K. Rusakov, daughter of former Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Konstantin Rusakov.
Three daughters. Two - Margarita Alekseevna and Olga - from his first marriage. Julia A. Rusakov - from the second.
And awards
Academician of the Russia Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).
Academician of the Academy of Military Sciences.
Friends and enemies
"His best friend thinks Alexis Tsaregorodtseva, which in the early 90-ies he worked in the apparatus [Vice] President of Russia. Trusts him and believes it is possible to listen to his recommendations "(" Faces ", February-March 2000).
Neighborhood Podberezkin consists mainly of retired military and former intelligence personnel, who write voluminous and watery reports on national security.
Deputy assistant to the State Duma of the second convocation: Zarochentsev Nicholas G., Associate Relations regions Pavel Bukharin, public assistant journalist "Moskovsky Komsomolets" Sergei Zverev.
In December 1998, Mr.. Paul Bukharin was arrested for attempted armed robbery of a commercial kiosk. According to Bukharin himself, he had just been discharged from the hospital and decided to celebrate this event. But vodka is not enough, and he went into a stall in the street Kulakov, where he was told that vodka is now the kiosks do not sell. This so upset Bukharin that he was brandishing a pistol, Crossman, demanded not only vodka, but the money. For this requirement it and found a police outfit (the newspaper "Honestly," January 14, 1999). Podberyozkin not rule out that everything that has happened - "provocation" against the "Spiritual Heritage". His assistant Podberyozkin never seen drunk, moreover, before becoming an assistant, Bukharin was "voluntarily has been tested in the organs of the FSB and MVD" ( "Honestly," "Novye Izvestia, December 22, 1998).
Checking in the organs of the FSB and the Interior Ministry, is possible, practice in the selection of personnel Podberyozkin. This is most likely due to the spy mania: "I am a bastard for relations with American intelligence expelled. So he is now an assistant to [Gennady] Seleznev is ... "(Podberyozkin," Moskovsky Komsomolets, 20 August 1999. Perhaps it is a well-known philosopher Alexander Dugin - prim.RBK).
In 1991. Podberyozkin warmed retired secretary of the Communist Gennady Zyuganov, the Communist Party of the RSFSR in RAU-Corporation ". In 1993, after the re-establishment of the Communist Party began their joint entry into the big politics.
Communist ideals were not attractive nor Podberezkin nor Zyuganov. Their joint projects were implemented mainly in the People's Patriotic field (PPAR). Podberyozkin considered the chief ideologist of the Communist Party and personally Zyuganov, although it was not formally executed: it is not even a member of the Party. Place Podberezkin well shown in the Communist Party electoral list in the second convocation DG: N10, immediately after the party bosses.
In winter 1998-1999,. between Podberyozkin and Zyuganov ran a black cat. Whether indoor plenum of the Communist Party has decided not to put people out of "Spiritual Heritage" in its electoral list, then the Communists hacked Podberezkin idea to go to the Duma elections block PPAR, but under the banner of the Communist Party, he did not want to stand up - now hard to say. We only know that after this closed hardware fuss Podberyozkin stated that he would go to the elections independently. Harboring resentment solely on the Communist Party, he did not initially distanced himself from the PPAR. Even going to register over the election a stamp - block "Patriots of Russia - PPAR, but found that the late registration. Then split deepened: Podberyozkin forbidden under pain of dissolution of the regional organizations to conduct any negotiations not only with the Communist Party, but also other parties and movements belonging to the PPAR. At the same time he negotiated almost all, up to the "Fatherland" Yuri Luzhkov and the pro-presidential bloc "Russia" (block not held).
Zyuganovtsev idea of a coalition bloc "For Victory" Podberyozkin first took gladly, but when I learned that for the "Spiritual Heritage" there is no reserved seats, have finally offended (RBC, 4 and 18 August 1999). Moreover Zyuganov promised Podberyozkin, . would hold an alternative convention "Spiritual Heritage", . and Podberezkin answered, . that "finds a number of his supporters by hundreds of Communists in every region and create an alternative party, the Communist Party" (RBC, . August 18, 1999),
. In addition to "the Communist Party of Russia (" real ") - CRC (n), Podberyozkin decided to organize and" real "PPAR (Union of State and the patriotic forces of Russia - SGPSR). Negotiations on its establishment were conducted with Sergei Baburin. Closer to the election Podberyozkin lapsed into pessimism. Earlier he talked about 7-8%, which can dial the NAM, on 15 December it had been going on for a little less than 5% (an interview with RBC).
In an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets "(August 20, 1999) Podberyozkin described the process of elimination it from the Communist Party faction. From his words you can understand what happened to Zyuganov also came as a surprise. "On Monday morning I called Zyuganov. He says: me your suggestions for the conduct of the election campaign, like, come after the approval of Putin ... A few minutes later I suddenly learn that at a meeting of the Communist Party faction expelled me. Communists were discussing a candidate for prime minister, the Duma elections ... By the end of pop the two blotter, Shabanov and Ponomarev, and me for a quarter of an hour to clean "for acts contrary to the party line". Seeing that most set against Podberyozkin, Zyuganov simply not consider it necessary for him to stand up. "I remember in an interview with" MK "you call a three-year statute of limitations Zyuganov mannered, deeply decent man ..." - "Yes I told him do not shake hands now. And I will not communicate. What he did was a dirty trick "(interview with MK). In an interview with "interlocutor" (N33, 1999) Podberyozkin named chief organizer of its exclusion Valentin Kuptsov, Zyuganov is "just confused and walked him on a leash".
"Keen on the study of human capabilities, collects books and engaged in research. <:> Loves gymnastics, can still perform military regulations "(" Faces ", February-March 2000). Playing tennis, swimming.
In literature, music and painting like all exemplary Russian: Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Glazunov, Tchaikovsky, Sviridov: Also in cooking: like porridge, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms and kvass.
In 1998. income, except wages MP - 124 154 rubles, had no. In 1999. earned 312 586 rubles (DG, JSC "NIF" RAU-University, "KP" RSE "RAU-Bank).
As of February 2000, at Podberezkin is: 33 City center and an unfinished house in the Moscow region. (88 sqm) apartment in Moscow (81.8 sq.m, together with her two daughters from his first marriage property), rented a garage 17,5 m. Deposits and no car. But there is in the share capital of the following organizations: JSC "Aneks" (3%), . TOO "Technical Security" ROS "(4% - 50 000 rub.), . JSC "NIF" RAU-University "(50% - 5 000 rub.), . JSC "Heritage of the Fatherland" (5, . 79% - 950 000 rub.), . OAO AKB "Code" (0, . 12% - 8 333 333 rub.),
The wife Podberezkin has two apartments - 125 and 105 square meters, apparently left over from his father, a car VAZ-21061 (most likely refers to "Lada", rotted in the country Podberezkin) and the 20 hectare site in Moscow region. His wife and eldest daughter work part time in "RAU-University".
Orthodox Christian. Cross and leads to the church of their children.
Previously Podberyozkin said that between Orthodoxy and communism is no contradiction: "and there, and there is a basis of concepts - moral denominator". After a quarrel with Zyuganov, he compared the Communists with Muslims. "If you're not a member of the party, they treat you as Muslims to" infidels ". Here I am to them "the wrong dog," and no matter how much they helped, anyway its never going to be "(Moskovsky Komsomolets, 20 August 1999).
"Critical analysis of bourgeois concepts of values of an arms race in the military-political doctrine of the U.S.".
"Lobbyists Catastrophe" (1987, co-authored with Bursovym AV).
"The military-strategic parity: two positions" (1990, in collaboration with Lebedev YV).
"National Doctrine of Russia" (1993, co-authored).
"Russia today - a real chance" (1994, co-authored).
"Contemporary Russian idea and the State" (1995).
"Russia on the Threshold of XXI Century" (1996, co-authored with Kozhemiakin VN).
"Russian Way" (1997).
The Russian way: Take a step "(1998).
Concept of National Security of Russia "(annual reports, co-authored).

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Podberyozkin Alexey, photo, biography Podberyozkin Alexey  President 'RAU-Corporation', photo, biography
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