SZ: America is not just "stupidity" has defied Russia
Relations Between Moscow and Washington often suffer because of resentment and misunderstandings, the journalist said in the U.S. capital Nicholas Richter in a publication printed in the print edition.
Between America and Russia Relations, it would seem, was likely to be simple: both countries are influential, can veto in the UN security Council, both need each other. They collaborate on many key international issues, for example on the nuclear program of Iran or the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic. But insults and misunderstandings often cause damage to these relations, and what is happening currently around the Crimea and Ukraine is another example of such a failure, says the Creator.
"Yes, the US were not always quite correct in relations with Moscow. In the nineties Washington kept saying, " We won the cold war ", showing pure American pride and in reality showing that the majority of the US policy remained in the categories of the cold war. Was stupid from George Bush despite the wishes of Russia in 2003 to invade Iraq and to deploy missile defense in Eastern Europe. Was stupid from [Barack] Obama called the Russian Federation "regional power," lists Richter.
However, all of these challenges, at different times thrown Moscow, had never been part of the American thought-out plan, and has always been a concrete miscalculation specific politicians, said the journalist.
The experience of mutual differences need to be taken into account in the present time when, after the visit of United States Secretary of state John Kerry in Sochi, and Russia, maybe will try again to restore the Relationship, says the Creator.