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The rest of the children of Donbass in the camps of the Russian Federation will organize, with the assistance Astakhov

Monitoring Group on the rights of the child in the East of Ukraine with the assistance of the Ombudsman under the RF President on the rights of the child Pavel Astakhov arrange for the removal of children of Donbass in Russian summer camps and collect stationery for Donbas schools, said Fins news the member of the presidential Council on human rights (HRC), the head of the Union volunteers Russia Jan Lantratova.

Monitoring Group on the rights of the child in the East of Ukraine was created in the spring of the current year at the initiative of Lantratov. The group entered, and among them, a member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation Anton Tsvetkov, the people's Deputy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Olga Alimov, member of the Council of Federation Lyudmila Bokova, member of the HRC Maxim Shevchenko. The group Also collaborates with the office of the Commissioner on the rights of the child under the President of the Russian Federation. The monitoring group members from 30 may to 1 June visited Donetsk and Lugansk, to collect information about received damage in the process of conflict children and violations of the rights of the child in the field.

Lantratova said that Association of commissioners for the rights of the child for a long time provides assistance to child victims in the Donbass, recently She met with Astakhov, said that currently there is a demand for the export of the region's children in summer camps. She said that in DND about 12 thousand children, which nevertheless are trapped in the conflict zone, lived in harsh conditions, require improvement and rehabilitation, in LC is Also quite a considerable number of such children.

"we together with the organization" Shield of the capital of Russia " and the Association of commissioners in each region will be, I think, aimed a letter of appeal to the governors that we have the opportunity to build one or another help. If I'm not mistaken, in the Leningrad region there are camps that during one shift have the ability to accept up to 2, 5 thousand children. We are preparing to present a list of such camps, we will negotiate with the heads of subjects and organize transport ", - told the head of the Union volunteers.

She said that human rights defenders May be to address transport problems in the MOE, are Also proposing to apply to the Railways, certain funds and NGOs have Already expressed their desire to help.

"We plan throughout the week to put together a working group, which will include Commissioners Association of commissioners, I think we will be to assist the representatives on the rights of the child in the regions. Technically We'll compile all the mechanisms, as we will continue to work. As much as we can take out, need to run faster because the summer has begun, " added the human rights activist.

Also, with the assistance of the Association of commissioners will be implemented and other assistance to affected children, he said.

"We have Already launched a project to collect clerical assistance for schools, to July 20, is gathering support in each region Already targeted letter. In the Saratov region the cargo is placed in a volume of 2 trucks-it's stationery. For school We are planning to make a massive return this assistance, with the assistance of the Ministry of emergency situations, " said Lantratova.

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The rest of the children of Donbass in the camps of the Russian Federation will organize, with the assistance Astakhov
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