Wife of Gaddafi's son holds out hope that her husband is not executed
The wife of the son of the deposed leader of Libya Muammar Kaddafi the Safe al-Islam, who on Tuesday was sentenced to death, Hope Bodnar nourishes the hope that the sentence will not be executed, and will remain only on paper.
"because He is in Africa, and I - I know it's the same as everyone else, from the media. Apparently, at least I Hope so, this sentence was announced, will be valid only de jure, rather just didn't want to de-facto it was executed. I hope that They will not go against humanity will not kill him, " said Bodnar in interview to the Latvian radio station.
She also stated that he Last met with Seif al-Islam Gaddafi a few years ago in Ukraine.
"The last time I saw him was a long time ago, and Ukraine. It was 2010, in Odessa. Then it all started to happen, we ourselves began the conflict, several times we spoke on the phone, and After He was gone, and I never tried to make contact or to find people that I have something to tell, because I doubt, because It would be safe for me and my children, " says Bodnar.
in her expressions, the political activity of the son of Muammar Gaddafi was the emergence of Libya in a secular state.
"He was confident that Libya will be a worthy secular state, and produced for them as best they can. Nothing essential in his Islamic views were not as portrayed. Neither his views Nor the views of his family. They had planned to do something different from Libya, taking into account the very considerable financial resources. In this way He worked, " said Bodnar.
Criminal court of Libya has recognized eight high position officials of the Gaddafi regime guilty of war crimes while trying to suppress the 2011 uprising. But the son of Muammar Gaddafi, among those sentenced former Prime Minister al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi and the head of intelligence Abdullah al Sinusi.
The safe al-Islam in the process were not present, the testimony He gave via Skype. Now it holds one of the groups of former insurgents in the town of Zintan, who are in the opposing political organization current government of Libya and refuse to give them the prisoner.