Refuse chute to sort wastes
Unusual refuse chutes will appear in capital newly-erected buildings.
They will sort communal wastes. Moreover, specialized complexes of collecting, sorting and utilization of communal garbage will be organized in the capital.
As capital city administration informed, system of separate garbage collecting will be introduced from January 1. To realize the project about 15 thousands stations, where wastes of 3 types (prepared from glass, metal and cellulose) are accepted, will be placed on territory of Moscow. And in constructing houses special refuse chutes with control panels will be designed. The resident of the house will sort the garbage into groups (food, bottles, newspapers, plastic bags) and will push the necessary button. The apparatus will put certain kind of wastes to necessary section.
Besides, several specialized complexes of transport enterprises for collecting and removal of wastes, assorting centers, garbage-processing departments will appear on territory of Moscow.