One injured person stays in hospital after knifed attack on synagogue
"This is 75 year old Vilia Polovitsky - the oldest of the victims", informed the press-secretary of the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar Timur Kireyev.
According to his words, the man still stays in Skifosofsky`s hospital.
"The doctors say, that he is getting better, but in connection with his age he must stay under medical supervision", explained Kireyev.
The other seven hospitalized people have already left the hospitals, three of them has done it this week.
"The youngest victim, the citizen of Israel Yehez Kelly, who underwent surgery on the neck, has been sent to Israel on his request. The doctors detected improvement his conditions and allowed the flight. Now he is at home with his relatives", said Rabbi`s press-secretary.
This week Roman Belinsky, who was wounded on the leg, has left the hospital.
"Mikoel Mishulovich, the citizen oа the USA, who was wounded on the shoulder and abdomen at the criminal detainment, has been sent home too. But he is in a plaster cast and stays under medical supervision", noted Kireyev.