Pushkov: in circulation about "ripped to shreds" the economy Obama has confused Russian Federation Ukraine
Leader Barack Obama confused the Russian Federation to Ukraine, When he said that Russia's economy is "in tatters," said the head of the state Duma international Affairs Alexei Pushkov. "When Obama said that" the Russian economy has been Torn to shreds, he has confused the country. Torn to shreds Ukraine's economy. And Bush, too, the country was confused, " Pushkov wrote on Twitter. Remember, Obama spoke Tuesday with the annual address On the state of the Union " in Congress, saying About the unprecedented success of the U.S. economy And promises to American prosperity in the twenty-first century And the world championship. In foreign policy, Obama tried to convince to negotiate with Iran And Cuba, however, abstained from new sharp attacks on the Russian Federation And the uncompromising rivalry with China. So, the head of the U.S. said that Washington in Ukraine defends the principles of state sovereignty And independence. In addition, Obama again criticized the prosecution of the Russian Federation "aggression" in Ukraine, Moscow denies in principle, And said that due to the United States, Russia, as if it was in international isolation, and its economy is " in tatters ". Because of this, the Vice-Premier of the Russian government Dmitry Rogozin called the White house a " dreamer ". Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, for his part, said that Obama is wrong.