About 80% of Russian citizens have to economize on purchases
Due to the current economic situation in the country, the citizens of Russia shifted its focus to fall on Ukraine, said referring to the research organization Nielsen. 78% of respondents have become more frugal when shopping. 60% otpisanih believe that the national economy is in recession (in the 3rd quarter of last year it was 42%). For reviews of 34% of Russian citizens who participated in the survey, the country will not fall in the coming year. Already fifty percent of Russian citizens are willing to spend less on entertainment outside the home, 49% ? to buy less clothing, 46% ? to save on short holidays." Economic and political tensions in Russia before November 2014, In practice, are not reflected in the attitudes of clients, but the events in the currency market at the end of the year threw them in shock and undermined confidence in its own future ", ? explained managing Director of Nielsen Eastern Europe " Kyriakos kyriakou.