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Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov

( prose writer)

Photo Gallery Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov (33)
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Biography Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov was born August 20, 1932 in Kazan in the family party workers, Eugenia Ginzburg and Semyonovna Mouraviev Aksenova. It was the third and youngest child in the family (and the only common child's parents). His father, Pavel, was chairman of the Kazan City Council and a member of the Bureau of Tatar Regional Committee of the Party. His mother, Eugenia Semyonovna, worked as a teacher at the Kazan Pedagogical Institute, then - head of the department of culture of the newspaper 'Red Tatarija', was the regional party organization in Kazan.

In 1937, when B. Aksenov was not yet five years old, both parents (mother first, and then soon - and the father) were arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison and labor camps.

. Subsequently, . passing through the horror of Stalin's camps, . at the time of exposure of the cult of personality, . Eugenia Ginzburg was the author of a book of memories 'Steep route' - one of the first books-memoirs about the period of Stalinist repression, . story of eighteen years, . conducted by the author in prison, . Kolyma camps and exile.,

. Older children - sister Mayu (daughter of P
. V. Aksenova) and Alyosha (the son of E. S. Ginzburg's first marriage) was taken to his relatives. Orphan Vasya was forcibly sent to an orphanage for children of prisoners (his grandmother was not allowed to leave the child with you).

In 1938, Uncle Vasily Aksenov (brother of Pavel Aksenova) managed to find a small Vasya in an orphanage in Kostroma, and take him. Vasya was in the house Moti Aksenova (his cousin on his father) until 1948, while his mother Eugenia Ginzburg, came out in 1947 from the camp and living in exile in Magadan, not got permission to visit Wasi her to the Kolyma. Meeting with Vasya Eugenia Ginzburg describes in 'cool route'.

According to the writer, the light for him flew open in Magadan, where he was in the age of 16 came to the exiled mother. Seven-day flight across the continent - it is an endless journey through endless expanses (the day on the road, . night landing in the big cities: Sverdlovsk, . Krasnoyarsk, . Okhotsk) - made an indelible impression on him: Geography, . that studied in school from textbooks and maps, . now opened up before him awake.,

. Magadan, paradoxically, struck his freedom: in the barracks of his mother in the evenings going to 'fair'
. In the company 'of the camp of intellectuals "to speak about such things, of which Basil before and did not suspect. Future writer shocked breadth of the problems discussed, the arguments about the fate of humanity. And the proximity to Alaska and the Pacific Ocean through the window flung open the horizons ...

. Many years later, in 1975, Vasily Aksenov Magadan described his youth in his autobiographical novel 'Burn'.

. First profession that has mastered Vasily Pavlovich was the medical profession is
. At the end of the 1 st of the Leningrad Medical Institute Vasily Aksenov therapist working at the quarantine station, the seaport of Leningrad (1956-1957). This period of life - in anticipation of meeting with distant countries, dreams of traveling - he will describe later in the novel 'Colleagues'. Then Vasily Aksenov Vodzdravotdela worked in a hospital in the town of Ascension on Lake Onega (1957-1958) and in the Moscow Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary (1958-1960).

As a writer Vasily Aksenov debuted in 1959. And his first novel - 'colleagues' (1960), immediately brought him fame, later reprinted many times and was the embodiment of the stage and on screen. Posted next novel 'Star Ticket' (1961) so clearly consolidated the success of a young writer that he decided to become a professional literary work. These and subsequent novels - "Oranges from Morocco '(1962) and' It's time, my friend, it's time '(1964) have improved over Aksenov fame as one of the leaders' young prose', popular at the turn of 1950-1960.

. A journey in art began with Vasily Aksenov images skeptical to what was then the Soviet reality of young people with its characteristic nihilism, . natural sense of freedom, . interest in Western music and literature - with all, . that opposed the reception of spiritual landmarks,
. Confessional nature of the prose Aksenova, sympathetic attention to the writer's inner world, psychology and even the slang of the younger generation could not be more consistent with the spiritual life of society. At this time, Vasily Aksenov becoming one of the most active print and read authors of the journal 'Youth', for several years as a member of its editorial board.
. By mid-1960's growing philosophical richness of prose Aksenova, and reflects on the reasons for the failure of 'thaw', namely her pinned their greatest hopes
. The works of writer, . their sharpness on the problems of the period of 'thaw', . and above all - the eternal conflict of generations, . gain particularly sharp form in conditions typical for that time, the denial of the totalitarian past, . provoked a stormy debate in the criticism, . attacks censorship,
. Among the published in the USSR works of this period the writer's work - collections of short stories 'Catapult' (1966) and the 'Halfway to the Moon' (1967), . novels 'Love for electricity' (1969), . 'My grandfather - a monument' (1970), . 'Chest, . in which something was knocking '(1973), . 'In search of genre' (1977),
. During this period, some written in. Aksenov works was not published from censorship. Among these novels 'Steel bird' and 'Our Golden lronburg'. Later they were published abroad, during the exile of the writer.

. Appeal Aksenova personality contributed to the restructuring of individual creative manner of the writer, now connects within a single product of real and unreal, the ordinary and the sublime
. Especially skillfully interwoven in the different plans when the censor banned the novel in. Aksenova 'Burn' (1976). In it the author has made full display life of Russia's intelligentsia at the turn of 1960-1970-ies. The heroes of the novel, each of whom possessed his creative idea in a state of tragic discord with the existing system in their country: the desire to escape from it is futile. The appearance and behavior of the novel's heroes are defined by their opposition generated by this system, the crowd, which is alien to all the high, bright. Output for them the writer sees in the desire for God, spiritual enlightenment.

The appearance in the 1968 novel 'oversupplied bochkotara' indicates a change in direction of the writer's aesthetic quest, leaving now, in his own words, to "total satire '. It offers magnificent absurdity of the world in which the characters live the story, called Aksenov 'surreal thing'

. Change the position of creative Aksenova testified not only about his own artistic quest of the writer, . refusing now in his works from the principle of verisimilitude, . preferring the image of 'the illusion of reality'; themselves, these changes were caused by the growing strength in his conviction, . that 'reality so absurd, . what, . eating method absurdizatsii and surrealism, . writer does not make the absurd in their literature, . and, . contrary, . this method he seems to be trying to harmonize the crumbling reality ... ',

. Since then, criticism of Aksenova and his works became increasingly severe
. The attacks caused even the form, . to which is now turned writer, . perceived as a non-Soviet and nenarodnaya: so was estimated, . particularly, . set in the theater 'Contemporary' play Aksenova 'Always on sale', . shows the transition of its author's position in the avant-garde art,
. Vasily Aksenov situation even more complicated, when in 1977-1978 his works began to appear abroad (primarily in the U.S.)

. In 1979 Vasily Aksenov, along with Andrei Bitov, . Viktor Erofeev, . Fazil Iskander, . Evgeny Popov, . Bella Akhmadulina made by the originator and author of the almanac 'Metropol', . united writers, . dissociated themselves from the socialist realism,
. So it is not issued in the censored Soviet press, almanac was published in the U.S. and France. In the USSR, he was immediately criticized by the authorities, saw in it an attempt to remove literature from the control of the state ideology. Aksenov was expelled from the Writers' Union and the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. 22 July 1980 he went to the United States and soon stripped of his Soviet citizenship

. In Washington, went written Aksenov Vavilov in Russia, . but first published only after the arrival of the writer in America's novels 'Golden our lronburg' (1973, . 1980), . 'Burn' (1976, . 1980), . 'The Island Crimea' (1979, . 1981), . collection of short stories 'The right of the island' (1981),
. In the United States published new novels Aksenova: 'Paper landscape' (1982) 'Say Cheese' (1985), . 'In search of a melancholy baby' (1986), . trilogy 'Moscow Saga' (novels 'Generation of winter' - 1989, . 'War and the prison' - 1991, . 'Prison and the world' - 1993), . collection of short stories 'The negative of a positive hero' (1995), . 'Sweet new style' (1997), . 'Caesarean Glow' (2000),

. The works, written in exile, convinced that the life of his native country, what happens in it continues to be the focus of the writer.

. After returning Vasily Aksenov citizenship in 1990, he often comes to Russia, . where once again begin to publish (including in the journal 'Youth') it works (besides those already mentioned - 'My grandfather - a monument', . 1991; 'Rendezvous', . 1992), . published collection of his writings,

In June 1993, in Samara, the first reading Aksenovskie. In 1993-1994-ies in Russia published his 'Moscow Saga', in which the director Dmitry Barshevsky took the multi-TV movies (the artist of this painting - Alexey Aksenov, son of the writer)

. In Russian publishing houses out new novels of the writer 'Voltairiens and Voltairiennes' (2004), 'Moscow-qua-qua' (2006), a collection radioesse 'Decade of slander' (2004), which included his performance at Radio Liberty in 10 years (1981-1991).
. The book of memories 'apple of the eye' (2005) has the nature of the personal diary
. Living in France, Aksenov finished work on his novel 'Rare earth' (2007).

. Besides those already mentioned works penned Vasily Aksenov belong story 'round the clock non-stop', . stories 'Change lifestyle', . 'Breakfast forty-three years', . 'Dad, . Place an ', . 'The second detachment Palmer', . 'Gikki and baby Cassandra', . 'The story of basketball team, . playing basketball ', . 'Lovers of basketball', . 'Victory', . 'Simpson in the world of jazz', . 'Million partings', . 'Off season' and other,
. Roman 'egg yolk' ( 'Yolk of the Egg') written by Vasily Aksenov in English.

. Aksenov - author of a number of works for Drama Theater (the play 'Always on sale', . 1965; 'Your killer', . 1966; 'Four Temperaments', . 1968; 'Aristofaniana with frogs', . 1968; 'Heron', . 1980; 'Woe, . Mount, . burn ', . 1998; AURORA Korelika ', . 1999; 'Ah, . Arthur Schopenhauer ', . 2000) and screenplays (film 'When bred bridges', . 1961; 'My younger brother', . 1962; 'Marble House', . 1973; 'center-', . 1976; 'No mad dream', . 1980),

In the U.S., Vasily Aksenov was awarded the honorary title of Doctor of Humane Letters. He is a member of the PEN Club and the American author's League. Since 1981, in. Aksenov - professor of Russian literature at various universities in the United States: Kennan Institute (1981-1982), University of J. Washington (1982-1983), Gaucherskom University (1983-1988), George Mason University (1988-2004).

In 2004. Aksenov finished teaching career. In the same year he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor George Mason University.

In 1980-1988 years in. Aksenov as a journalist actively cooperated with the radio station Voice of America. Author of numerous journal articles and book reviews in English. Headed the jury of international film festival "Crimea Island".

. In 2004 for his novel 'Voltairiens and Voltairiennes' Vasily Aksenov was the winner of the main literary prize of the country' Booker - Open Russia, which is awarded for the best novel of the year, written in Russian.

. In 2005, Vasily Aksenov was awarded the Order of literature and art, one of the highest awards of modern France.

. Recent years

. Since early 2008, Vasily Aksenov more than a year was bedridden
. January 15, 2008 Aksenova hospitalized in the 23rd Moscow hospital after a stroke attack, which caught him driving a car. Then the writer lost consciousness and fell into a small accident.

One day after hospitalization Aksenov was transferred to SRI ambulance Sklifosovsky, where he had an operation to remove a blood clot of the carotid artery. Stroke, fight writer who later became the cause of the defeat of the brain.

Condition after a stroke and surgery was assessed by doctors as 'dire'. In March 2008, Aksenov was transferred to the Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute, where he was involved in treating the best specialists in neurorehabilitation. At the end of February 2009 Aksyonov underwent surgery due to complications in the abdominal cavity.

July 6, 2009 the Russian writer Vasily Aksenov, died in Moscow on 77 th year of life after a long illness

. Selected Works

. Prose

. 1960 Associates (story)
. 1961 Star ticket (story)
. 1963 Oranges from Morocco (story)
. 1964 Catapult (novella and short stories)
. 1964 It's time, my friend, it's time (story)
. 1965 victory (the story with exaggerations)
. 1965 is a pity that you were not with us (the story)
. 1964 Halfway to the Moon (a collection of short stories)
. 1968 oversupplied bochkotara (story)
. 1969 Love for electricity (story)
. 1971 story about a basketball team, playing basketball (essay)
. 1972 In search of genre
. 1975 Burn (novel)
. 1979 The Island of Crimea (novel)
. 1983 Say Cheese
. 1987 In search of a melancholy baby
. 1989 Yolk of the Egg ((born) translated into Russian - 'egg yolk', 2002)
. 1994 Moskovskaya saga "(novel-epic) screening 'Moscow Saga'
. 1998 new sweet style
. 2000 Cesarean glow
. 2004 Voltairiens and Voltairiennes (novel, the prize 'Russian Booker')
. 2005 apple of the eye
. 2006 Moscow Kwa-Kwa (novel)
. 2007 Rare Earths

. Screenplay for

. 1962 when the divorce bridges
. Colleagues 1962
. 1962 My younger brother
. 1970 Boss
. 1972 Marble House
. 1975 center-of skies
. 1978 No mad dream
. 2007 Tatiana
. 2009 Jester

. Plays

. 1965 Always on sale
. 1966 Your Killer
. 1968 Four Temperaments
. 1968 Aristofaniana with frogs
. 1980 Heron
. 1998 Woe, woe, burn
. 1999 Aurora Gorenina
. 2000 Oh, Arthur Schopenhauer

Photos of Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Alexei Kozlov and Vasily Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
  • Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov

Photos of Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov
Vasily Pavlovich AksenovVasily Pavlovich AksenovVasily Pavlovich AksenovVasily Pavlovich Aksenov

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Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov, photo, biography
Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov, photo, biography Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov  prose writer, photo, biography
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