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MULL, George

( English mathematician and logician, one of the founders of mathematical logic.)

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Biography MULL, George
MULL (Boole), George (2 November 1815, Lincoln, United Kingdom - December 8, 1864, Ballintempl, Ireland), English mathematician and logician, one of the founders of mathematical logic. Developed the algebra of logic (Boolean algebra) ( 'Study of the Laws of Thought', 1854), the basis of operation of digital computers.
George Boole was born in a poor working family. The first lessons in mathematics has received from his father and, while attending a local school, in general it can be considered self-taught. At age 12 he already knew Latin, and then mastered Greek, French, German and Italian. In 16 years, has taught at the village school, and at 20 opened his own school in Lincoln. In the rare leisure hours immersed mathematical journals Mechanical Institute, was interested in the works of mathematicians of the past - Newton, Laplace, Lagrange, problems of modern algebra.
. Since 1839, Buhl has sent their work in the new Cambridge Mathematical Journal
. His first work 'Studies in the theory of analytic transformations' dealt with differential equations, algebraic problem of linear transformation and the concept of invariance. In his 1844 study, published in 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', he touched upon the problem of interaction between algebra and calculus. In the same year the young scientist was awarded the Medal of the Royal Society for his contribution to mathematical analysis.
Shortly after the Boule was convinced that it is quite applicable to the algebra of logic, in 1847 he published a pamphlet, 'Mathematical analysis of logic', which suggested that the logic is closer to mathematics than to philosophy. This work was extremely appreciated by the English mathematician Augustus De Morgan. Through this work Buhl in 1849, was promoted to Professor of Mathematics, Queens College in County Cork, despite the fact that he had not even had a university education.
In 1854 he published a 'Study of the laws of thought, based on mathematical logic and probability theory'. Works 1847 and 1854 period gave birth to the algebra of logic, or Boolean algebra. Boule first showed that there is an analogy between the algebraic and logical operations, as well as those, and others involve only two options - true or false, zero or one. He devised a system of signs and regulations, using that could encode any statements, and then manipulate them like ordinary numbers. Boolean algebra has three major operations - AND, OR, NOT, which allow for the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and comparison of characters and numbers. Thus Bulju could describe in detail the binary system. In his work 'laws of thought' (1854) Bull finally formulated the basis of mathematical logic. He also tried to formulate a general method of probability with which a given set of possible events could determine the likelihood of subsequent events that are logically associated with them.
. In 1857, Buhl was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
. His work 'Treatise on Differential Equations' (1859) and 'A Treatise on the calculation of marginal differences' (1860) had a tremendous impact on the development of mathematics. They reflected the most important discoveries Buhl.
Boole's ideas have found application in the areas about which he could not even dream of - to use the binary digital computers and telephones.

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    MULL, George, photo, biography MULL, George  English mathematician and logician, one of the founders of mathematical logic., photo, biography
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