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Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova

( Holy)

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Biography Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova
ELLA. Way of the Cross from the Princess to the Holy.
She was not born in Russia. Her birthplace was a small Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt (Germany), and later - the hills and plains of Scotland, gray mists, covering from the eyes boundless expanse of sea, the walls of ancient brick castle Osborne, twined with ivy ...
. If she was told that most of her life she will live in another country, including blizzards and snow, summer only foreign land will be green to remind her she loved the softness of the hills, she would not have believed ...
. But it happened
. And in this new, strange country, she fell in love with all the passion for what she was capable of rapturous, vulnerable and, according to her grandmother - Queen Victoria - too romantic and ecstatic soul ... Love so that it will accept orthodoxy, changed his name, and later - Destiny.
. As she was, . as grew, . vospityvalasN as well as its own, . younger sister Ellis - Alice of Hesse, . later became Empress of Russia: Books, . piano, . flowers, . care of younger family members (sisters lost their mother too early and were all based father, . especially our heroine), . zealous execution of all religious rites, . reading spiritual literature ..,
. Probably, horse riding in the morning, classes with a dance teacher, the lessons of the French. Squatting in front of the mirror - in a curtsey with a straight back and a book on the head: the two sisters' governess, an Englishwoman, Miss Orchard (Orci) is sometimes too strict ... But Ella herself could melt the fireplace, . knit and darn, . planted in the park flowerbed flowers, . in the evenings to sing lullabies while younger, . they do not sleep ... Later, . in Alapayevsk, . asked her, . where did noblewoman to the seventh generation such dexterity in handling the pots and kastryulyamiN She calmly responds, . that all had learned from early childhood, . the court of his grandmother Queen Victoria.,
. She struck by its beauty - a rare, fragile and captivating ..
. Its soft, graceful manners. For her, like her sister, soon began to pay attention, offers hands and hearts do not have to wait ... But the Princess of Hesse chose a long time (on the concepts of the time).
She hurried, but reminded that the choice should be equal to it: with a special royal blood - otherwise the debt will not allow it.
And she chooses. Brother of Emperor Alexander III, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov ...
. Her wedding, . her wedding, . prove to Russia full of hidden, . importance - it is on lavish celebrations, and balls her sister Alix to get acquainted with as much as it is - a shy and silent young men - the heir to the throne Rossiyskogo Niki, . the future emperor.,
. She did not know that stepping on the flagstones of the cathedral and declaring fealty chosen one who stood beside her, she makes an oath of fidelity and a country that would give her a lot of bitter and captivating happiness.
. I do not know what he was fascinated by her - a slender tall, smart officer, with a lush head of hair, no less bushy mustache and watchful eye of her enormous eyes - almost all the Romanov heirloom ..
. He was a military man, a supporter of strict discipline, much older than his lady ... But, apparently, knew how to take care of, possessing an incredible charm ...
It is then she learns about his numerous male conquests, guards carousing late into the night ... dawn ... And, perhaps, the most terrible for her, that the society was known as subtly and ironically: "The grammatical errors ... Simply put - bisexual tendencies.
What a blow it was for her, brought up in terms of strict morality and purity, deep spirituality, we can only try to imagine ... And then - will not be able!
But what is interesting. The man is indifferent (as to write and say!) To its charm, breathtaking, sometimes maddening, allows himself in the relationship with her painfully funny fits of jealousy, he immediately rushes to do all her whims, even the slightest desire ... However, how could they be with such a refined osobyN.. Probably so, quiet hints in passing ...
. They are adopted orphaned nephew and raise him as a native son, and incomprehensible to anyone that gets more warm parental attention - from the beautiful Aunt Ella or restrained and austere-looking Uncle Serge
. They carry a nephew around behind him, this one saves the life of Moscow "viceroy", the Governor-General - Kalyaev-be assassin, did not dare to throw a bomb into the carriage, because the child was sitting next to ... And Ella.
Petersburg high society ascribed to the Grand Duchess many lovers. You bet! Such a rare and subtle beauty left her husband without attention! Legends of these were unfounded, although most of them later - an affair with police chief in Moscow VF. Dzhunkovsky, I met in the book L. Overclocking with the speaker called "Nepridumannoe". (By the way it speaks of a time when Elizabeth Feodorovna was already abbess Martha and Maria monastery.) Talented poet, a brilliantly educated Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich devotes her madrigals and poetry.
. But it does not attract Princess, though his secular duties it performs flawlessly
. Tirelessly visited Moscow for homeless shelters, hospitals, clinics ... Moscow after the revolution, it will still be legends of the high beauty princess with sad eyes and a pleasant smile for everyone.
. However, more commonly seen in the temple of the Grand manor Ilinskoe, where she sings in the choir - spiritual songs, prayers ..
. Tears in his eyes Princess dried from the heat of candles in the twinkling lamps and iconic Reese ....
. What it molilasN Internally, the decision it took a long time, but did not want to upset relatives, she knew that her family did not understand his father.
. No need to change the Faith, in contrast to the sister of the Empress by Ella was not.
. But in October 1888, . Jerusalem, . when visiting a Russian Orthodox church of St. Mary Magdalene, . moved by its beauty, . she softly utter standing next to her husband: "I wanted to be buried here!" This prophecy, . dream come later, . not leave a vibration in her soul,
. Had removed the last doubts, she wrote a letter to his father with a request to see her step, and in April 1891, under the bells of the cathedral comes already turned to the Orthodox Church, the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. She now has no other homeland, like the biblical Ruth ...
And again, orphanages, hospitals, monasteries, canteens for the poor, the Poorhouse ... The princess did not know fatigue.
. In the years of turmoil and rebellion - the Russian-Japanese War and the first wave of revolution and terror, the princess with her sister, the empress organized in the basement of the Kremlin palace of hospitals and sewing workshops where they sew clothes for the wounded and sick ...
. In many prayers, the princess begged the Lord prizret and warm to all who need it, forgetting about themselves, and may be hiding their unfulfilled hopes for a happy family life deeper and deeper into the heart ...
. She is happy marital happiness is deeply beloved sister, birth of an heir to the throne, continues to accompany her husband on all trips and receptions, and no one can stop even a small stone in the direction of grand-ducal couple ..
. But Ella would never have allowed his private life public domain! She meets all the glowing eyes and a smile ... Only occasionally flares up under a slightly worried look attentive sisters or emperor and hurries excitedly turn the conversation to another topic ...
. And in the evenings, prayer, quiet tears, read and pray again ...
. Her life was the First Lady in Moscow ended in February 1905, shortly after noon or a little earlier ..
. Finished breakfast and the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich - the Governor-General went out to ride with the inspection test in one of the regiments under the patronage of. He had no time to sit in the crew. Sound of explosion. Rattled the windows. Not up to the window, pale princess quietly cried: "It's Serge!" - And ran into the street. Instead, the body of her husband, she saw a bloody mess and ... pieces of meat, which then it will bring their own hands and put on a stretcher ... Police pleaded with her to withdraw from the place of attack. Princess quietly refused ....
The day did not become the Grand Duchess, one of the first ladies of the Empire Russia. The day was born, another Russian saints.
A few days after the explosion, it will come in a prison cell SR-terrorist Kalyaeva and stretch him to the gospel ... "Repent, I beg you! - Say it quietly, - I will ask the Emperor forgive you ... give life ... Personally I have forgiven you ... "" I have nothing to repent! - Answered firmly Kalyaev - I killed a tyrant. I would have done it before. I always interfered with you ... "
A few weeks after the funeral, Ella decides to build their own means Marfo-Mariinsky Cloister. This is in memory of two sisters of Lazarus - Mary and Martha - offered to Christ are two types of service, two kinds of love and friendship - the active and contemplative. This principle of active assistance and labor of spiritual, prayer, wonderfully blended in a monastery, famous all over Moscow and all Russia. It was not a monastery in full and strict sense of the word. Polumonahini-poluposlushnitsy were free to withdraw from the monastery at any time in the free world, although the founder of the monastery lived under the statute which astonished all the rigor and few people available asceticism ...
. Three to four hours of sleep on bare boards, matins, vespers, together with the other novices, strict fasting and prayer ....
. And trouble, trouble, trouble ..
. Caring for seriously ill patients in hospital: in their bed, she would sit for hours, holding their hand and whispering words of encouragement, assistance in operations, interviews with trainees, receiving visitors ... None of them, incidentally, not depart from it without getting help, not one letter was left unanswered.
. Many cheer up only when he saw her light gray on weekdays and on holidays, white robe, and heard her light footsteps quiet and gentle voice.
. Where forces took this gentle, frail woman who lived in such a way as not living and a titanium and the greatest figure gosudarstvaN! Only God knows.
. She managed to intercede in various commissions for guardianship of orphans, . visited wards noble institutions, . being sought in the depths of Khitrova market, . neglected children in shelters, . to feed and warm them in a monastery, . give them a permanent shelter ..,
. Besides regular visits to holy places of worship in various churches, reaching many hours a day, patronage over the Chernigov regiment entrusted to it by Emperor ...
. In response to mild reproaches relatives did not want to take care of himself and melted candle, she changed consistently answered cheerfully that it was all "the Glory of God" and that she was "healthy as a horse"
. Indeed, the more she worked, the more the Lord gave her strength. Abode its widened and strengthened. She was thinking of setting up of cottage hospital-orphanage.
But it did not come for troubled times: The First World War. Grand Duchess at the news of her weeping, she never expected that her first home will be the second opponent, and his heart was breaking at the thought of how many had to lie down on the field of battle, contrary to all precepts of Christ. And Russia was just beginning to stand on his feet, the reforms have just begun to give their first fruits. "But there must be, the Lord saw fit to send us a test!" - Decides to brave princess and new forces - in work, benefit from the arrival of its troubles, tears and all that accompanies war, are always too much.
. In one essay on the last period of life of Grand Duchess, written about the period of the war and the abdication of the Emperor from the throne: "The very fate of Russia was flourishing under mortal threat."
. The war dramatically changed everything
. Initial excitement quickly gave way to frustration and irritation. Even persons were other. Of course, and came across earlier robbery, but somewhere along the edge and back, eyes to the side, the carcass. Now they were becoming fiercer - and seemed to multiply by the day. The gate of the monastery had to be locked, but it did not save from burglars. So much so that the car was stoned Elizabeth Feodorovna. Once in the monastery was almost vandalized. Muscovites love, which she was surrounded, was subjected to a sudden onslaught of demonic hatred.
But nothing could bring her out of balance, shaking her world full of love, involvement, understanding, forgiveness. In April 1916 - after all the "evils" - she wrote to Nicholas II: "Today, 25 years old, I joined our beloved Church ... and a month later will be for 25 years, as I am in Moscow. And they all dissolve in the deepest gratitude to God, our Church and the noble examples which I could see in a truly orthodox people. I feel so insignificant and unworthy of the boundless love of God and the love, . that surrounds me in Russia - even moments of grief have been highlighted in such a comfort, . a slight misunderstanding, . natural humans, . were smoothed with such love, . I can only say: "Glory to God for all, . for everything! ",
. People - children
. Muddy, incite, inflame his demons-revolutionaries. Then the royal couple with Elizabeth Feodorovna not diverged. Hearing the abdication of Nicholas - the poor, dear Nicky - Elizabeth Feodorovna seriously ill. She and the crash to find their own guilt. So was the lack of assertiveness in its attempts to open the Emperor's eyes to the dangers that lay in wait for him.
Chaos. The waves of revolution fought against the walls of the monastery. It was clear that Superior is not left alone. Germanic and Swedish ambassadors vying offered her assistance to the departure from Russia. The Germans, as the enemy in the war, she refused to accept. Swede - after reflection, reminding the prayer over the chalice, - let go with nothing, politely refusing to. It will traverse the path to the end, together with Russia and Orthodoxy.
. You can ask a question, . and I ask him yourself constantly: that a woman could do to people, . abandon all, . What could so offend them, . that all of their love evaporated in an instant and became a huge sea of hatred and zlobyN! She confidently repeat to all the intimidation and threats: "I have done nothing wrong! Will be done at all!",
. Still, she did what she did not understand it myself! It hurt spiteful mob in the most important thing - refusing once to luxurious and idle life - has taken away the opportunity to measure people by their primitive dwarf yardstick
. She, despite the fact that fussed with the fallen and scorned, as she was and remained aristocrat. They were not up to it ... And they have not forgiven her ever.
Arrest mother Elizabeth came to the Bright Easter week. She calmly took the news of the arrest. Some of the sisters wished to accompany her and several members of the royal family: Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, . three sons of the famous poet Konstantin Romanov, . the very - KR! - And Prince Vladimir Paley, . also a close relative of the royal family.,
. In Perm sisters "advised" to leave Elizabeth Feodorovna, was allowed to return
. With her, there was only devoted Varvara Yakovleva, which adopted the cross, together with the flour abbess. After a brief respite from all the prisoners of Perm was transported to Alapaevsk. Here, beyond the Ural Mountains, away from the capitals, have decided to collect all the royal family - to the slaughter ... on execution. The plan almost succeeded. I read in one article:
The first month in Alapaevsk was tolerably. Prisoners even allowed to plant flowers and cultivating the garden. But then пЄпЎпЁп?я?пЄ sharply tightened. Steel does not stand on ceremony, and treated as a person sentenced to death. And July 18, 1918 they were taken to the execution: five men - Russian princes - and two women - Russian saints (Elizabeth Feodorovna was accompanied by persistently nun Varvara, and canonized by the Church). Like the royal family the day before, they all announced that they are transported to a safer place
Sinyachinskoy taken to the mine, up to 60 meters deep.
Alive dumped all - just trying to resist the shot of Sergei Mikhailovich. Elizabeth Feodorovna had time to utter the words of Christ: "Forgive them, O God, for they know not what they do!" Mine threw grenades, fallen trees, stones ... Nevertheless, the neighboring farmers have long heard from under the ground can be heard singing psalms and the Cherubic Hymn (hymn glorifying God).
When after three months the city was white, they dug. Elizabeth Feodorovna was untouched by decay. It was found that she had her head bandaged with a handkerchief of Prince John. Their fingers were folded for the cross.
So ended the way on this earth another Princess, the Russian St.. She was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992. Non-Russian origin, she became a truly Russian in spirit. Carrier in the world of mercy and good, forgiveness and love ...
. And when they say, . that in Russia there has been no, . and can not be anything like that, . that have created their own hands and hearts in the world Mother Teresa, . Albert Schveytser, . Jan Comenius, . Louis Pasteur, . Princess of Wales Diane, . to refute such allegations, I call the two names, . first came to mind: The Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and her sister, . Reverend Holy Martyr Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna ..,
. And then the list goes on. And it is unlikely he will be the end.

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  • Anonymous for Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova
  • What people are! amazing! I do not know his contemporaries were capable of that. Indeed, the holy woman!
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