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Bezdenezhnykh Nikolay

( Honorary Veteran of Moscow (1997))

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Biography Bezdenezhnykh Nikolay
(February 18, 1923)
H. D. Bezdenezhnykh - honorary veteran of Moscow (1997) and Russia (1999). His hobbies - skiing, fishing, hunting, construction.
Born February 18, 1923 in the village Savinovo Sverdlovsk region. Father - Bezdenezhnykh Dmitry Mikhailovich (1892-1970). Mother - Bezdenezhnykh Anna G. (1898-1994). Wife - Bezdenezhnykh Yevgenia (1931. born.). Son - Bezdenezhnykh Valery N. (1951. born.).

The life of Nicholas Bezdenezhnykh began in the Urals, a large village, in a friendly and hardworking farming family of ten. Among the five brothers and sisters, he was starshimeni Parents, . Dmitry M. and Anna G., . working in the kolkhoz "Red Village" from dawn to dusk year-round every day and leading household, . their example and strict parental demand from a young age to teach children to uneasy peasant labor in the field, . in the garden and the home: caring for livestock and poultry, . maintain order in the household, . take care and look after younger siblings,
. And they are all home and collective concerns were equal to Nicholas, . already 10 years became assistant to his father and breadwinner in the family, . performing as their children's strength and capabilities of all the agricultural work of plowing and planting to weeding and harvesting,
. At age 14 he was appointed with the approval at a general meeting of the collective farm accountant: post at that time a very responsible, on which depended the accurate accounting and reporting in the full implementation of the actual farm work on the farm.

. Rural labor and peaceful life in his native village had been abruptly interrupted by the June 22, 1941 Great Patriotic War, in which Nikolai was directly involved on the defense of Moscow in the near and far approaches to the capture of Berlin
. The commander of the department flamethrower 531 th Infantry Regiment of the Central Front, he defended the capital from rushing to her mortal enemy, exhausting and destroying manpower and military equipment of the enemy, pillboxes and blockhouses. Especially strong counter-offensive and defensive fighting took place in July-August 1942, during Rzhev. Penetrate enemy defenses near the village of Karamzin, the Western Front came to the river Vazuza. Office flamethrower destroyed up to a dozen bunkers and bunkers of the enemy, but the commander N.D. Bezdenezhnykh in this battle was seriously injured and spent two months undergoing treatment at the hospital of the city Spas-Klepiki Vladimir region.

. After recovery in November 1942 he was sent to study at the Chelyabinsk Tank School, where up to a limit quickly mastered the cadet hard military science
. A year later, received the first officer's rank of lieutenant, was sent to the senior mechanic-driver in the 28-th Guards Tank Regiment of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, and then in the 70-th Guards Heavy Tank Regiment of the Byelorussian Front

. In early January 1945 after a fierce resistance to the enemy, our troops came to liberate the territory of Poland to the confluence of the Vistula and Narev in the area of the Polish city of Modlin, . which took place a long-term and deep defenses of the enemy, . located 50 kilometers north-west of Warsaw,
. A small-town Yabolonevo Legionowo battle lasted several hours in the early morning on January 16. Heavy tank IS-2 H. D. Bezdenezhnykh skillfully maneuvered on the battlefield. By selecting suitable positions, powerful machine-gunfire, he struck one goal after another.
. Among the roar of powerful engines, grinding tracks and explosions of enemy ordnance crew commander with difficulty caught abrupt radioprikazy command of the regiment, he immediately gave them to the older driver-mechanic and the arrow-gunner
. The amicable crew acted boldly and decisively. N. D. Bezdenezhnykh kept fighting machine in such a way that does not come under direct fire of German artillery, gunner meanwhile destroying the enemy. At maximum speed run with the crew embarked on the path crossed the trench and in a cloud of smoke under the cross under artillery fire jumped the hill, overgrown with bushes. Right and left of the tank bursting enemy shells.

"Kolya!" - Shouted the commander. - Exit from the zone of fire to hollow, left forty-five! Go out quickly that damned battery Krauts! "-" There are around! "- Said Bezdenezhnykh. Sharply to hit the brakes, a brief movement of a lever pulled, the car turned around and, springing forward, rushed to the ravine in order to deceive the enemy, who brought fire to other tanks, followed dispersed track.

. In the rush or excitement of battle the enemy gun crews artbatarei, obviously, and did not anticipate that the tank, driven by H
. D. Bezdenezhnykh, only made the appearance, feint - though reversed. In fact, its U-turn and the entrance to the poluzarosshuyu small hollow trees proved fatal to the enemy gunners. A few minutes later the tank ran out the back of the enemy's battery, went to her from the rear.

- Per-aryazhay fragmentation! - Commander's voice was heard in the headphones tower arrow. - Sight ... Oh-AUGNE! The shots from near distance followed by a marginal rate of fire, until all large-caliber enemy guns were not destroyed. On this day in the evening, our armored forces broke through the fortified defenses north-west of Warsaw and came to the operating room ...

. The most bitter and exhausting were the last duel battles in late April - early May in Berlin in the cramped conditions of the ruined city street
. Direct fire crew of the heavy tank IS-2, driven by a senior driver-mechanic H. D. Bezdenezhnykh, destroyed the weapon emplacements of the enemy in houses and basements. But to him persistently resist the enemy kept accurate fire from close range and different directions. Around was a deafening roar of the continuous merging of exploding mines, shells and bombs. Above the city hung impenetrable shroud of ash, smoke and lime dust. In the midst of the battle for the center of Berlin at the beginning Lindenshtrasse May 2, 1945, in the second half of the day tank was hit by enemy shell and caught fire. Guard Technician Lieutenant H. D. Bezdenezhnykh was seriously wounded by shrapnel in the left temporal area of the head. Until now, the remainder of a deep scar from the wound like that last battle, but to bad weather the pain arises in him and disappears acuteness of hearing. In an unconscious state, with extensive burns, he was taken for medical care and establish the identity of the brave tank officer in the command post 70-th Guards Tank Regiment. Here, . he regained consciousness, . in the presence of a regimental commander, Colonel Shargorod deputy commander of the 47-th Army Maj. Gen. Chrц?tien announced his gratitude for the courage and heroism in many days of the battle for Berlin in the last battle, . and informed, and warmly congratulated the submission of documents on him the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union, . which had already been sent to the headquarters of the 1 st Belorussian Front,
. But the expectation of the execution of this event spread over five and a half decades. Just recently, a request was made to the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense to look into the archival documents, whether such a representation. Unfortunately, while searching the archive staff do not succeed. Well, in our life anything can happen ... And for that his last fight in the defeated Berlin Nikolai received a second Order of the Red Banner.

Total during the Great Patriotic War, he was thrice wounded and twice burned in the tanks. For him twice visited relatives in the Urals notice from the army of the death in battle against the Nazi occupiers for the honor, freedom and independence of the Soviet Motherland. And in the village Savinovo, which is 20 kilometers from the city Krasnoufimsk Sverdlovsk region, double mourned and light candles for the repose of the souls who gave his life peasant's son Nicholas. But was the immense joy of meeting with family members and villagers in the midst of hayfields June pores of the first postwar summer when he was the first time after conscription came home on leave to their homes.
. In the postwar years and the fate of military necessity were thrown H
. D. Bezdenezhnykh to perform the demanding task of strengthening the defense capability of the country and providing international assistance to our allies in many remote and outlying parts of the country and in foreign countries. East Germany (1945-1952, . Platoon Commander), . Far East (1956-1959, . deputy commander of a tank battalion), . Moscow Military District (1959-1962, . Battalion Commander), . Uzbekistan (1962-1981, . Regimental Commander, . Deputy Divisional Commander), . Afghanistan (1981-1983, . military advisor) ...,

. Last, the ability to fight, front ingenuity, heroism and bravery, combat reciprocity and impeccable 42-year military service, Major General Retired N
. D. Bezdenezhnykh awarded two Orders of Red Banner (1945), the Order of Patriotic War I and II degree (1944, 1945), Red Star, "For Service to Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree (1982), many medals. His work in peacetime awarded orders of the Labor Red Banner (1983) and "Honor" (1980).

. After leaving a well-deserved rest with the rank of Major General in January 1984, Nikolay once actively involved in the work of veterans 'organizations, strengthening the unity of the veterans' movement
. Fighting the Front hardening, . high school life, . honesty and integrity of the Soviet officer helps the tenth consecutive year, successfully, . reviews of his colleagues and comrades, . perform a variety of thorny and Acting Chairman of the Board of War Veterans, . Labor, . Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow,
. It's a hard case to volunteer to be the head of more than 340 thousand veterans district, . organize social protection, . help war veterans and soldiers of the labor front in addressing the pressing everyday problems and overcome the many vicissitudes of our troubled times.,
. Modesty and simplicity in dealing with other people, with fellow social work, available to anyone who needs support and assistance, earned him praise and respect
H. D. Bezdenezhnykh - honorary veteran of Moscow (1997) and Russia (1999). His hobbies - skiing, fishing, hunting, construction.
Lives and works in Moscow.

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Bezdenezhnykh Nikolay, photo, biography
Bezdenezhnykh Nikolay, photo, biography Bezdenezhnykh Nikolay  Honorary Veteran of Moscow (1997), photo, biography
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