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Kamburova Elena Antonovna

( People's Artist of Russia)

Comments for Kamburova Elena Antonovna
Biography Kamburova Elena Antonovna
Born in 1940. in Novokuznetsk. Father - Kamburov Anton Semenovich (1908 g.rozhd), Engineer. Mother - Lydia Markovna Zakharova (1911 g.rozhd), physician. Brother - Kamburov Vladimir Antonovich, engineer. Childhood in the Ukraine, Khmelnytsky city, where she moved the family pedigree which goes back to the Greeks Azov. In his youth, dreamed of becoming an actress, . fond of poetry seriously, . but after school, . not being too confident in the solid grounds for admission to the Theater Institute, . entered the Kiev Institute of Light Industry, . but two years later still went out and came to Moscow to enroll in drama school named after BV Shchukin,
. Despite the support of the chairman of the Examination Committee B. E. Zahavi and student Vakhtangov, . outstanding actress Ts L. Mansurova, . taught in those years in college acting, . The third round Kamburova fails: bright personality abiturientki do not fit into its familiar role as drama theater,
. Then show character: to stay in Moscow, Elena went to work at construction site.

The following year she entered the State School of Circus Arts, a new, just pop open a branch. Higher education received later, after finishing department Pop directing GITIS behalf Lunacharsky. One teacher colleges SA castellan showed her a few songs Novella Matveeva, saying: "In my opinion, this is your". Thus began a career singer Elena Kamburova. N. Matveeva Song "Wind" was the first song, which came on the scene Kamburova. Confessional, temperament, romanticism of the young singer as soon attracted the attention of her audience.

The sixties - a time of unprecedented upsurge of interest in poetry, poetry readings collected while stadiums. And it is poetry, poetic songs became the basis for Kamburova key finding repertoire. Songs Novella Matveeva and Bulat Okudzhava became the first program of the singer, reshivsheysya sing from the stage of a serious and intimate. From the first steps on the stage Elena Kamburova declared itself as a subtle and exacting artist. Poetry - one of the sources, giving her the creative impulse. The music was perceived by the young actress as part of the poetic world, as a means of enlarging sounding ideas. She was sweeping the maximum convergence of word and sound, spiritual melodies. Fate brought her to a talented pianist and composer Larisa Crete. Together, they leafed through poetry, creating a new repertoire - songs, strikingly unlike the entertainment platform of those years. Thus, in particular, there was a cycle of songs based on poems of Crete L. Yu Levitansky. But Larisa Crete, Melodia "was recorded first solo disc giant Helena Kamburova. It includes songs of Crete L. Yu Levitansky poems, songs, and Yu M. Tariverdieva Saulsky on poems H. Pozhenyan, Y. Kim and others

. As a result of the composer M. Tariverdieva Kamburova appeared in the repertoire of a cycle of songs based on poems by Gregory Pozhenyan (among which, . become a kind autographed by the singer song "I'm such a tree ...", . the inalienable right to their own individuality, . is independent from any external circumstances) and the cycle of poems Voznesensky on a novel by E. Hemingway, entitled "Farewell, . weapons "(later recorded and released on a separate plate with the same name), . which civil projects, . war theme, . again is at the level of individual human being,
. The possibility of lyrical solutions Civil themes relating to the Civil War not as a heroic but tragic topic Elena Kamburova has translated into a cycle of songs about the Civil War, the so-called "Komsomol" songs, for which in 1986. She was awarded the prize of the Moscow Komsomol..

Elena Kamburova created on the stage, his style, erected a native song genre to a high degree. Her singing is an art - representing a synthesis of music, poetic words and acting, where there are certainly two things: author's ownership and improvisation. Composers began to write specifically for her, in her genre, given her personality, we can say, the singer became a sponsor of these works. Thus, together with composer Vladimir Dashkevich Elena Kamburova created a vibrant musical and dramatic interpretations of masterpieces of Russian poetry of the first half of the twentieth century. Among them - a cycle of songs based on poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky, . cycle of songs based on poems by Alexander Blok, . poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, . Two suites for voice and orchestra - one of them is written in a cycle of poems by Anna Akhmatova's "Requiem", . another - "Save my speech" on poems by Osip Mandelstam,
. Both suites are devoted to the theme of the tragedy of human destiny in an era of totalitarian Stalinist regime in the early 90-ies they repeatedly performed in Moscow, in the Concert Hall of the Tchaikovsky. And in the seventies, public performance of poetry by the silver age of pop in their tacit ban demanded courage, courage

. Hence the name Kamburova became significant for the intelligentsia of those years, . and her concerts - a breath of freedom, . rare opportunity to come into contact with the true culture, . not secretly passing each other banned books, . but in reality - her performances confirmed, . that tradition is not interrupted, . the verses continue to live,
. Together with V. Dashkevich in 1982, Elena Kamburova has released the second author the disc, "Listen," on it the songs on poems Dashkevich F. Tyutchev, M. Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and others. Okudzhava said of this work thus: "Nature took care of her vocal means, . but do we have few performers with excellent golosamiN I am amazed at the breadth of opportunities, . which shows this master: the accuracy of its conversion from an acute grotesque to the soft melancholy lyric, . penetrating from the tragic to the gentle laughter,
. Not everyone is a happy combination of vocals, mind and talent. This has Elena Kamburova. "In 1986 the firm" Melody "was recorded Kamburova third disc, entitled" Long Autumn silence "(this time in her concert repertoire there is a program with the same title), . in which the singer invited the audience look at Russian history through song: it is chronologically and thematically built a cycle of songs, . includes and Russian folk songs, . and author ballads, . written on historical topics,

Kamburova never set itself the task to sing a hit, the poetry of her songs have lasting value, because maybe one day appearing in the repertoire of the singer, the song does not disappear or become obsolete, it is always up to date. Her repertoire is incredibly diverse, . it reflects the diversity of talent and breadth of poetic and musical tastes of singers: in it, and songs of Okudzhava and Matveeva, . with which it began, . and original, . subtle musical interpretation of the Silver Age poetry - poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, . Akhmatova, . Mandelstam, . A. Blok, . G. Ivanov and closer to us in time Yu Levitansky, . D. Samoilov, . Tarkovsky,
. This song, based on the finest lyric poets of Poland, Latin America, France. Russian-language repertoire combined with the songs in foreign languages - French, English, Polish, Spanish, Greek, Hebrew

. Among the foreign repertoire Helena Kamburova should highlight the outstanding songs of French singer of the twentieth century - J. Brel, . Barbara, . L. Ferre et al, . their creativity, . their understanding of the song genre, . as a genre of music and poetry performances, . very close in spirit to the singer,
. As dedication French sympathizers Elena Kamburova released a separate program, "You see, I remember ...", in which the sound tracks of France from the Middle Ages to the present day. Kamburova singing and classical music - the songs of Schubert, Tchaikovsky, M. Mussorgsky (vocal series "The Children" and "Songs and Dances of Death"), easily and convincingly established by destroying our stereotypes about their possible execution
. Fluency voice in a very wide range, . rich set of timbres and inflections and acting skills - the very qualities, . whereby Kamburova has become indispensable to the movies, . in the singing behind the scenes, her voice, . always very different and at the same time always recognizable, . not like any other, . sounds more than a hundred films and cartoons - Kamburova sings for children and adults, . a lyrical and distinctive characters, . for animals and fantastic creatures,
. Among her works in the film - "Slave of Love," "Dulcinea del Toboso," "Heaven is the promised", "We are not crowned in the church," "The Adventures of Electronics", "My dearly beloved detective", etc.. The singer appears in Profiled: among its actors' work roles in such films, . as "Monologue" (rezh.A.Simonov, . 1970), . Theater unknown actor (rezh.N.Rasheev, . 1970), . "Clown" (1980), . "My Theater" (rezh.G.Karyuk, . 1989), . "Twist" (1990), . "Requiem" (1990), . "My dearly beloved detective",

Kamburova not limited to concert programs - she is obsessed with the idea of the performance of the song with all the theatrical attributes - sets, costumes, props, complicated lighting plot. The first attempt in this direction was the play "play again" (director V. Druzhinin), which premiered in 1993 in St. Petersburg. The singer appeared before the audience in the form of a romantic Pierrot. Kamburova interesting contrasts: as organic as it can go in the singing of the small child's voice to an almost operatic bass, so along with the "Dream Game," there is a mischievous, sly play on the pages of American musicals.

The singer has toured extensively throughout the country and abroad: a great success are its concerts in Finland, Portugal, UK, USA, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Israel

. All the years of creative activity the singer has released 5 LPs, Melodia ":" A Farewell to Arms "(Cycle M. Tariverdieva explanations of E. Hemingway, . 1970), . "Poet Elena Kamburova" (1975), . Tales of Italy "(1981), . "Listen" (1982), . Yes Autumn silence "(1987), and 2 CDs:" Elena Kamburova "(1996), . "Drema (Russian lullabies, . United States, . 1997),

EA Kamburova - People's Artist of Russia (1995), a member of the Union of theatrical figures, since 1992. is the artistic director of its theater-based music and poetry, which brings together under one roof singers chamber genre. "Our theater today - is the emergence in Russia traditionally sing and listen to songs, which are based on poetry, wings of music, acting their residence and mental stress of the auditorium" - says the singer. "Tradition - that certain people. And those who are with me now, my allies, associates, and those with whom we do not yet know who will give us tomorrow. And we will have to travel together in this country, which makes it possible to live not only in accordance with the day today, but in harmony with the rhythms, the vibrations of Time Eternal. "

. Elena Kamburova dreams about the appearance in Moscow, a shelter for homeless animals
. Dogs and cats living in her house ever since childhood, comes from the street.

Lives and works in Moscow.

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Kamburova Elena Antonovna, photo, biography
Kamburova Elena Antonovna, photo, biography Kamburova Elena Antonovna  People's Artist of Russia, photo, biography
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