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Jabotinsky Vladimir E.

( writer and journalist, one of the leaders of the Zionist movement.)

Comments for Jabotinsky Vladimir E.
Biography Jabotinsky Vladimir E.
(Zeev Wolf Ionovich)
1880 - 4.VIII.1940
He wrote in Russian, Hebrew, French. Born in 1880 in Odessa.
Jabotinsky's father was a prominent businessman, a trader bread on the Dnieper and in Odessa, he died in 1886. At 7 years of Vladimir Jabotinsky went to study at a private school, received a traditional Jewish education, then studied in the 2 nd Odessa progymnasium, a course which concluded in 1895. In the same year, crossed in the fifth grade Richelieu gymnasium, where he studied until 1898.
With 10 years of Jabotinsky began to write poetry, and those aged between 13 and 16 years, has written numerous manuscripts (translations, articles, novels, etc.), rejected various editions. In the spring of 1898. 17-year-old Jabotinsky left school and went to Berne (Switzerland) in order to write correspondence for the newspaper "Odessa leaf". In Bern he moved among the Russian immigrants, and attended lectures at the Faculty of the University.
In the autumn of 1898. He moved to Rome and three years he attended lectures at the Faculty of the University. Jabotinsky deeply immersed in the cultural life of Italy, perfectly mastered the Italian language. Later, he wrote: "If I have a spiritual homeland, it is Italy ...". His articles and correspondence from Rome, published in the "Odessa News", "leaflet Odessa, St. Petersburg, the Northern Courier, Roman" Avanti "(in Italian) and other publications.
In the summer of 1901. Jabotinsky returned to Odessa and started working feuilletonist in Odessa News ". In early 1903. in connection with the threat of a pogrom in Odessa with M.Ya.. Dizengoff initiated the creation of the detachment of Jewish self-defense, collecting funds to purchase weapons. In the spring of that year, inspired by Jewish pogrom in Kishinev, Jabotinsky joined the Zionist movement. He was shaken to the depths of the soul spectacle Chisinau atrocities. Later (in 1904) Jabotinsky translated into Russian X. N. Bialik's poem "The Legend of the pogrom" (he later translated the most brilliantly Bialik poems and published them in 1911. separate collection). In the same 1903. Jabotinsky first time participating in the 6-first Zionist Congress in Basel.
At the end of 1903. He moved to St. Petersburg and is actively cooperating in the Russian and the Jewish press. 1904 - 1914 he. Jabotinsky went to a familiar multi-faceted and productive activities among the Jews Russia. It is popular, he was extraordinarily. Journalistic and oratorical gift Jabotinsky might have achieved in this period of greatest prosperity. His articles in the All-Russia and the Jewish press provoked numerous responses; halls, which sounded his speech, in towns and villages of the Pale were packed to overflowing. A brilliant advocate of the Zionist movement, he drew into its ranks thousands of boys and girls. During these years, Jabotinsky was involved in the creation of the Union to achieve full rights for the Jewish people in Russia "(1905), . was one of the main speakers at Helsingfors-Russia Conference of the Zionists (November 1906), . which adopted the program of struggle for equality and national rebirth of Russia Jewry,
1908 Jabotinsky held in Vienna, studying national issues and eastern. In 1909 - 1910 he. visited Palestine and spent a year in Constantinople, directing on behalf of the Zionist organization of the publication of several newspapers in the Jewish, French and Spanish.
In 1910 - 1913 he. Jabotinsky led an active campaign for the transition of teaching in Jewish schools in Russia in Hebrew and in 1911. founded in Odessa Publishers Turgeman "(" Translator ") for the printing of Hebrew works of world literature.
Autumn 1914. after the First World War, Jabotinsky traveled to Western Europe as a war correspondent for the Moscow newspaper "Russian Gazette". In early 1915. Jabotinsky put forward the idea of a Jewish contingent collaboration with the UK armed struggle against Turkish rule in Palestine.
The historical significance of Jabotinsky and lies in the fact that he raised the idea of a Jewish military force, an idea that has been etched from the historical consciousness of the people since the Bar-Kochba.
For two and a half years Jabotinsky with I. Trumpeldorom and P. Rutenberg sought in London, the decision to establish a Jewish Legion in the Entente, which was completed in 1917. the formation of the Jewish Legion in the British Army. Jabotinsky himself joined the legion of the ordinary, and later for his services was made an officer.
After 1-st world war, he settled in Palestine, creating teams of Jewish self-defense. In the spring of 1920. during the Arab riots Jabotinsky headed self-defense forces, organized armed resistance, was arrested by British authorities and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Three months later due to public protests in different countries Jabotinsky released.
In 1921, Mr.. it introduced the Board of the World Zionist Organization, but in January 1923. Jabotinsky came out because they do not get support from his tough policy against the British authorities in Palestine.
Since the end of 1923. became a member of the Zionist journal "Dawn", published in Berlin and then in Paris. He played for the establishment in Palestine of a strong Jewish state, not bound by socialist ideals. In April 1925. Jabotinsky founded and headed a new party, the Union of Zionists-revisionists ", organized in her youth movement, Beitar. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, he proposed a plan for the evacuation of 1.5 million Jews from Eastern Europe to Palestine, which was rejected by leaders of Jewish organizations.
In 1937, Mr.. Jabotinsky became commander of the underground National Military Organization (Etzel), which reacted harshly to the Arab actions against the Jews of Palestine. After the Second World War, he led the campaign for the evacuation of Jews in Eastern Europe and the creation of a powerful Jewish army to fight against Hitlerism, together with allies
. Jabotinsky was the author of many artistic and journalistic works, . including novels in Russian, . translations of world classics (Dante, . Goethe, . Rostand, etc.), . autobiography "The Story of my life" (published in 1985) and "The Lay of" (1928),
. In the stories, journalism, plays ( "Outland", 1910) was dominated by the idea of national identity and revival of Russia's Jews. The historical novel, "Samson of Nazareth" (1927).
In early 1940, Mr.. Jabotinsky left with an advocacy mission to the United States, where he died on August 4, 1940, Mr.. near New York. In his will, Jabotinsky ordered to move his remains in an independent Jewish state only by order of his Government. In 1964, Mr.. his last will was executed and the dust Jabotinsky was buried in Jerusalem near the grave of the founder of political Zionism Herzl.

WWC Team based on the "Central Jewish Resource Sem40.ru"

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Jabotinsky Vladimir E., photo, biography
Jabotinsky Vladimir E., photo, biography Jabotinsky Vladimir E.  writer and journalist, one of the leaders of the Zionist movement., photo, biography
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