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Vladimir Simonov Gerbovich

( Artist)

Comments for Vladimir Simonov Gerbovich
Biography Vladimir Simonov Gerbovich
Born in 1958 in Moscow. In 1958 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Industrial Art School named. S.G. Stroganoff. Since 1986 - Member of the Youth Association MOSKh. At the present time - a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, art section, a member of the International Arts Foundation, a member of the International Organization of Museums (ICOM), the restorer of the highest qualification.

Collections where works

His works are in private collections and galleries in Germany, Yugoslavia, USA, Japan, France, Morocco, Switzerland, Russia
. Participation in exhibitions and auctions
. 1986 Exhibition of Young Artists of Moscow;
. 1987 exhibition of Moscow artists;
. 1988 Allied Artists Exhibition;
. Russia's 1989 Republican exhibition;
. 1990 Federal traveling exhibition;
. 1990 Exhibition at Davidson Gallery in Seattle, USA;
. 1990 Exhibition in Gallery "Lerosh" in Hannover, Germany;
. 1990 solo exhibition, Moscow;
. 1991 Exhibition in Aachen, Germany;
. 1991 solo exhibition in Tyubinchene, Germany;
. 1991 solo exhibition in Belefelde, Germany;
. 1992 solo exhibition in Rotherham, England;
. 1993 Exhibition Gallery "Ordynka, Moscow;
. 1994 - 95 exhibitions in the United States and Russia;
. 1996 Exhibition Gallery "Les Oread" in the Central House of Artists, Moscow;
. 1997 Exhibition "Oh Woman" in the Russian Chamber of creativity in the Central House of Artists, Moscow;
. 1997 Exhibition of Artists of Russia "On the 850 anniversary of Moscow";
. 1997-98 exhibition at the Embassy of Georgia;
. 1998 Exhibition "Chovekov of the Nativity" in the Russian Chamber of creativity in the Central House of Artists, Moscow

Autobiographical notes

The world is beautiful, but he was killed on the seriousness of human sin. Each of us can at least suspend its precipitous fall into the abyss of awareness of their own sinfulness and repentance. But to live in God, hard and continuously, we then leave our Father, then come back to him like the prodigal son.
. Our ambivalence - the divine and low, masculine and feminine, the eternal and the momentary - to start thinking about questions of human existence to become a heavy burden of internal control
. I do not think his religious paintings. When possible, try not to depict Christ. But several times ventured to do so, because he could not otherwise express his thought, the very fabric of the work required his presence.
I'm not a mystical artist, simply take the usual for me and understood all the characters that would say what I live (in me) in the hope that it will be someone close.
In a creative context, I am anti-hero. On the self-portrait, I crushed his vices as opposed to the well-known story of St.. Sebastian in his glory.
But I cherish the hope for their own enlightenment, to return to the spiritual origins of us all. And if the brilliant product of "Black box" for me - a symbol of the 20 th century with all its calamities, the symbol of rebirth - The image of the Virgin.
Despite some external, I think, declarative my tracks, I paint. Here she prevails. Color not only on the plane, in breadth, but also in depth. This glaze, transparent, color nuances. From the colors, lines, spaces where image. It's my job, my life, my cross.
Moscow, 1998

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Vladimir Simonov Gerbovich, photo, biography
Vladimir Simonov Gerbovich, photo, biography Vladimir Simonov Gerbovich  Artist, photo, biography
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