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Avseenko Vasily

( Famous novelist and critic)

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Biography Avseenko Vasily
Born in 1842 into a noble family, he studied at the Faculty of Philology of Kiev University. Another student A. in the press, placing in 1860 the "Russian Word" "The Last Days of the Roman Empire" and "Historical Review of the Constitution of the United States," and in 1861 in the "Russian Speeches - Federation of Italian ideas in 1848". He defended his pro venia legendi reasoning "Italian expedition of Charles VIII and its implications for France, from 1863 to 1866 he lectured on modern history at Kiev University as privat-docent. In 1863 A. published: "writers of modern times. Royer-Kolyar, Tocqueville, Michelet "(Fatherland Notes', t. 145), "Malorossiyskoe nobility in 1776" ( "Russian Messenger", N 8), "Louis Blanc" (ibid., N 9) and "The Italian campaign of Charles VIII and its consequences for France" ( "Proceedings of the Kiev University, N 4 and 5). Since 1864 VY. Shulgin began to publish "Kievlyanin" who takes a protective stance and strongly opposed the progressive ideas, Poles, Ukrainophilism. Among the most striking articles of the newspaper belonged article A. In 1864, he placed in the "Kievlyanin" study: "The Ukraine in 1767", published in book. In 1865 A. spoke at the fictional career, placing in the Russian Messenger, under a pseudonym in. Poroshilova, the story "The Tempest" (N 8). After moving to St. Petersburg in 1869, A. was appointed a member of the scientific committee of the Ministry of Education and an official for special assignments to the Minister. Since 1869 A. begins to actively work in "Dawn" VV. Kashpireva placing literary works ( "The River", 1869, N 11, "At the Crossroads", 1870, N 9 - 12 and Dep. SPb., 1871) and critical articles. After the cessation of "Dawn", A. moved to the "Russian World", where he worked until 1875. In addition to fiction ( "In the sea everyday," 1870; "Forest Jew", 1873), A. placed in the "Russian World" series of critical satirical articles, signed by AO. Many worked in the 1870's and in the Russian Messenger. It printed his novels and stories: "Because of the worldly goods" (1872, N 9 - 11 and Dep. Petersburg., . 1873, . 1889), . "Roundabout way" (1873, . N 3, . and Dep., . Petersburg., . 1873), . Boyarsky time "(1873, . N 12), . "Milky Way" (1875, . N 10 - 12, 1876, . N 4 - 7, . and Dep., . M., . 1876), . "As they left" (1876, . N 11), . "Cases of past days" (1877, . N 3), . "Gnashing of teeth" (1878, . N 1 - 3, . 5, . 9 - 11 and Dep., . Petersburg., . 1879 and 1893). The most characteristic of his novels - "Milky Way" and "gnashing of teeth",
. In 1870 A. also made in the Russian Messenger "with a number against the modern literature articles, signed by A.; his anger they have made a big noise. Having become in 1883 the editor of the St. Petersburg Vedomosti, A. seeks to make one body moderately conservative. In 1880 A. also made in "Russian Messenger" ( "Silence", . 1880, . N 1, "Family Happiness", . 1880, . N 11; "Evil Spirit" 1881, . N 4, . 5, . 7, . 9 - 11, 1882, . N 1, . 2, . 3, . 6, . 8 - 10, 1883, . N 1, . 2, . 5, . 6, . and Dep., . M., . 1881 - 83, . and St. Petersburg., . 1890), . in the "Niva" ( "Moment", . 1881 Gubernskie Perichole ", . 1882; "Spanish nobleman", . 1882) and others,
. In 1881, a. placed in the "Historical Messenger autobiographical memories -" School days "(N 4). In 1885 he published his collection of novellas and short stories. In the 1890 work A. appear in the "Niva" ( "Child", . 1897; Young Lady Susanna ", . 1898; 'cambric handkerchief ", . 1898; 'Vorozhba ", . 1899; "Disorder", . 1899), . in the Journal of Europe "(" Andrew Mologin ", . 1896, . N 9 - 12, . and Dep., . Petersburg., . 1898; "Crash", . 1897, . N 1; "in flames", . 1897, . N 6; "Newbie", . 1898, . N 9 - 10; "Career Vyazigina", . 1898, . N 6; "Friends", . 1899, . N 7; "winner", . 1899, . N 11; "Wizard", . 1900, . N 7) and in Russian Thought "(" Ophelia ", . 1897, . N 12, . and "Blessed", . 1899, . N 5),
. In 1899 A. released "New Stories". In the past ten years a. worked in the "Niva" ( "Courting", . 1900; "The marriage of Rita", . 1900; 'Mansion ", . 1901, . "In the country", . 1901 "Boys", . 1902; "Tempter", . 1903; "cornstalk", . 1904, "Circle novelists", . 1904; Family Babininyh ", . 1904), . "Historical Journal" ( "Brothers Khrycheva", . 1901, . N 1, "Before the Dawn", . 1902, . N 12; "conspirators", . 1907, . N 1, "St. Petersburg Monte Cristo", . 1907, . N 11 - 12; "Enchantress, . 1908, . N 2; Pearl Pelegrin ", . 1908, . N 12, "Circle", . 1909, . N 5 - memories of working in the "Dawn"), . Petersburg Gazette and other publications,
. In 1900, he left two volumes of essays Petersburg, in 1902 - a collection of novellas and short stories "People and Life". Since 1905 in the publication of Marx was to go "Complete Works" A. (12 volumes). As a critic of the Russian Messenger, A. showed a complete inability to take any objectively to these phenomena. Thus, the movement of the 1860's he saw a simple "fraud", a movement called "shameful", "comic", reducing everything to the struggle and intrigues of several persons. In the early novels and stories A. reflected the same view of the world, . which is so painted his critical articles, . but later ultraohranitelnye these trends are gradually disappearing, . which explains the appearance of some of his literary works in this journal, . as the "Herald of Europe",
. Since 1880, A. mainly supplier "light reading", avoiding any burning so. - See. SA. Vengerov, "critical-biographical dictionary of Russian writers and scientists," t. I; NK. Michael, "Works", t. III ( "Notes layman"); Golovin, "Russian novel", 2 nd ed., P.. 383 - 84. A. Fomin.

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Avseenko Vasily, photo, biography Avseenko Vasily  Famous novelist and critic, photo, biography
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