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Bestuzhev Nikolai

( The Decembrist)

Comments for Bestuzhev Nikolai
Biography Bestuzhev Nikolai
A brother. and M. Bestuzhevykh. Born in 1791. He studied at the Marine Corps. Upon completion of the course was abandoned in the case of teachers and trainers. Later, while serving in the Admiralty Department, compiled a history of the Russian Fleet. Both before and after the link translated Byron (prose), Thomas Moore, Walter Scott, wrote the story, little articles, primarily on episodes of naval history, sketches from the life of the peoples of Europe, then from the life of the Siberian natives. Literary attempts Nicholas Bestuzhev not have outstanding value, but simply and elegantly written, read with interest. Even after his death, the best of his essays and short stories - "Notes on the Netherlands in 1815", "Russian in Paris in 1814", "Goose Lake" (from the life of Buryatia), etc.. were published in book form, entitled "Stories and stories of the old sailor" (1860). Bestuzhev have outstanding technical skills: he quickly mastered all kinds of manual work and in his mind constantly hatched different creative ideas. Some of his inventions were passed to offspring with his name. Thus, while serving in the Marine Corps, he invented a special rescue boat - Bestuzhev ", in Siberia, built a special economic" Bestuzhevskie furnace and T. d. In the Chita prison without any tools he has made such a clock, which went without stopping to 4 years and was marked by unusually correct way. He also repaired in Siberia Mill, arranged gardens, greenhouses, tanneries, stitching shoes, caps, came up with jewelry, automatic recording meteorological instruments and t. d. He wrote excellent watercolor portraits and icons. And if all this add that Bestuzhev was charming, cheerful companion, an excellent storyteller and reciter and liked women, there is no doubt that he was waiting for a brilliant worldly career. But the circumstances were different; his share in 1825, Mr.. dropped out long-standing suffering of the fortresses and prison. In 1840, Mr.. he moved to the category of Selenge villagers and died in 1855, Mr.. - In response to questions, . raised in the investigation affairs Decembrists, . Nicholas Bestuzhev explains, . that "rooting free way of thinking" he "no one shall" and that "he had seen in practice in other powers was sufficient, . to adopt in these thoughts ",
. "In practice" with the state system "other powers" he met during marine expeditions in which he was forced to participate in 1815 and 1817 respectively. Smart impressed him stay in the Netherlands, which gave "the first idea of the benefits of laws and civil rights". Important role in the development of his views played a reading of foreign magazines and works of contemporary history. Bestuzhev considers it necessary to remember his testimony in the book "On the constitution of England", published in Russian translation in the early years of the reign of Alexander I - the first book, "which launched the desire to see Russia as a constitutional country. For a little over a year until December 14 Bestuzhev was adopted Ryleev among the members of the Northern Society. Because you can trust the official testimony Bestuzhev, he is in the preparatory work of secret societies took a modest part. Once Rileyev invited him to join in the Duma, directed all the activities of Northern society, but then the conversation was not renewed. Bestuzhev did not know the composition of the Duma, nor its plans, receiving only the information that informed him Rileyev. Being in the society, he attracted a number of its members Thorson and Arbuzov. Rileyev repeatedly he "reprimanded," that he does not initiate communication among naval officers in Kronstadt, arguing that at the time of the revolt involved the Kronstadt sailors can play a crucial role. Bestuzhev not agree with this opinion and persuaded Ryleeva that support the fleet may be the most insignificant value, and the "moral power" of Kronstadt naval officers drew their propaganda in the media in a completely futile exercise. In the front ranks Bestuzhev moved only at the time of the rebellion. On the morning of December 14, on behalf Ryleeva, he went to the barracks of marine crew to bring the sailors on the Senate Square. Arriving at the barracks, Bestuzhev convinced that senior officers and lower ranks unanimously refuse the oath to Nicholas. Then he said to Lieutenant Arbuzov: "I think we are all here together for a common cause, and none of those present refused to act". One of the young officers replied: "With you we are ready to go". When they heard the shooting area Bestuzhev said: "Let's go to the area to rescue her!" and together with the crew went to the aid of the insurgents shelves. When the revolt of the troops were on the run, Bestujev disguised as a sailor, had fled on foot across the ice to Kronstadt and with false papers Tolbuhinsky went to the lighthouse, but there was arrested and taken to St. Petersburg. - Wed. Vengerov, "Critic-Biographical Dictionary" and "Sources of the words. rus. nuc. ". S. Vengerov.

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Bestuzhev Nikolai, photo, biography Bestuzhev Nikolai  The Decembrist, photo, biography
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