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Bulich Sergey

( linguist and musician-theorist)

Comments for Bulich Sergey
Biography Bulich Sergey
Born in 1859, Mr.. St. Petersburg. Scientific studies began at the Kazan University (which he entered in 1878) under the supervision of Professor IA. Baudouin de Courtenay and NV. Kruszewski.

In 1882, Mr.. was left at the Kazan University to prepare for a professorship in the department of Comparative Linguistics. Since autumn 1885. began to lecture as a privat-docent at St. Petersburg University. In 1887, Mr.. was sent overseas and worked there (in Berlin, Leipzig, Jena) comparative grammar of Indo-Europe. lang., Ayurvedic, zendskoy and Germanic Philology. Since 1891. was read at St. Petersburg University, compulsory courses in the department of comparative linguistics and Sanskrit, in the same year he was invited to the University for Women to give lectures on Russian.

In 1895, Mr.. took the chair of Russian and Church Slavonic languages at the Institute of History and Philology. In 1908, Mr.. chosen extraordinary professor of St. Petersburg University. In 1910,. elected after the death of VA. Fausek, director of the University for Women, what is the position now, staunchly defending the interests of the post high school education and women. He was one of the founders of the linguistic separation Neofilologicheskogo society and has been the fifth triennial election of its chairman.

Since 1910. is vice-chairman of the ethnographic department of the Geographical Society. During his thirty scholarly activity (first published his work appeared in 1881. in R. F. B.) Bulich issued a number of works relating to the most varied fields of linguistics. In addition to grammatical issues, . note: "End of the Polish declension of the adjective" (Kazan, . 1885), "Notes on" Notes on the Slavic grammar "Professor sobolev" (in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education ", . 1895); "Slavische Miszaellen" (in "Indoherm,
. Forsch. ", . V, . 1895); Bulich keenly interested in lexicology of the Russian language, . and they have long been selected materials etymological dictionary of Russian language, interest in these matters as expressed in "Materials for the Russian dictionary" (1890 and 1896), . and in particular in the master's thesis "Church Slavonic elements in contemporary literary and popular Russian language" (1896),
. Simultaneously, the development of the history of linguistics in Russia: in addition to several articles on these issues ( "Memory O.N. background. Betlinga "in" Proceedings of the Division II, "1904;" Russian language and comparative linguistics "in the" Encyclopedic Dictionary "Brockhaus-Efron by sl. Russia), here is the major work Bulich (doctoral dissertation), "Essay on the History of Linguistics in Russia", t. I (XIV in. - 1825), released in 1904.

Especially valuable for its scientific dignity of work Bulich on the physiology of the sounds of Russian. They are not combined into a single unit and are scattered in different articles in journals and encyclopedic dictionary. Note: "On the Russian pronunciation of" L "(Polish" l ")" ( "P. F. V. ", 1890)," Vowels "(" Collegiate Dictionary ")," Stress "," dorsals "," Coronal sounds "," Palatine sounds; on just recall Norwegian phonetics About. Brock, three recent articles provide some valuable observations about the nature of the Great consonants ". Bulich University students have the opportunity to study Russian phonetics for his leadership, excellent, . printed on the Rights of the manuscript ( "Lectures on the comparative-historical phonetics of Old Slavonic and Russian languages), . Through the efforts of Bulich the start of the study of experimental phonetics at St. Petersburg University, under his leadership, formed the untimely death of NS,
. Usov, who devoted Bulich prochuvstvennuyu article in Izvestia Part II "1900. In addition to language issues, Bulich almost from its inception, was interested in music theory and history of Russian music. Note his extensive review of a book R. Westphal, "Allgemeine Theorie der musik. Rhytmik "(" P. F. B., 1884).

In 1900, Mr.. Bulich produced valuable work "Pushkin and Russian music, as well as a study of N.A. Titov, "grandfather of the Russian romance", in 1901. - Perceptions of AE. Varlamov (Russian Music Newspaper ") in 1902. - Review of a book, VI. Peter, on the composition, order and good terms in ancient Greek music "(" Journal of the Ministry of National Education ") in 1908. - Review of a book in. Cheshihina, "History of the Russian opera" (ibid.), in 1911. appeared sketch Bulich "A.S. Griboyedov - Musician "(7 th edition of the Academic Library of Russian Writers, St. Petersburg., 1911). Very valuable work Bulich in the field of musical ethnography: "Several of the Finno-Slavic music and ethnographic parallels" (a collection in honor of the seventieth birthday GN. Potanin, 1909). He also owned many of the articles in the "Encyclopedic Dictionary" Brockhaus-Efron in 1-m and the present edition. In periodicals appeared: "The music and ideas of liberation" ( "Herald of Europe", . 1909, . III), . "On the newly found monuments of ancient Greek music" ( "Journal of the Ministry of National Education", . 1894), "Delphic musical discovery" (ibid.); "MI,
. Glinka "(the newspaper" Rus ", 1904)," MA. Balakirev, obituary "(Herald of Europe", 1910, V). A. Sh

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Bulich Sergey, photo, biography Bulich Sergey  linguist and musician-theorist, photo, biography
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