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Bulygin Alexander G.

( statesman)

Comments for Bulygin Alexander G.
Biography Bulygin Alexander G.
Born in 1851, after the Law School in 1871. was a magistrate in the province of Kiev, in 1873,. entered the service in Saratov official of special commissions under the governor, and then changed a few more posts; in 1881 - 87 he was the leader of the nobility Zaraiskiy County (Ryazan province). In 1887, Mr.. Tambov appointed vice-governor, in 1888. Kaluga governor, in 1893, Mr.. Moscow, with the formation in 1902. Assistant Moscow Governor-General Bulygin took it and was an active member of the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, a position he was a patron and pooschritelem chief of the Moscow Police Department and Zubatov Zubatov police socialism,
. In 1905, Mr.. appointed member of the State Council, and January 20 - Minister of the Interior to place the prince Svyatopolk-Mirsky, a policy which collapsed in January 9, 1905. The fact that the leader of this movement, the priest Gapon was Zubatov creature, and that, consequently, Bulygin could to some extent, be held responsible for events of January 9, at the time was not sufficiently known. Thus, the appointment Bulygina would testify about the turn of the policy of "trust" Svyatopolk-Mirsky to the policy of repression era Plehve. Bulygina situation was difficult: it was a failed Japanese war and its resulting social and labor movement, while Bulygin, . held the highest post in the administration of the State, . did not enjoy a special trust ruling circles and did not have sufficient authority and almost simultaneously with him to the post of St. Petersburg governor-general was with special powers given to General Ph.D.,
. Trepov, . that effectively deprives Bulygina significant proportion of power; not only local measures purely police repression, . and common measures against the press, . when Sviatopolk-Mir enjoyed relative freedom, . and now again is extremely constrained, . in fact proceeded from Trepov, . and not from Bulygina,
. February 18, 1905, Mr.. one day were published: The highest Manifesto, . that "all Russian people, . true legacy native antiquities ", . invited to rally around the throne, . and the imperial rescript addressed Bulygina, . which it has been announced intention to bring a "decent, . confidence of the people in positions, . selected from the population of people to participate in the preliminary development and discussion of legislative proposals ",
. Special commissions with participation Bulygina was produced first position of the State Duma, as zakonosoveschatelnom institution, which was published August 6, 1905, but life has not entered. April 17, 1905, Mr.. published elaborated with the participation of Bulygina highest decree "On the strengthening of religious tolerance began". In May 1905. Deputy Minister of the Interior, the police chief and commander of the corps of gendarmes was appointed Trepov leaving the position of the St. Petersburg governor-general, than the value Bulygina was further weakened. When Bulygin very many parts of Russia declared the situation an emergency or enhanced protection. When Bulygin in October 1905. All-Russia began a strike that led to the manifesto of October 17, to which Bulygin did not participate. After that was organized by the Council of Ministers chaired S.YU. Witte, which was not included Bulygin, as a minister and was replaced by P.N. Durnovo. Bulygin remained a member of the Council of State. After the transformation of the State Council in 1906. Bulygin year called for prisutstvovaniyu the Council: it belonged to the extreme right, but until now (1912) did not utter a single speech.

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