Val Victor Vilgelmovich( Russian general and administrator)
Comments for Val Victor Vilgelmovich
Biography Val Victor Vilgelmovich
Born in 1840, served as an officer in Poland and participated in the pacification of the Polish uprising in 1863, in 1876, Mr.. entered the service in the administration and was first vice-governor and then governor of Yaroslavl, Kharkov, Vitebsk, Podolia, Volhynia and Kursk provinces. In 1892 - 95 years. was mayor of St. Petersburg (after the general Gresser), in this position is widely used law of administrative repression. In 1895, Mr.. appointed as an honorary trustee, with those in charge Kseninskim Institute. In 1901, Mr.. appointed governor of Vilna, in this capacity, he resorted to cross-section of political prisoners in jail Vilna. This led to an unsuccessful attempt on his life. In 1902, Mr.. Plehve appointed him deputy minister of foreign affairs, heads of separate corps of gendarmes; here Val found more energy to finding the political crimes, and promote a system of provocation. In 1904. after the death Plehve left of the post; from January 1, 1904. is a member of the State Council.