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Pavel Vinogradov Gavrilovich

( famous historian)

Comments for Pavel Vinogradov Gavrilovich
Biography Pavel Vinogradov Gavrilovich
Born in 1854, Mr.. He studied at Moscow University. He worked in Germany in the seminaries Brunner and Mommsen. He collected material for the Italian master's thesis: "The origin of feudal relations in the Lombards in Italy" (1880). Ph.D. received for "Research on the social history of England in the Middle Ages" (1887). Since 1884. professor at Moscow University in the Department of World History. Posted in England, the book "Villainage in England" (1892). In 1895 - 6 years studied in the Scandinavian countries, the Danish and Norwegian influence in medieval England. Supporter of university autonomy, Vinogradov, as chairman of the Soviet Committee on Student Affairs, had a collision with the Minister of Education Vannovskim, resigned (1902) and went abroad. In 1903, Mr.. he took the chair of jurisprudence at Oxford, created to Maine and just abandoned Pollock. In close connection with the historical and legal lectures and seminars at Oxford, they are written the book: "Growth of the manor" (1905, 2 nd Edition, 1911, Russian translation: "The medieval manor house in England, 1911) and" English society in the eleventh century "(1908). When the Russian universities have received partial autonomy, Moscow University asked Vinogradov regain his former department. Vinogradov not found it possible to leave Oxford, but agreed to become a supernumerary professor and perform in Moscow, one semester of academic year. He was elected and approved by the spring of 1908. But he had to teach in Moscow, only two half-year - autumn 1908. and the spring of 1910; in 1911, following the dismissal of the Rector, Vice-Rector and Assistant Rector, Vinogradov again resigned and has since taught only in Oxford. Vinogradov - one of the most distinguished medievalists of our time. The main subject of his research - Social History of Medieval England. In this area next to it you can put only Metlanda and Seebohm. All three of his English books are essential to the richness of the material used, the skill of critical development sources, the breadth of the findings. In the development of English history Vinogradov always had in mind the continental Middle Ages, the study of which he devoted a number of prominent special works. He took an active part in the recent dispute about the social system germanskom Merovingian and Carolingian period, determines the structure of tribal alliances in the Nordic environment. In the study of medieval Vinogradov goes no further than the XIII century. Its roots take up more complex processes than the details of everyday life, more fundamental driving forces, rather than local features. Vinogradov - Historian and a constructor for the most. This is his resemblance to Seebohm, but from overly ambitious, at times almost arbitrary constructions Seebohm work Vinogradova differ in a systematic and critical study of sources and literature. This similarity Vinogradov Metlandom, but at the time, . a skeptic Metland feel the darkness and mystery of the English Middle Ages and very often he himself stresses the weaknesses of their own assumptions, . Vinogradov, . pointing out the difficulty of the question, . supports the findings and constructs, . seeking to provide a complete solution,
. Like Germanist 60's and 70's, Vinogradov believes the prime importance of Germanic elements in the establishment of a medieval society, in the initial prevalence srednesvobodnyh (Gemeinfreie), in the seniority-free community of the estate. But his Germanism broad and tolerant, softened attention to the opponents - Fustel, Sibomu, Metlandu, cutting-edge researchers like Gekko and Wittich. Vinogradov has devoted a great deal of work studying the economic history and has always been convinced of the powerful impact of economic forces on the fate of the right, but he's always stressed the activity of law, its ability to create social relationships. According to its warehouse Vinogradov more lawyer than the economist. Most attracted his collision of different systems of law, contradictions order, composed of such a collision. Vinogradov - an excellent university lecturer. His lectures attracted many listeners, and its seminary on Greek history and the history of the continental Middle Ages were very expensive parties. Seminaries Vinogradova involved not only students but also to universities, not only historians, but lawyers and economists. Lively interest in Russian secondary and elementary schools, Vinogradov wrote for high school textbook of universal history, received widespread. Under his editorship of the circle of scientists and educators drawn up "book to read on the history of the Middle Ages", is also widespread in secondary schools. In 1897 - 1898 years Vinogradov was the chairman of the Training Division of the society and the dissemination of technical knowledge for some time chaired the Commission held in the department for organizing home and read in the historical section. Many worked for the society at the Moscow Pedagogical University. In 1897. Vinogradov entered the vowels of the Moscow City Duma, was elected to the Duma for the chairman of the commission instituted and many helped to improve the economic situation uchaschih in Moscow city schools. At the end of 1905. and early 1906. Vinogradov's name mentioned in connection with the rumors about the ministry of public figures. A. Savin.

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Pavel Vinogradov Gavrilovich, photo, biography
Pavel Vinogradov Gavrilovich, photo, biography Pavel Vinogradov Gavrilovich  famous historian, photo, biography
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