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Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich

( Duke - politician)

Comments for Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Biography Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
(1773 - 1844). Enrolled under Catherine II in the pages, Golitsyn since childhood had access to the court, where a valued member of children's games like the Grand Dukes - Alexander and Constantine, and then - as witty and clever gentleman. When Paul was expelled from St. Petersburg. The service begins his career at Alexander. Appointed first Chief Prosecutor I Department of the Senate, Golitsyn in 1803, at the urging of Alexander, assumed the post of Procurator of the Holy Synod. In 1810, Mr.. Golitsyn is, while maintaining the previous post, chief manager of foreign confessions, in 1816, Mr.. - Minister of Education. Once in 1817, Mr.. Minister of Religious Affairs and of Education were merged into one ministry, Golitsyn was headed last, but was dismissed as chief prosecutor. This situation he held until 1824, when he should resign from both offices, retaining only the title of supreme commander of the Postal Department (the corresponding title of Minister of Railways). The last post held Golitsyn and under Nicholas I. Since 1810, Mr.. was a member of the State Council, and during 1839 - 41 years - Chairman of general meetings. Golitsyn played a prominent role in some institutions of public character: he was president of the Bible Society, president of Philanthropic Society, and took an active part in the organization of the Trusteeship of the Prison Society and others. In 1843, Mr.. Golitsyn left in the Crimea, where he died. Golitsyn - one of the brightest figures of Alexander's reign. In his younger years Golitsyn - typical libertine Catherine's era, with a cheerful frivolity relating to religious issues and enjoy life preferring social activities. The appointment of its chief procurator of the Holy Synod was so completely unexpected and is explained solely by a desire to have Alexander on this important place of a loved one. Soon, however, the mood Golitsyn is undergoing profound changes. It permeated by religious interests, which are gradually taking his mystical direction, and therefore drastically alter their lifestyle. His new views Golitsyn tried to hold first as president of the Bible Society, but much wider field opened before him with the union in his hands departments of Religious Affairs and Public Education. Schooling was delivered in close dependence on the religious beliefs and experiences of heads of the Ministry, and devotion was recognized foundation of true education. In the structure of educational institutions and to teaching were made very significant changes. The same trend holds for the Golitsyn to literature, in extreme censorship captious. Sam Golitsyn was a man of very good-natured, but when it gained access to important posts in various career seekers, like the famous Magnitsky, and they were driven to extreme reactionary trend in the Ministry. Golitsyn fell because, . that he himself was not strong in piety: this suspicion tried to convince the enemies of Alexander Golitsyn, . representatives then formed a new church and reactionary party (especially Archimandrite Photius), . Recalling his nasty Orthodox mysticism,
. With the loss of political significance Golitsyn was not lost, however, a friendly attachment to him by Alexander, and due to personal closeness even devoted a recent issue of the succession, hold, as we know, in strict confidence. In "Readings of the Society of History and Antiquities of Russian", 1870, Book I, published work of Golitsyn: "Opinion on the difference between Eastern and Western Church, with a history of the division of them," he submitted to the Empress Elizabeth Alexeyevna. - See: P. von Gotze "Furst A. N. Galitzin und seine Zeit. "(Tip Karnovich in" Historical Messenger, 1882, N 4, and 5), NI. Bars "Archimandrite Photius and Prince Golitsyn" ( "Russian Antiquities", 1881), "Stories of Prince AN. Golitsyn recorded Yu.N.. Bartenev "(" Russian Antiquities ", 1884); Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich" Alexander I "(correspondence Golitsyn); M.V. Dovnar-Zapolskii "Overview of recent Russian history, t. I; IA. Chistovich "The leaders of spiritual education in Russia (St. Petersburg, 1894); SV. Christmas "Historical review of the Ministry of National Education" (St. Petersburg, 1902). A. Zaozersky.

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Golitsyn, Dmitry
Valerian Mikhailovich Golitsyn
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Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, photo, biography
Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, photo, biography Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich  Duke - politician, photo, biography
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