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Golitsyn, Dmitrii Mikhailovich

( known Councilors)

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Biography Golitsyn, Dmitrii Mikhailovich
(1665 - 1737), eldest son waiter (after Boyar) Prince Michael Andreevich; to 1686, Mr.. steward, from 1694 g. - Captain Transfiguration Regiment. In 1697, Mr.. sent abroad for military affairs of science "and was in Italy to the scientist Mark Martinovich, who taught his disciples Navigational Sciences. In 1701, Mr.. Golitsyn was ambassador at Constantinople, to obtain free passage of Russian ships on the Black Sea. In 1704, Mr.. sent a detachment to support the Polish king of Poland and Saxony, came back in 1706, and since the spring of 1707, Mr.. was appointed to manage Belgorod discharge, and ordered him to write the Kiev voivod, and from March 6, 1711, Mr.. - Governor. Here he remained until 1718, when Chambers was appointed president of Collegium and Senator, from 1722 g. retained only the latest post. In 1723, Mr.. case Shafirov Golitsyn was deprived of rank and fined houses and arrested. Only at the request of the Empress, he was pardoned and reinstated in classes and ranks. After the death of Peter the Great Golitsyn was headed staroboyarskoy party, which defended the right of Peter II against Catherine I. In this struggle, most strikingly affected aristocracy Golitsyn, who could not forgive Peter, his marriage to Martha Skavronskaia. The agreement between the parties occurred on the basis of the actual limits on the power of the Empress, through the Supreme Privy Council. Staroboyarskaya party dreamed of escape in this way from tyranny, or to establish a form of government similar to the Swedish or English. Prince Golitsyn played one of the first roles. There is even news that the first blow to the existing order was to deliver his own brother, Field Marshal Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Elder, who commanded the troops in Ukraine. After the death of Peter II, the election of his successor again brought to the scene of major political plans. The initiative this time belonged to Prince Golitsyn, the proposal which was elected to the throne of Anna of Russia, under restrictive conditions. To eliminate the oligarchy of the supreme, a whole literature projects of state transformation. When Anna had declared itself an autocratic, Golitsyn concluded his political activities in the following words: "The feast was ready, but the guests were not worthy of him, I know that I am his victim. Maybe so - I have suffered for my country! I am close to the end of my life pursuits. But those who make me cry, will shed tears any longer me ". Although he was appointed a member of the reconstructed in its old rules of the Senate, but lived mostly in his suburban estate patrimony, the village of Archangel. The government of Empress Anna did not leave him there alone: in 1736, Mr.. he was already quite ill, was tried as if for the illegal actions in the case of his son-Constantin Cantemir with my stepmother, and was sentenced to death by Empress Anna in Schlusselburg replaced imprisonment with confiscation of all estates. 1737 g. Golitsyn was taken to the fortress, where he died. Golitsyn until the end of life remains a proud defender of staroboyarskih traditions with contempt and treat foreigners and random people of his time. Peter's reform it have been largely sympathetic, but he managed to take the best fruits of reform. Abroad, he was partly acquainted with European science and finished his education with the assistance of the Kiev Academy. On his behalf, have been translated many of the political and historical European writers. In his library in the village of Archangel, were "on the outlandish dialects, and translated into Russian around 6 thousand books". This was certainly the first richest private library in Russia. Peter himself turned to him with the request to transfer one or more books. His governorship of Pomerania and in Kiev and found his administrative talents. In the role of President of the Chambers-board considerable effort it took to Prince Golitsyn collect material and prepare, in accordance with the regulations, a new state report card or painting public revenue and expenditure. - Wed. Bantysh-Kamensky Dictionary of memorable people "(h. 2, 74 - 79); "Bibliographical note" (1861, t. III); Pekarsky "Science and Literature under Peter the Great" (I, . 255 - 263); Petkovic "Montenegrin Marko Martinovic (" Sea Collection ", . 1863, . N 6); Pekarsky "History of the Academy of Sciences" (I, . 200 - 208); Zabelin "Experiments" (II, . 331); Korsakov "Accession Anna Ioannovna" (1 - 18, . 34 - 39, . 179 - and 188 times.) Artemiev "Description of the manuscripts of the Kazan University" ( "Chronicle of classes architect,
. com. ", VII, 57 - 59);" Materials for the history. Academy of Sciences ", IV, 117, 120, 135, 178 - 190, 309, 357, 401 - 405, 420, 439); Korsakov" From the life of Russian leaders XVIII century: the court of Prince D.M. Golitsyn (219 - 282); Miliukov "Public Economy of Russia in the first quarter of XVIII century", also known as the "supreme and the nobility" (compilation "From the history of the Russian intelligentsia, St. Petersburg., 1902); Prince NN. Golitsyn "Rod Princes Golitsyn" (IX - XIV, 125 - 126, 272, 316, 406, 450, 475 - 470); Ikonnikov "The experience of Russian historiography", I; NV. Golitsyn, "New data about the library of Prince D.M. Golitsyn ( "Reading obschesta History and Antiquities", 1900, Prince. 4); W. Recke "Die Verfassungsplane der russischen Oligarchen im J. 1730 "(" Zietschr. fur osteuropaische Gescht. ", B. II, 1911 - 12). M. D.

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Golitsyn, Dmitrii Mikhailovich, photo, biography Golitsyn, Dmitrii Mikhailovich  known Councilors, photo, biography
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