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Ignatiev, Nikolai Pavlovich

( Statesman)

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Biography Ignatiev, Nikolai Pavlovich
born January 17, 1832, studied at the Page Corps, in 1849. enrolled in the Life Guards Hussars His Majesty's Regiment in 1851. finished the General Staff Academy in 1854, Mr.. sent to the commander of troops in Estonia, the Adjutant General F.F. Berg, in 1855, Mr.. correcting the position of Chief Quartermaster Corps of the Baltic. In 1856, Mr.. Ignatiev was appointed military agent in London, states, however, at the disposal of our Ambassador in Paris, gr. P.D. Kiseleva. The first visible step Ignatieff as a diplomat was the presentation of our authorized at the Paris Conference 1856. note about the harassment Austria, . which, . supported Britain, . wanted to take an oversight of our diplomats and possibly alienate Russia from the Danube and Prut, . include ceded to Moldavia space Bolograd, . Komrad and as much as possible of the Bulgarian colonies,
. Ignatiev insisted that the border should be carried out on the river Yalpuzhelyu, and not on the river Yalpuhu, and that we can defend Komrad most of the Bulgarian colonies without giving those persons in Turkey, where they ran at different times under the protection of Russia. Ignatiev was charged directly involved in negotiations to mark the new border of Russia, and, thanks to his arguments, harassment, Austria and England were not satisfied. In his dispatches from London, the War Minister, N.O. Suhozanetu, Ignatiev, providing the Sepoy Mutiny in India, pointed to the need to support Persia in a difficult moment for England. Because of these reports in 1857, Mr. Ignatieff. intended to appoint him ambassador to Persia, . but the appointment is not held, . and Ignatiev, . to become better acquainted with the East, . went to travel, passing through Vienna for the first time entered into relations with the leaders of the Slavs - Palacky, . Rieger, . Brauner, . Dobriansky etc.,
. From Egypt, Ignatiev was summoned to take command of the military-diplomatic mission to Khiva and Bukhara. In May, 1858. Ignatieff, a convoy of 50 people, made and Orenburg in the way which involves a great danger of every kind of little-studied paths, and even a unknown terrain (the Amu Darya river and the road from Khiva to Bukhara). In July, he arrived in Khiva and after much wrangling, concluded with the Khan trading treatise, when it was discovered the treachery of Khan and the desire to delay the mission until the return of Khiva caravans from Orenburg, . Ignatiev decided to abandon the prisoner, . but useless, . his opinion, . contract and not leave without permission in the way, . as demanded Khan, . t,
. e. back to the Ust-Yurt, and the drawn in advance. After a series of clashes with the Turkmens, Ignatiev through Kara arrived in Bukhara, where he successfully concluded a commercial tract with Khan Nasr-Ulla and freed all Russian nationals, languishing in Bukhara in captivity. In December 1858. Ignatiev, accompanied by the envoys of Bukhara suddenly appeared in Orenburg, where he was considered to have died and even told about it in Saint Petersburg. In March 1859, Mr.. Ignatiev, produced, 27 years of age, a general, was appointed as authorized in China, with which the misunderstanding about the reluctance of the Beijing government to recognize the Treaty of Aigun. After 11 months of negotiations, initially on the recognition and ratification of Aigun treatise, and then on a new more comprehensive agreement, Ignatiev became convinced that the Beijing government for forcing a military force is needed. Proposing an ultimatum, . Ignatiev, . contrary to the command of emperor, . required to leave it through Mongolia Kyakhta, . his way through the arrangement of the entire Chinese army, . concentrated near Tientsin, . and the river Pei-ho, . to meet the Anglo-French landing, . and entered into relations with the Russian squadron, . gathered in the Pacific, . to become available,
. Immediately after Ignatiev took the course of events, with great skill intervened in negotiations between the Chinese and Anglo-French and the services rendered and those and other. Appreciation of the Chinese government to save the capital and accelerating the removal of the allied forces was reflected in the conclusion and the immediate ratification of the new Beijing a treaty on Nov. 2, 1860, which for Russia confirmed as the left bank of river. Cupid and p. Ussuri with all coastal harbors to the bay Posyet and Manchurian coast to Korea (Primorsky region)., . the west boundary of our significant fixed on Lake Nor-zaisang and Heavenly Mountain, . secured Russia's right to the land trade in the Chinese dominions and device consulates in Urga, . Mongolia Kashgar,
. In July 1861,. (1860, . the conclusion of a treaty with China - Adjutant General), Ignatiev was in Constantinople for the first time for congratulations Sultan Abdul Aziza assumption of the throne, . in August the same year was appointed director of the Asian Department, . and in 1864,
. - Emergency envoy to the Ottoman Porte. During the uprising CANDIOTI 1866. mode of action Ignatieff was extremely discreet, in the Greco-Bulgarian church feud, he took the side of the Bulgarians, and under its mainly influenced held firman 1870. Thanks restrained course of action Ignatiev, Russia's influence in the Balkan Peninsula has been restored. It only deteriorated because of Russia's accession to the alliance of three emperors, the agreement with Austria over the Herzegovina revolt 1875. and international diplomatic pressure on Turkey, the notes taken by Count Andrassy about the need for reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ignatiev, striving for an independent policy in the East, all dependent on him means opposed to the agreement, although strongly advocated the protection of Bosnians and Bulgarians, and stood in sharp opposition to the policy of Midhat Pasha. Protection of the Slavic peoples created Ignatiev extremely loud fame in Europe, and it began to look at both the chief representative of the militant "Pan-Slavism". When assembled, the Conference of Constantinople, Ignatiev managed to attract the British commissioner Salisbyuri and achieve unanimous by the European powers representations Porte. From 18 February to 20 March 1877. Ignatiev, in order to ensure the neutrality of the European powers in the forthcoming Russian-Turkish war, visited Berlin, Paris, London and Vienna, but has only meaningless London Protocol on March 31. During all this time, preparatory actions, . St. Petersburg, . with one obtained from the Constantinople embassy information about the military strength of Turkey, . for the upcoming campaign was viewed as a "military walk", . result of which Russia went to war with insufficient forces,
. During hostilities 1877. Ignatiev, appointed a member of the State Council, was in the retinue of the Emperor. January 14, 1878, Mr.. Ignatiev, as the first commissioner, once again went to the army to negotiate with the Turks, but was in Adrianople already Truce. Negotiations, begun in Adrianople February 2, were suspended on 8 February and resumed at San Stefano, where on February 19 and was signed by the San Stefano Treaty. In May, 1878. Ignatiev was dismissed in the village, and then held after the Treaty of Berlin which the San Stefano treaty was completely distorted. In the last years of the reign of Emperor Aleksanra II Ignatiev was one time Governor-General of Nizhny Novgorod in March 1881. was appointed Minister of State Property, and from May 1881 to May 1882, Mr.. was Minister of Internal Affairs. Appearing to replace g. Loris-Melikov, Ignatiev continued implementation of that part of his program, which belonged to raise economic welfare of the peasantry. The draft law on the lower redemption payments already made gr. Loris-Melikov to the State Council, . Ignatiev was subjected to a new treatment involving a small number of experienced people, . with monotonous ruble discount triumphed over the principle of proportionality redemption payments with income from the land,
. Similarly, even if g. Loris-Melikov was nominated to the stage the issue of peasant migrations, . a discussion which drew Ignatiev "Zemsky knowledgeable people", . and recognized the need for a fundamental reform of Local Government, . for the drafting of which was established in Ignatyev Kakhanov Commission,
. Initiative of the gr. Ignatieff belongs to the excitation of the drinking problem for which a permit, however, has progressed in its forward, he also belongs to participate in the drafting of the provisions of the Peasants' Bank. But other parts of the political program of Loris-Melikov submitted by Ignatiev, . as reflected in the publication of a strengthened and emergency protection Aug. 14, . in the actual limitations of the judicial transparency, . in a number of administrative actions against newspapers and magazines (the suspension of "Voices", . warnings Novaya Gazeta, . "Russian Courier"), . in the suspension started with the g,
. Loris-Melikov revision of laws on the press and others. In the Ministry Ignatiev appointed Senator audit in the Baltic provinces and issued provisional rules on Jews May 3, 1882, . shortly after the Jewish pogroms, . began in Elisavetgrad April 15, 1881, . spread to seven provinces and reached unprecedented dimensions before,
. Since 1884. Ignatiev is president of the Society for the Promotion of Russian industry and trade, 1888. - President of the Slavic Benevolent Society. Nat. Ignatiev was, especially in the 1870's, the subject of numerous brochures and pamphlets in all European languages. - Wed. Article. S. Ghana "Yusere Zeit" (1877); "Aus der Petersburger Gesellschaft" (5 ed., Lpts., 1880), Art. in "Russian Antiquities" (1890, # 1).

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Ignatiev, Nikolai Pavlovich, photo, biography
Ignatiev, Nikolai Pavlovich, photo, biography Ignatiev, Nikolai Pavlovich  Statesman, photo, biography
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