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Katenin Pavel

( Writer)

Comments for Katenin Pavel
Biography Katenin Pavel
(1792 - 1853)
Born in the ancestral village of Kostroma province, received his early education at home, joined the Ministry of Education, in 1810, Mr.. crossed bridle-lieutenant in the Transfiguration Regiment, fought at Borodino, Lutzen, Bautzen, Leipzig. In 1822, for the hissing artist Semenova, was sent to St. Petersburg Governor-General Count Miloradovich home, where he spent ten years. Two years after returning to St. Petersburg, was transferred to Erivansky regiment, the Caucasus, and in 1836 he was appointed commandant of the fortress Kizlyar. After serving two years, he retired and settled in his village. Literary activity Katenin began about 1810 g. Around this same time, he began working for the theater. In 1811, Mr.. was raised to translate the tragedy of Corneille's "Ariadne," in 1816, Mr.. translation of Racine's tragedy "Eseir"; in 1819, Mr.. he wrote a dramatic fragment "Feast of John of England, in 1821. released its remake "Gossip" ( "Le mechant", GRESSY), in 1822, Mr.. published translation of "Cid" of Corneille. In forced rustic seclusion, Katenin translated Marivaux comedy "Les fausses confidences", printed in 1827, Mr.. entitled "Fraud in favor of love", and wrote a tragedy in 5 acts "Andromache", which as the author himself, and Pushkin attached great importance. Katenin dramatic works were the result of dragging the theater, which led Katenin keenly interested in all the details of theatrical life, to participate in the distribution of roles, the actors take these roles, to teach their recitation, and t. d. Scenes for their epic and lyric poems Katenin took from ancient life ( "Old Story", "Miluse", "Singer pleasure" and others). How original and translated works Katenin not represent anything outstanding. Much more Katenin was known as a critic. Familiar with several new languages, knowing the Latin language, Katenin had the opportunity to study in perfection foreign - old and new - the classics. Pushkin, a close friend of catenins, considered him the best from contemporary critics and put it much higher A. Bestuzhev (Marly). Griboyedov gave at his trial his famous "Woe from Wit". The reason for this relationship was, of course, not only education catenins, but his critical sense and taste, which gave him the opportunity to evaluate correctly the "Eugene Onegin" and "Ruslan and Ludmilla". Katenin considered, and he thought of himself as a classic, "non-romantic". The classicism of its expression in the fact that he was above all set Corneille and Racine, as well as the esteemed writers in the nature of the Casimir Delavigne, which found "something Racine". In fact, in their views, he differed little from the writers ostensibly hostile to it of the Romantic movement. This is evident from his article "Reflections and reviews of" embodying his views on poetry in general, as well as essays poetry of Jewish, Greek, Latin and modern European. Here Katenin, as his imaginary opponents, requires the artistic work of realism, true images of real life. Analyzing contemporary comedy, Katenin complaining about their lack of "credibility" and "nature". He himself had to listen to contemporary critics on the one hand reproaches, on the other - praise for the "predisposition to the nation", for its commitment to simplicity and naturalness. Katenin was an enemy only of romanticism, whose parent in Russia "was Zhukovsky," poetic uncle devils and witches, German and English ". Shakespeare Katenin not understood and set far below the French classics. Wed. "Works Katenin, written in verse" (Part I and II, St. Petersburg, 1832), E. Petukhov, "P.A. Katenin "(a biographical sketch in" The Historical Gazette, 1888, "9);" the history of Russian theater. Letters P.A. Katenin to п?.п?. Kolosova "(" Russian Antiquities ", 1893,? 3 - 4). V. Botsyanovsky.

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