Kulish Panteleimon A.( Talented Little-Russian poet, essayist and historian)
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Biography Kulish Panteleimon A.
(1819 - 1897). Born in Chernigov province, in the family of an old Cossack family, he studied at Kiev University, but did not finish the course, was a teacher. Started writing in the anthology MA. Maksimovic "Kievlyanin" (1840). Close friends with the Polish writer Grabowski and Little-Russian scientists and poets. In 1845, Mr.. published the first chapters of major works: "Black Parliament". Pletnev caused Kulish in St. Petersburg, where he was preparing a scientific career, but Kulish joined Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood, along with Kostomarov and Shevchenko was arrested and imprisoned for 2 months in a fortress, then a 3-year installed in the Thule. Returning to St. Petersburg, wrote a series of articles without a signature, in 1856. had the opportunity to sign their works. Settling in Little Russia, he published "Notes on Southern Rus" (1856), - a valuable collection of historical songs and legends, "Radu the Black" (1857), Little-Russian almanac "cottage" and the collection of "Tales" (1860). In 1861 - 1862 years took an active part in ukrainofilskom journal "Basis". Has published writings Kotlyarevskogo and Kvitky, "Kobzar" Shevchenko, "Compositions and letters" Gogol. In 1862, Mr.. released a collection of his poems in the Little Russian language "Dosvitki". Prepared for the people "Gramatku" (Little-Russian primer, 2 edition, 1861) and coined the spelling (kulishevka), a distinguishing feature of which is to eliminate the "s". Until recently it was forbidden spelling. In the 60's and 70's of the Kulish wrote poems and stories in the Little Russian language, mainly in the Galician publications, translated into the Little-Russian language of the Pentateuch, Psalms and the Gospel. Since the early 70-ies Kulish turned to historical studies - and this time there is a sharp change in attitudes and beliefs, . expressed in censuring the Cossacks, and in particular Zaporozhye, . in sympathy with the government and the authorities, . from old Polish nobility, . of glorification of Catherine II for the destruction of Zaporozhye, . Later historical works of his poor actual content, wordy and rhetorical. In 1882, Mr.. out in Lviv his translation of Shakespeare to the Little-Russian language. Full list of works Kulish cm. in п?пЎп?п°пІя?п?п?п? "Komarova (1883) and" Essays on the history of Ukrainian literature, Petrova (p. 267). In the latter work revealed aliases Kulish (Kaziuko mugд?, Panko, and Rataj, etc.). About Kulish written many articles (most of them are listed Komarov and Petrov). Very extensive biography published by Professor Kulish Ogonowski in "Zore" 1893. (in "History of Russian Literature"). Detailed evaluation of the works Kulish given in "Essays" Petrova in "History of Russian Ethnography AN. Pypin. Valuable additions and corrections cm. academic review of Professor Dashkevich (award Uvarov Prize). N. P-in.