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Alexey Kurbatov

( Eminent Petrovsky time.)

Comments for Alexey Kurbatov
Biography Alexey Kurbatov
Being a slave Boyar B.P. Sheremetev it in 1697 - 1698 years traveled with him to Italy and the island of Malta. Shortly after returning from abroad gave to Peter, through an anonymous letter, the idea of the introduction in Russia stamp or "Orlen" paper, had just invented in the West. For this he was awarded the villages and was appointed clerk of the Armory Chamber. He keenly followed the interest of the sovereign's treasury, opening before Peter various abuses in this area. In 1705, Mr.. He was appointed inspector of the Town Hall and received a commission "to consider the Town Hall with all its circumlocution, and that may even add profit without the burdens of the people". As a result of such orders were suggestions Kurbatova, . much of which found the implementation of the decrees of Peter and the general sense of them - the suppression of the "grand theft charges in" by the death penalty for offenders and better organization of the control of local elected bodies suburban Management,
. When, with the establishment of provinces, City Hall has lost its meaning, Kurbatov in 1711, Mr.. sent to Arkhangelsk Deputy Governor. He shows here the same zeal for the official "spoil", introduces improvements in the armament garrison troops, build ships, arranges hospitals, horse farms. Suspected of abuse, it was in 1714. Peter removed from the post of vice-governor at the time of investigation. The investigation dragged on, and Kurbatov died (in 1721), without waiting for the final settlement of the case. - Kurbatov was one of the few members of Peter, sincerely sympathized with the cause of reform, "vizhdu, -" he once wrote to Peter - you are truly a vessel of God ". In his letters to Peter, he insists on the need, close to the military reforms, better internal order. He advised Peter, after the death of Patriarch Adrian, "the election of the patriarch to wait, and perhaps he gave the first idea to abolish the patriarchate. He designed the highest state institution, "the Governing Board, which proposed the name" Room-college "or" arhikantselyariey ". This institution should be to combine the highest administrative and judicial functions of the legislative body and serve as a control throughout the central and regional administration, by public prosecutors and the special "true-reliable" people. Kurbatov project was not implemented completely, but its influence is strongly affected manufactured in 1721 - 1722 years of the reform of the Senate. Sometimes Kurbatov dared to object about the individual activities of Peter, so, . example, . upholding the Town Hall, . He pointed to the advantages of concentration of financial management prior to its decentralization, . which led to the provincial reform, drew the attention of Peter to "my great popular cry", . is due to "neotlagaemyh pravezhey" in the collection of arrears, . he asked him "to pardon the people of his heritage and made installment,
. He was a supporter of the general provision of education in Russia, seeing it as a means of "good perspolirovaniya nationwide people". Another clerk Armory Chamber, he sought from Peter in his superintendence Moscow navigational and mathematical school. In Arkhangelsk, on their own initiative, he started the first provincial elementary school, typing "Soldiers' orphans man with forty". In its draft of the "cabinet-Collegium" he put the responsibility of the projected establishment of "earnest effort on the teaching in Moscow and St. Petersburg Academies free of various sciences in different dialects". Defending state-owned concern, Kurbatov raised in its revelations of such powerful men as F.M. Apraksin or TN. Venetian, and spoke sharply in his letters to Peter about the Prince-Caesar F.YU. Romodanovsky ( "frugal in their mad man"). In this he earned himself, as he puts it, "hatred cartridges". The only support Kurbatov found the prince aq. Menshikov, his "premilostiveyshego Bullet", who pays for it by flattery and indulgence of his greed. However, he ran with Menshikov in Soloviev, not even afraid to speak out against a strong enemy, and this collision was partly caused befell him at the end of life failure. - See. Pavlov Silvanskii Projects reforms in the notes contemporaries of Peter the Great "; Miliukov" Public Economy of Russia in the first quarter of XVIII century ". A. Zaozersky.

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Alexey Kurbatov, photo, biography Alexey Kurbatov  Eminent Petrovsky time., photo, biography
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