Theodosius Levitsky Nesterovich( Mystic)
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Biography Theodosius Levitsky Nesterovich
(1791 - 1845). Was a priest in Balta. Wrote an essay about the proximity of Domesday, which is sent to the Minister of Religious Affairs, Prince AN. Golitsyn. In 1823, Mr.. was summoned to St. Petersburg, had conversations with the Emperor and began to speak in the St. Petersburg church sermons about the imminent demise of the world. Written several books on the shortcomings of the church administration and seminaries and the oppression of the peasants in the western provinces, which were presented to the emperor. The storm broke over the mystics and the Bible Society, only increased the jealousy Levitsky. After floods in 1824, he said the sermon, which called it karoyu God for lack of desire to repent in the government. After Levitsky Konevetsky was exiled to the monastery, his writings and correspondence have been transferred to the backroom of the Synodal Archives. In the monastery Levitsky enjoyed freedom, it is not allowed only to sermons. Hence Levitsky sent several letters to Golitsyn, and the new word of the impending court of God, with those predicted by the Emperor Alexander near end. In 1827, Mr.. he was allowed to return to Balta. Here he built a hospice and conducted a written interview with splitters. Local eunuchs believed Levitsky "their". He wrote an autobiography in 4 parts, the second of which was published in "Russian Antiquities" (1880, IX, XI). - See. L. Brodsky, "Priest F. Levitsky and his works, presents to the Emperor Alexander I "(St. Petersburg, 1911).