Nicholas MAIKOV Apollonovich( Painter)
Comments for Nicholas MAIKOV Apollonovich
Biography Nicholas MAIKOV Apollonovich
(1796 - 1873), father of Apollo, Valerian and Leonid Maikov. Son of the Director of the Imperial Theaters, was educated in St. Petersburg 2 nd Cadet Corps. Wounded at Borodino, was dismissed for a cure in the Yaroslavl his father's estate, there was self-taught practice in drawing, which has not ceased to engage in and return to the army. In Paris, took up oil paints and wanted to go to Italy but, obeying his father's will, returned to Russia, he retired and settled in Moscow. Perfected copying and sketches from nature, moved to Petersburg, where he acquired goodwill of Nicholas I. On behalf of the Emperor Maikov wrote a series of images for the Holy Trinity Church, . in the Izmailovo Regiment, . had given him, . 1835, . title of academician, . image for the small iconostasis of St. Isaac's Cathedral, . the execution of which worked for about 10 years (later they were found inconvenient to play and replaced by a mosaic of other artists originals, . partly reworked tracks from the Maikov), . Being engaged in work for various metropolitan and provincial temples dedicated Maikov leisure images of female heads and naked beauties (the "Resting bather in Elagin Palace). It should be mentioned ceilings and medallions in the house Yusupova, on Liteiny Avenue, in St. Petersburg. In the museum of Alexander III, in the Tretyakov Gallery and in the Rumyantsev Museum - a number of his portraits (including the portrait of his father). Maikov not passed a major art school, but the flavor was not deprived of strength, harmony and grace.