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Markov Eugene L.

( Famous Writer)

Comments for Markov Eugene L.
Biography Markov Eugene L.
(1835 - 1903). Born in an old landed family Schigrovskogo district, Kursk province. As a gifted mother, the daughter of General Suvorov, Ghana, Markov - a close relative of writers Gan, Blavatsky, Zhelikhovsky, Publicist, General Rostislav Fadeev and S.YU. Witte. He graduated from Kharkov University in the course of the candidate of Natural Sciences. A teacher of high school in Tula, which at that time about the headmaster, Gayarina, grouped circle of young teachers, the desire to put animated pedagogical work on new lines. Markov soon became a school inspector. An article on the Yasnaya Polyana school, Count Leo Tolstoy (1862) drew attention to Markov's Ministry of Education, he was offered a place in the Scientific Committee and was soon appointed director of the Simferopol gymnasium and public schools in the Crimea. The new direction of academic affairs at the graph DA. Tolstoy was unsympathetic to him, besides his health was ruined, and he in 1870. left the service, left for a year in southern Europe, then settled in the village, was chairman of the county schigrovskoy rural council, then a permanent member of the peasant presence. In 1881, Mr.. Count Ignatiev caused Markov to St. Petersburg as a "knowledgeable person" for drinking and settlement business, and he was one of 6 persons elected to protect developed "knowledgeable people" projects in the State Council meeting. Since late 1880 was manager Markov Voronezh Branch of the nobility and the peasant land banks. He made several trips to Italy, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Palestine, Central Asia and the Caucasus. His literary career began Markov in 1858, Mr.. story "long-eared bat" ( "Russian Messenger"). In the 60 years published a number of pedagogical and critical articles in The Russian Messenger, "" Notes of the Fatherland "," Journal of the Ministry of National Education and others, as well as travel essays on overseas trips and outings to the Crimea. The latter was particularly successful, and published in 1872. a book ( "Sketches of Crimea), in 1884. reached the 2 nd edition. The flowering of literary activity Markova refers to the 70 th year. Unusually resounding success that befell his article (1875) in The Voice about lawyers ( "The Sophists XIX century."), Prompted him to surrender to the literature with special zeal. He became one of the fertility of publicists and critics and tries to force on their career novels and stories. In a separate publication, except for "Sketches of the Crimea" appeared: "Young Master. Pictures of the past "(St. Petersburg, 1875; autobiographical memories of childhood, the author)," Collected Works "(St. Petersburg, 1877, Volume I. Journalism and criticism, Volume II. Travel and teachers), "Chernozem field", a novel (St. Petersburg, 1877), "Sea Shore", a novel about the life of the Crimean (St. Petersburg, 1880), "Caucasian Sketches" (St. Petersburg, 1887), "Journey East. Tsargrad and Archipelago. In a country of Pharaohs "(St. Petersburg, 1890)," Journey to the Holy Land "(St. Petersburg, 1891). Because not included in these publications at one time attracted the attention of a number of critical articles in The Voice "and" Russian Speech "on Turgenev, Nekrasov, Dobrolyubova Ostrovsky and other. Least of all valuable works of fiction Markov. In "Young Master" and its continuation: "School year young master" ( "Virgin Soil, . 80-ies), an autobiographical element is almost overshadows the elements of typical, . in other works rhetorically-ambiguous manner, . general characteristic of all the writings of Markov, . significant harm to the artistic impression,
. Despite the fact that as a critic he was a bitter enemy of bias, Markov's own novels - a writer bright-biased. Chief of his novel - "Chernozem field" - is an almost continuous preaching of the, . Precisely what can be called well-meaning bourgeois liberals happiness and some very special Populism, . nothing to do with democracy,
. Hero of the novel Surovtsev - a person is largely autobiographical - sincerely want to work for the benefit of the people, . but the source of this desire is not in the sense of duty before the people, . in a purely idyllic view on village life, . how to communicate with nature and the removal of distorted noise of city life,
. The desire to create a Surovtseva and his bride "heroes" in the literal sense, no little harm novel, which, in general, the impression of saccharine idyll. Much higher than his fiction Markov numerous travel sketches, partly written in fictional form. Markov - a great stylist, he has a vivid sense of nature in "Sketches of the Crimea" many pages of truly poetic. But here it does not abandon his usual tone of excitement, he often falls into the rhetoric. As a critic, Markov is primarily on the aesthetic point of view and based on it, could not properly understand Nekrasov. He saw only the weaknesses of his satiric poetry and civil and not appreciated the poetic gold such works as "Jack Frost", "Knight Time" and other. But he can impute a serious credit for articles about "Cossacks," Tolstoy. This is a great product in its time (1865) passed almost unnoticed, only one Markov appreciated all of its depth. As a teacher, he was one of the most violent opponents of Leo Tolstoy in the last campaign against the practices of European pedagogy. As written in the 60-ies under Markov: "Signs of the disease in our old teacher, the author with great sharpness rebels against the intervention of the clergy in the life of the people, middle and high school. In his articles Markov chasing spectacular formulas often leads to extreme exaggeration. Markov, very proud that both his journalistic and other articles, he is completely free from bias and does not retreat from the demands of life in favor of any kind was a "school". Nevertheless, the general course of his literary work is a gradual deviation in one direction. As in the 60-ies employee Fatherland Notes edition Nekrasov and Saltykov, . he is in the early 70-ies mostly worked in the Journal of Europe ", . in the mid-70's - in the bourgeois-liberal "Voice", . in the late 70-ies - in semiconservative "Russian Speech", . in the 80's and 90's of the element of opposition and appeal of vital forces of society completely disappears from his articles, . besides, he almost no longer acted as a journalist and critic, and given only a neutral area travel impressions,
. The most common name Markov appeared in the magazine "Russian Messenger" and "Russian Review", from the newspapers - in New Times. S. Vengerov.

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