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Platon Pavlov V.

( historian and social activist)

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Biography Platon Pavlov V.
(1823 - 1895)
was born in Nizhny Novgorod landowner County P.F. Kozlova, in 1844 he graduated from the course in the main teachers' training college, which was on. In 1847, he received a Master of Greek literature and in the same year was appointed to the Kiev University, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Russian History. In 1849, P. Moscow University was awarded the degree of doctor of historical sciences, economics and statistics and was appointed professor. When she was a professor in Kiev II. extended history teaching, . Russia's first entering into it in 1858 Course history of plastic arts, . in connection with the development of culture ", he also arranged with the University of Kiev Museum of Fine Arts, . initiating and special in its library for the arts,
. Around the same time concerns and the main merit of P. - Organization in Kiev, and later in St. Petersburg, where he transferred in 1859 was a member of the Archaeological Commission, the first in Russia, Sunday school. In 1861 he was elected professor of Russian history at St. Petersburg University, but did not read it in a single lecture, because the first was on vacation, followed by temporary closure of the university, and early in 1862 P. administrative order was sent to Vetluga for, . that at a public reading in favor of requiring writers concluded his speech on the Millennium of Russia the following words: "Russia is now standing over the abyss, . in which we and cast, . if you do not turn to the last resort to get closer to the people,
. He who has ears to hear, let him hear ". After some time, reference P. mitigated the translation of a fire, and in 1866 P. allowed to return, after which he lived in Tsarskoe Selo, teaching statistics at the Constantine military school; in 1870 he was appointed a member of the Archaeological Commission, which prepared the publication of the Siberian Chronicles (note P. in these chronicles was published in the Chronicle classes Archaeological Commission, "t. VI), and in 1875 approved full professor at Kiev University in the newly established Department of Art History and Theory, which held until 1885. Literary its activities P. began to move to "Notes of the Fatherland" on the student's desk. High hopes that P. initiated early, he lived his first major work: "On the historical significance of the reign of Boris Godunov (1849; perepech. in 1863 - Doctoral thesis PA), attracted the spotlight. Followed his article: "On the Zemsky Sobor XVI and XVII centuries" ( "Fatherland Notes, 1860, # 1 and 2)," Millennium of Russia "(" Academic mesyatseslov in 1862; separately, St. Petersburg, 1863). Judging by the latest work, he had extensive plans for the study of Russian history in a proper understanding of which he saw self-knowledge of the people, more and more, well, he was interested in the history of culture. Disaster in 1862 found P. in the prime of mental life, . but when, . years later, . resume the interrupted works, . the forces, . undermined by poor living conditions during his exile in the first years after returning from, . have proved to be inadequate, . to bring them to the end, his "experience of the introduction to the history" (Fatherland Notes, . 1874, . ? 5 and 6) and "Introduction to the science of art" (Kiev University Izvestia, . 1880) give only an indication of, . that he could have done under other circumstances,
. Other published works P.: "Comparative Statistics of Russia" (1869 - Course, . Reported in the Constantine School), . "Pocket-book of comparative statistics, Russia, . with the card industry "(1869), . "The significance of some of the fresco of St. Sophia Cathedral Kiev" ( "Proceedings of III Archaeological Congress", . Kiev, . 1874), . "On the Subject of Theory and History of Art" ( "Proceedings of the IV Archaeological Congress in Kazan, . 1877), . number of articles on art history and foreign policy in the Fatherland Notes, . The Contemporary, . "Bees", . "Artistic Gazette and others.,

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Platon Pavlov V., photo, biography
Platon Pavlov V., photo, biography Platon Pavlov V.  historian and social activist, photo, biography
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