Polenov Alexey( Lawyer XVIII century)
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Biography Polenov Alexey
(1738 - 1816). A pupil of the academic high school and university, Polenov in 1762, Mr.. was sent abroad, where until 1767, Mr.. studied Roman history and antiquities, Legal Science and French. Number to 1771. at the Academy of Sciences, without any post, too lazy to write a great time to study "On the peasant serfdom in Russia in 1766 on the proposed r. Free Economic Society theme: "What is better for the state to peasants had owned the land, or only the movable property, and how far to both the issue extends". In this work, . with the golden medal with propisaniem thereof on behalf of the author ", . Polenov fairly detailed account of the sad side of serfdom, . offers to fix their compulsory education for the peasants to read and write and insists on the need to make concessions in their favor of the landlords' land "for a certain service and a limited right", . Encouraging and other measures to improve social order and the rise of agriculture, . found application only much later, . Published this argument in "Russian Archive" (1865, III). However Bashilov Polenov labored on behalf of the Academy over the publication of 2 parts Nikonova Chronicles (1768). Follow his works were limited to translations ( "Reflections on the causes majesty of the Roman people and its decline" Montesquieu, "Discourse on the reasons for the establishment or destruction of the laws" Frederick II, "On the property of human morality" Feofrast). Later Polenov served in the Senate, Loan Bank and the commission to formulate laws Imperial Russia, where he focused on the development of criminal laws. Compiled remained unpublished first part of the history of the Order of Malta. Wed. his biography, written by DV. Polenov in "Russian Archive" (1865, III).