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Lev Alexandrovich Tikhomirov

( Religious philosopher.)

Comments for Lev Alexandrovich Tikhomirov
Biography Lev Alexandrovich Tikhomirov
19/31.1.1852 - 16/10/1923

Information historian, essayist. He studied in Moscow. un-te. In 1879 - member of the executive committee of 'People's Will'. In 1882 he emigrated, produced together with Lavrov, 'Journal of the People's Will'. Since the mid 80's walked away from the revolutionary movement, became a fervent Christian.

Characteristic views 'new world view' Tikhomirov was to develop an ethical theory of monarchy. (Zamaleev п?.пє. Course history of Russian philosophy. M., 1995. S. 123).

Teaching the Law of political development, as understood Tikhomirov, read: 'The progressive evolution leads to the growth and prosperity of the monarchy. Regressive - the destruction of the state and the transition to other forms of supreme power, ie. the aristocracy and democracy '. A direct illustration of this law Tikhomirov represented the Russian state. (Zamaleev п?.пє. Course history of Russian philosophy. Moscow.: Nauka, 1995. S. 124).

Major works 1 / monarchist Statehood. M., 1905, reprint - M., 1992, 2 / Fighting Age. M., 1895; 3/Gosudarstvo, freedom and Christianity. Simferopol, 1912.

Edition 1. Where is the best? Tale of four brothers and their adventures. - [Geneva: Izdatel'stvo and type. 'chaynovtsev'], 1873. 2. 'People's Will' Party. Calendar for 1883. - Geneva, 1883. Same for 1889. 3. Why I stopped being a revolutionary. [1888]. Same. - M.: Type. Wilde, 1895. Same. - [Geneva]: Union or Cricket, 1889. 4. Beginnings and endings. Liberals and terrorists. - Moscow: University. type., 1890. 5. Clergy and Society in the modern religious movement. - Moscow: Rus. Review, 1892. Same. - Moscow: University. type., 1893. 6. Constitutionalists in the era of 1881. - Moscow: University. type., 1895. Same. Publishing. 2-e, 1895. Same. Publishing. 3rd, rev., 1895. 7. Sign of the times - the ideal vehicle. - M.,: Universitiet. type., 1895. 8. Cricket century. - Moscow: University. type., 1895. 9. Liberal Democracy and Social. - Moscow: University. type., 1896. 10. New fruit teachings of Count Leo Tolstoy. - [Kiev]: Type. I. Chokolova, 1897. 11. A one-man rule as the principle of public buildings. MI: University. type., 1897. 12. Warsaw and Vilna in 1863. - M., 1897. 13. Land and factory: (K vopr. on economic. policy). - Moscow: University. type., 1899. 14. Christian problem of Russia and the Far East. - Moscow: University. type., 1900. 15. Policy Issues. - Moscow: University. ed., 1900. 16. Labor question and Russian ideals. - Moscow: University. type., 1902. 17. Religious composition of Russia. - Moscow: University. type., 1902. 18. The individual, society and the Church. - [Sergiev Posad]: Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, 1903. 19. Zaprsy life and our church administration. - Moscow: University. ed., 1903. 20. Statehood and Religion. - Moscow: University. type., 1903. 21. Altruism and Christian love. - Vyshnij Volochek: Type. VS Sokolova, 1905. Same. Publishing. 2-e, dop. Application.: Thoughts of St. Isaac the Syrian about Christian love, mercy and charity. - Sergiev Posad: Type. Ivanova, 1915. (Religioz.-Philosophy. Bk. Б?? .9). 22. On the Meaning of War. - Moscow: University. type., 1904. 23. The individual, society and the Church. - Moscow: University. type., 1904. (Religioz.-Philosophy. Bk. Tech. 5). 24. Monarchist state. CH. 1.4. - Moscow: University. type., 1905. CH. 1. Origin and maintenance of the monarchical principle. CH. 2. Roman-Byzantine statehood. CH. 3. Russian statehood. CH. 4. Monarchist politics. Same. - SPb.: AO 'Set', 1992. 25. Christianity and politics. - M.: Fidelity, 1906. 26. Socio-political Essays: Essays 1.3. - M.: Fidelity, 1906. Essay 1. Citizen and proletarians. Essay 2. The merits and mistakes of socialism. Essay 3. Fruits proletarian ideas. Same. M.: Fidelity, 1908. 27. What is the fatherland. - M.: Fidelity, 1907. 28. Underground: Sketches from the life of the Russian revolutionaries of 70-80 years.: Per. s fr. - SPb.: Friend of the People, 1907. 29. Apocalyptic doctrine of fate and the end of the world. - Sergiev Posad: Trinity type., 1907. 30. On the shortcomings of the Constitution in 1906. - Moscow: University. type., 1907. 31. The question of social activities for students ... - M.: Fidelity, 1907. 32. Christianity and politics. - M.: Fidelity, 1908. 33. Workers and the State. - SPb.: Type. gas. 'Russia', 1908. 34. The labor problem: (Prakt. ways of its solution). - M.: 1909. 35. Press Law. - SPb.: Type. gas. 'Russia', 1909. 36. Sovereignty and the basic laws in 1906. - M.: Type. VM Sablin, 1909. 37. Representation of the people in the supreme power. - Type. VM Sablin, 1910. 38. What is a monarchy? Experience monarchical catechism. - M.: Vostrogov, 1911. 39. The reform of renewed Russia. (Articles 1909, 1910, 1911.) - M.: Type. VM Sablin, 1912. 40. Reminiscences of Lev Tikhomirov. - Moscow, Leningrad: Gos. ed., 1927. 41. Conspirators and the police. - M., L.: Mol. Guard, 1928. Idem: Per. s fr. - M.: Izd Vsesoyuz. ob-va political prisoners and exiles. 1930. 42. Monarchist state. SPb., 1992.

Literature Serebryakov E. Open letter L.T. Geneva, 1888; Plekhanov GV. New defender of autocracy, or grief, Mr.. L.T. / Op. Moscow, Leningrad, 1928. T. 3; Figner VN. Leo T. / / Full. cit. op. M., 1932. T. 5; Tvardovskii VA. Socialist. thought in Russia at the turn of 1870-1880-ies. M., 1969; Stepanov aq. "I saw and turned away ...": L.T. of Russian. roar. / Veche: Almanac rus. philosophy and culture. SPb., 1994. Tech. 1.

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Lev Alexandrovich Tikhomirov, photo, biography Lev Alexandrovich Tikhomirov  Religious philosopher., photo, biography
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