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Alexei Razumovsky Kirillovich

( statesman.)

Comments for Alexei Razumovsky Kirillovich
Biography Alexei Razumovsky Kirillovich
1748 - 1822)
. Razumovsky received a thorough education: for him and his brothers had arranged a special "institution" in which Schletzer first to introduce the teaching of statistics, called "Knowledge of his own country"; later, he attended lectures at the University of Strasbourg
. First, he was carrying only courtly service, but in 1786, Mr.. was appointed Senator. In 1795, because of disagreement to approve the proposed law by the Empress, Razumovsky resigned and re-entered into service only in 1807, the trustee of the Moscow University. In that position he had held a decree on the election of the Rector for three years (instead of one year), and patronized the Society of Naturalists, on whose behalf it was formed expedition to study in Moscow Province. In 1810, Mr.. Razumovsky was appointed Minister of Education. In the first two years of his administration were open 72 parochial schools, . 24 county schools, . Several high schools and other educational institutions, improve teaching, strengthen the supervision of teachers, foreigners, opened several scientific societies, established at the Moscow University the first department of Slavic literature, with personal assistance Razumovsky drafted the charter of the Lyceum of Tsarskoe Selo, and held its opening,
. After 1812, he cooled off considerably to the service and the last two years is not involved in the affairs. As to the appointment of a minister member of the Masonic lodge and a follower of. Pozdeeva, which long was in correspondence (she published a. Vasilchikova in his book "Family Razumovsky"), Razumovsky since 1810, Mr.. fall under the influence of the Jesuits and, mainly, the famous Count Joseph de Menstra. Last literally dispose of, . dictated, . What should teach Russian and what not to teach ", according to his instructions, . were discarded from the initial program Greek Lyceum, . Archeology, . natural history, . astronomy, . chemistry and the history of philosophical systems, . as "not useful in illuminating the truths of the mind, . and darkened errors and bewilderment,
. Under the influence of the same de Menstra Razumovsky introduced new censorship and began fighting with Vilna trustee Adam Czartoryski because of the Russification of the Western Region, which was a supporter of de Menstr. Failure to combat Czartoryski and distrust the government to the Jesuits forced Razumovsky request the resignation, and given that he was in 1816, Mr.. The first two years after this Razumovsky lived in Moscow and in his estate near Moscow, with. Gorenka, where he has been led by a botanical garden, which was considered until the 1830's one of the wonders of Moscow. From 1818, Mr.. He lived in Little Russia, in the town Pochep, Mglinskogo County, where he died. According Vigel, all the sons of Hetman Cyril Razumovsky "were stuffed with French literature, clothed in foreign forms, considered themselves Russian Montmorency, were the kind with the court and intolerable outside aristocrats". This book. A. Vasilchikov adds that the eldest of them, Alex, was "excessive pride ... and severe in the circle of his family ". Besides the two legitimate sons, Razumovsky had five "students" - perovskite (cm. XXIII, 347 et seq.). See. Memoirs Vigel, "Notes" Grech; Shevyrev "History of Moscow University (Moscow, 1855); A. Vasilchikov "Family Razumovsky" (t. II, St. Petersburg, 1880) and "Note on the last years of Count AK. Razumovsky in the Ukraine, his death and burial "(Kiev Antiquity", 1894,? 3). V. P-in.

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Alexei Razumovsky Kirillovich, photo, biography
Alexei Razumovsky Kirillovich, photo, biography Alexei Razumovsky Kirillovich  statesman., photo, biography
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